hopeandtheabsurd Member


  • Being able to hit the easy button when I am not feeling well is key for me. For example, meals prepared when you feel well that you can freeze and just take out and microwave. A list on the refrigerator of easy to make foods that you might not remember you have the ingredients for in the midst of a 5 day migraine. Perhaps…
  • How many days in a row have you stuck to your 1400-1500 calories recently? If I have a cheat period of more than one meal, I can count on about 4 days of miserable hunger before I'm OK again, and that's if I stick EXACTLY to plan--if I keep bouncing up and down, the hunger never really settles down.
  • My monthly TDEE as calculated by calories in and weight lost bounces all over the place in the range of about +-200 (because fat loss can be masked by water retention for annoyingly long sometimes). Certain times of year my TDEE is higher due to higher general (non-exercise) activity. There is a general downward trend as I…
  • And the huge hepatitis outbreak at ChiChi's in 2003, which isn't still around (but they had already filed for bankruptcy before the outbreak so it wasn't the only problem they had). There are no Chipotles near me, but I've tried a couple of times to eat at Chipotle when out of town. Unfortunately (fortunately?) the lines…
  • Amazing meal chocolate infusion is vegetarian and made with organic cane juice as the sweetener. For 130 calories it has 12g protein, 4g fiber, and 7g sugar. I really like it post-workout blended up with almond milk and frozen raspberries. I've also used Nutiva unsweetened organic hemp protein powder, which has 90…
  • If the bike ride you described gave me a headache and it wasn't a dehydration issue, it would likely be due to one of the following: bright sunlight or heat (migraine triggers), or clenching up my jaw or neck (due to a bumpy road or not paying attention to staying loose). Don't know if any of those might apply to your…
  • Have a really strong biological feedback system that keeps you at a stable healthy weight is a dream goal for many. I would consider the possible negatives of forcing yourself to eat more to gain weight if it is messing with your digestive system and mental equilibrium. Are the benefits of gaining weight really there for…
  • Everyone in my sphere is eating donuts today...why not piiiiiie?
  • I've gotten pain on the back of my knees from more walking than normal, I have very tight hamstrings so I attributed it to that. Running shoes are not necessarily the greatest to just walk in for long distances.
  • With only 4 pounds lost since the last measurement, it is likely that the measuring error inherent in any sort of measuring system (especially something like a bio-impedance scale, which I am assuming is what your trainer used) overwhelms any true changes. Things like hydration status make a huge difference in results. I…
  • I've heard of 2 different kinds of 5:2. In one, you can eat what you like on the 5 days, on the other you stick to maintenance calories for the 5 days. It sounds like you were on the first plan. With the second, a person has 5 days a week to practice maintenance level calories, so transitioning from 5 to 7 days of…
  • I honestly do not think there is anything you can do, and if you keep pushing it you may lose her as a friend. Eventually she may get an injury that sidelines her in a way she can't sidestep, and that may be the point at which she needs your help (to listen and be there for her, not lecture her or tell her what to do). She…
  • I just want to know what country the OP lives in, because in the US bacon is 95% fat. I could see ripping off the little strip of fat on the edge of a slice of Canadian bacon, I do that sometimes if I am not in the mood to eat unrendered fat.
  • Where I live the love for CFA is strong, but I never really got the appeal of it. On the plus side, the lemonade is pretty good and the employees are generally friendly. I might be banished from the region if I admitted to anyone IRL that I am not on the CFA bandwagon. B)
  • Think back on why you fell for him in the first place. Can you "see" that person in him anymore? The physical aspect of a relationship can (should?) be about so much more than just what the person looks like. The crinkle of the eye, the secret smile he only uses for you, the joke he told that you still are giggling about,…
  • I would find it creepy to get asked out if I hadn't had some kind of actual conversation with the person previously. What's he basing it on, how I look in yoga pants?
  • I would check your blood sugar immediately before you exercise and then afterward and when you start feeling nauseous. See if anything looks off. Also, the fact that it happens in hot weather and involves nausea/dizziness makes me wonder if it might be heart related, so it might be worthwhile to see a cardiologist (and…
  • I tried pommelo for the first time recently and realized that it was how I always wanted grapefruit to taste. Don't know if I'll ever really like grapefruit, but pommelo....mmm! (Looks like an enormous grapefruit, but less bitter)
  • If you carry a large enough purse/book bag you could leave a tuna pouch/protein bar/peanut butter crackers in there.
  • 50g seems really low for someone who is doing weight training, that is not much above the RDA minimum for a completely sedentary person. I would go with something closer to 80g. Maybe some others with strength training experience can chime in?
  • There is a disconnect between what you say you want and how you are acting. You say that you are happier with your current weight and body fat, but then you quiz him on all your specific body parts and how he does/does not like them. Why invite criticism and put yourself through a level of objectification that leaves you…
  • I've had this happen before and rinsing my face before and immediately after I worked out seemed to help. Also upped my water intake.
  • If you want to accurately determine your starting TDEE, you could use the maintenance number given to you on MFP consistently for a month and see how your weight tracks with that...if you lose 1 pound over the whole month, you will know that you are running about 125 calories above the "average" for your…