happyauntie2015 Member


  • I just log each machine i do with weights and reps. I like to look back and see especially so I can increase my weight when the time presents itself
  • I use mine on eggs in any form, sliced avacado, a halved avacado with an egg baked in it, cottage cheese, any veggies that I put cream cheese on and on avacado toast with tomato. I don't like it on roasted vegetables but you may.
  • I log anything with calories. They all add up at the end of the day
  • It depends. If the package gives me a cooked weight I measure out that serving once cooked. It I'm weighing poultry, beef or seafood I almost always weigh that raw.
  • I count both carbs and calories. I count the carbs because i am diabetic and I count calories because in order for me to loose weight i need to be in a calorie deficit. If you feel better on low carb go that way if you feel just fine only counting calories that is just fine too. Try not to allow food to give you negative…
  • I just make room in my calorie budget for the day what it is I want that I don't normally have. I weigh that portion if I'm home and log it. I had 1 scoop of ice cream and shared a piece of birthday cake just last weekend for my mom's birthday. I don't want to be like the old me and deny myself food because then I was…
  • My favorite shake is premier protein. I've poured it over ice coffee instead of using creamer as well but it's tasty on it's own too. My afternoon pick me up before the gym is usually a big ice coffee with the shake to be honest. If I run late in the mornings i use it as a meal replacement and I'm good til my lunch hour.…
  • Congratulations on your loss so far! I think my unintentional fasting is helping me. My eating window seems to be from 12p-7p. I weigh everything on a food scale or measure spoons/cups depending on solids or liquids. That has to help me the most I think because I'm controlling my portions which means calories too! I eat…
  • Good luck to you! I found when I completely give up MFP because I think oh I can continue on with what I've learned that I regain every time. Nice loss so far!
  • My snacks vary depending on how many calories and carbs I have remaining for the day. I've had cheese and pecans, half a banana and peanut butter, frozen yogurt and a few berries (I like to freeze my two good yogurts), half an apple and peanut butter, beef stick and cheese and sometimes if I'm wanting a milkshake I'll take…
  • I need to loose over 100 pounds feel free to add me. The more support the better! :)
  • Does it fit within your plan? Do you like them? If yes go for it! I for one don't care for them for example but sometimes use premier protein shakes as a meal replacement.
  • It seems we are responsible for our own journeys. Sure it would be great to have everyone in board but sometimes that just isnt the case. I'm pretty lucky my sister and husband eat what i eat ( i meal prep for us) and my 4yo niece atleast tries it and if she doesn't like what i make then she gets something else. I go to…
  • I'm hoping to find the peaches and cream in my area. I don't care for the cookies and cream however hubby drinks 2 a day. Infact he had me add ice and blend it as a treat.
  • I freeze a variety of things. Soups, eggs, cooked bacon, pasta, and i also have chicken, brown eice and veggies currently in my freezer. I purchase containers from my local grocers or amazon. I sometimes freeze things in freezer storage bags as well
  • Feel free to add me
  • I meal prep. I bake or grill all my chicken in 1 day and then keep 3 days worth of meals in my fridge and freeze the remaining portions. On the morning of day 3 i take out a couple more to thaw in the fridge.
  • Hard boiled eggs, nuts, string cheese, clementines, yogurt, cottage cheese, apples, peanut butter or lunch meat are usually my norm
  • I log all of my exercise not because i want to know how many calories I've burned but because it's easier for me to keep trach what day or days I've done which exercises. I don't try and estimate the calories burned when i have to use the create exercise feature either. The cardio feature gives me an estimate of calories…
  • I have a generic food scale from walmart. I use to measure with measuring cups or by eyeballing. I also assumed that if a package said 1 scoope was x grams or 1 serving quest bar for example was x grams that sometimes the item weighed more. I also notice and i wish i still had the pic that the peanut butter per tablespoon…
  • There is no special plan. Once you are regulated with medication if you are eating at a calorie deficit weightloss will occur with or without exercise. Weightloss starts in the kitchen and exercise is for heart health. You can do it!
  • Check their website :) i order my sauce on the side because i like light sauce and can control the amt
  • I just have a cup of coffee. Ive tried pre workout and i get itchy and i dont like how it makes me feel
  • Glad you're starting to feel better! When I'm sick i tend to eat less as I'm just not hungry. I avoid the gym because i don't want to spread whatever i have going on. If i feel up to it i might take a walk or do a video at home however i mostly just take care of myself and rest.
  • I like them roasted. I slice them in half the night before and place them in a zip lock bag with a little Olive oil, pepper, salt, garlic and onion powder, sliced mushrooms, sweet tomatoes and bacon pieces. Oven goes on 400 for 25 minutes
  • Only if you choose to explain.
  • We took our niece to McDonalds today. I had a cheeseburger kids meal only lettuce and add mac sauce and a gogurt and apple slices with a bottled water. I wanted a big Mac and was satisfied with the smaller serving
  • Are you taking measurements? The scale is just a number and many factors can move that number up, down or not at all. Your measurements can change and not the scale.
  • I have some medical issues that keep from working out for days to months at a time. I've lost 33 pounds so far mainly by staying in a calorie deficit. I exercise when I can for my health and do chair yoga it seems to help my muscles. I take medications that cause me to gain water weight so I pay more attention to my…