Hard doing this alone

I was hoping to find people who are interested in friending me. I started this a month ago and to be completely honest, I am struggling. I have tried asking family and friends to join me on this journey. The few I know can do it, are not interested. It's hard to eat separately from my family on family dinner nights. It's hard to get myself up to exercise while everyone around me sits and watches TV. I am lost on what exercises will work to burn fat that I can do at home. I can't give up. My health is depending on this. My kids are depending on me. Anyone else not sure what to do?


  • XxQueenMxX
    XxQueenMxX Posts: 683 Member
    Just focus on your self and your kids!! Lets be honest, if someone else is working out or not working out it only affects THEM!!! Just because someone is working out and eating good doesn't mean you're going to do it too if you simply dont feel like it. Just focus on YOU and what YOU can change. Start by making small changes, make healthier meals for you and your kids. Ground turkey is great, you can make different things for you and at the same time feed it to them. Go for walks with them if you have to, go to the park and just run around! You said it your self, your kids are depending on you, your health is depending on you. Dont depend on others to change YOUR life. Maybe once you are commited and make physical changes, maybe your family will get on board, but dont' expect it. Good luck, you can do it!!! Add me if you like :)
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    If they won't join you, can they at least support and encourage you? Explain that your health depends on this and suggest things they can do to support you.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,738 Member
    How old are your kids? Depending on their ages can you get them up and active with you? Setting an example and limiting idle screen time is a good idea. Kids need to be active and stimulated. Can you go outside for a walk together? Or take them to a playground?

    Don't get focused on structured, timed workouts right now. Just moving more and making it a habit helps. Have you calculated your daily calorie goal here? If so, you can eat the same things you've been eating but in smaller quantities.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,526 Member
    Weight loss is a solitary pursuit. You may find a kindred spirit here and there for a time, but you need to prepare to go your own way.

    I like the vegetables added to family dinner idea. Plenty of them.

    You don’t need to exercise to lose weight. But there are a lot of reasons to do it. Figure out when you are going to fit it in. Once you have your time slot, get up and defend it. You already know the danger, your exercise time will get filled with couch sitting if you let it happen. Start slow. You’ll be surprised by the pull of the exercise habit once you have it in place.

    I started in weight loss because I feared I was going to die and leave 2 little kids with no dad for no reason. That was 23 years ago. In the end it wasn’t exactly about them, it was about me and what kind of person I was going to be.

    This is doable and you can do it. Calculate a modest calorie deficit. Start a food diary and keep it no matter what. Try to hit your number. You’ll soon find that you need to start each day and week with some kind of plan. If your plan doesn’t work, make a better one for tomorrow. There’s a learning curve. You can learn calorie counting. There will be problems, you can solve them. Be determined.
  • andreascjonsson
    andreascjonsson Posts: 433 Member
    edited March 2018
    Bodyweight exercises are great for home, I highly recommend "You are your own gym". It gives a good burn and does not require any Equipment at all. If you are going to get a piece of Equipment i would highly recommend a threadmill or a bike. Put it in the same room as the tv (if you got the space) and just walk on an incline on the threadmill or bike while still watching tv with your family.

    The bonus here is that everyone will see how hard you work and maybe appriciate you more for the work you put in, maybe they will even start to get more exercise themselves.
  • My kids are 6 and 4. They walk with me around the house outside.

    BZAH10 wrote: »
    How old are your kids? Depending on their ages can you get them up and active with you? Setting an example and limiting idle screen time is a good idea. Kids need to be active and stimulated. Can you go outside for a walk together? Or take them to a playground?

    Don't get focused on structured, timed workouts right now. Just moving more and making it a habit helps. Have you calculated your daily calorie goal here? If so, you can eat the same things you've been eating but in smaller quantities.

  • happyauntie2015
    happyauntie2015 Posts: 282 Member
    It seems we are responsible for our own journeys. Sure it would be great to have everyone in board but sometimes that just isnt the case. I'm pretty lucky my sister and husband eat what i eat ( i meal prep for us) and my 4yo niece atleast tries it and if she doesn't like what i make then she gets something else. I go to the gym a few times a week. We play outside weather permitting and go for walks and bike rides. I usually walk beside her while she rides her bike or i have a i dunno half bike thing that attaches to the rear of my bike and we ride the trail :) she likes soccer so we kick the ball as well. Exercise doesn't have to the typical stuff you think of. It can be fun family type running and chasing as well!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Try fitness blender videos on YouTube, there are a lot of different workouts for different fitness levels and amount of time. If you only have five minutes, you can do a five minute bodyweight strength video, which is helpful when you have kids. Plus the calorie burn is listed on the video.

    I started out working out alone, but when my husband saw how much of a difference it was making, he joined me, and now we run and go to the gym together. Do what you need to do for your own health, and maybe people around you will be inspired someday! In the meantime, people on this forum are great for support. Best of luck to you.
  • Miss_Snow_White
    Miss_Snow_White Posts: 64 Member
    I feel we are in similar boats. I was most successful when I had someone to take this journey with but now I feel I'm struggling on my own. I will send you a friend request. Feel free to message me if you like.
  • Libelula1047
    Libelula1047 Posts: 5 Member
    You can add me if you want. I will be your support. :smile:
  • Misskcm
    Misskcm Posts: 143 Member
    I saw your kids are 6 and 4. These are the perfect ages to start instilling healthy eating and exercising in them. Of course you don’t want them counting calories or trying to lose weight, but just teaching them healthy habits.
    Can you take them on walks around the neighborhood? If not is there a local park? Keeping up with a 4 and 6 year old is a workout in itself I am sure.
    I think first you should focus on eating right first and maybe 15-20 of walking a day. This in itself, if done right, will show you results.
    Good luck ma’am! I’ll send you a friend request!
  • wifey826
    wifey826 Posts: 26 Member
    I started my journey alone--still am pretty much. I've yet to really start exercising outside of my daily routine (and I started 7 months ago). I've lost 60 pounds on "diet" change. I should also mention that I rarely eat differently than my family. We are big Mexican and Italian eaters, and they would prefer those DAILY! When I don't want the carb overload, I simply make a burrito bowl w/o the tortilla and load up with salsa and grab a fork! Or, I will make a piece of chicken the way I want to make it and reserve some of the marinara for that, and eat a entire can of green beans to myself. The only element I made a big change to, was eliminating pointless snack foods and I supplement my diet with protein (shakes or bars). As long as I have more protein than carbs, I usually lose 1, sometimes 2 or even 3 pounds a week.

    There are ways around the obstacles. I'm proof. It is SLOOOOOW, but slow is good! Hang in there, love! You'll find your groove. I've sent you a request. My diary is also open to friends, so you're more than welcome to snoop around if you need ideas. ;)
  • Sugarfayce
    Sugarfayce Posts: 1 Member
    You can do this! I believe In you! Feel free to add me!
  • NR81206
    NR81206 Posts: 54 Member
    At the start of my journey I had a few people on board, ( they were the ones who actually wanted to do this) but of course within the first 2 weeks everyone Gave up & So I was left alone, I mainly walked, and would jog when my body would let me. Just stick with it, I'm 2 months away from my 1 year mark and have lost 60#. Now all my friends are kicking themselves in the butt for not just sticking with it. It's hard work, but it's worth it. Best of luck!