Anyone else trying to lose 100+ Pounds?

Looking for friends who I can relate with during my good and bad times, during my journey.


  • AprilMLowe
    AprilMLowe Posts: 447 Member
    Hi i am on this journey! I am always looking for more friends to help motivate and support. Anybody feel free to send me a friend request!
  • JenniferAndres
    JenniferAndres Posts: 28 Member
    Hi! I am on this journey too. Just restarted. Finally at a place where I can focus on this, instead of giving it a quarter(not even a half) hearted try. Maybe this time, I can stick with it. 😁
  • sindid2014
    sindid2014 Posts: 1 Member
    When I started, I had 110 pounds to lose. I still have 70 pounds to go. I'm new to the "community" part of the app but happy to learn so we can support each other :)
  • Bchaff1
    Bchaff1 Posts: 2 Member
    I am starting (again) today need to lose 100lbs. Feel free to add me
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    corrarjo wrote: »
    I lost over 20 pounds in January.

    Because you often under-eat, which is even less sustainable. You'll feel great until you don't, and by then the damage is done. Not to mention all the muscle mass going out the window.
  • gramananny
    gramananny Posts: 1 Member
    Back on the wagon again to try one again! I am starting out at 246 lbs. 5 ft. tall and my diabetes is somewhat out of control for me. It is hard to face that you have a food addiction or you want to bury your emotions in the foods you eat. I just know that if I don't stop, I won't stop. I do feel so much better when I weigh less, even 20 lbs. less! I think this time around, some support from fellow friends in the same boat will help.
  • Rhiwills76
    Rhiwills76 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi I'd like to lose 85lbs,already lost 14lbs alone over last year,but don't want to wait 6 years to lose the rest lol x
  • mram3582
    mram3582 Posts: 2,482 Member
    corrarjo wrote: »
    How do we start a Group? We can call it the "100 CLUB", and start a Blog.

    click the "Like" icon if you "like" the idea.

    There are several! I'm in a pretty active one. We have monthly personal challenges to keep you accountable too!
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    corrarjo wrote: »
    Because you often under-eat, which is even less sustainable. You'll feel great until you don't, and by then the damage is done. Not to mention all the muscle mass going out the window.

    What do you base your assumption on? My Diary? A hunch? How many members enter every morsel in their diaries? Many people on this site are too quick to criticize. It's very discouraging and could be considered a form of bullying. I'm telling my story, trying to generate some dialogue. If your criticism isn't constructive we may be better off without it.

    Most of that weight was water. The swelling in my feet and ankles is gone and my blood pressure is back to normal. I see my cardiologist on a regular basis so I'm in good hands. I expect to lose 1-2 pounds a week for the foreseeable future. I'm working on menu items that include more fiber, protein and fat. I'm a work in progress. Getting rid of the raw and processed sugar was a major milestone for me, but only the first step.

    Gotta go, diners ready!

    Pointing out that under-eating isn't helpful or good is constructive. And yes I base it on your diary, many days you go under even the recommended 1500cal for men. Obviously at the end of the day you're going to do whatever it is you prefer, but any newbie who happens to look at your diary is going to get the wrong idea about safe and ideal weight loss. Most of that weight probably was water, some was also possibly muscle loss. Muscle loss that wouldn't have happened if your deficit wasn't so extreme. That's not bullying that's pointing the difference of good and not-so-good weight loss.

    As for how many members enter every morsel? I'd venture to guess most if not all who've gotten the hang of tracking enter everything they eat. Morsels included. Because it all adds up especially when the deficit gets smaller.
  • dahnicallum
    dahnicallum Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! Congrats on the goal! That is amazing!
    I have the same goal, losing 100lbs! i started in September . SW254 CW193.2
    How is your adventure going so far?
  • KTaurusW0516
    KTaurusW0516 Posts: 126 Member
    kodaridge wrote: »
    Looking for friends who I can relate with during my good and bad times, during my journey.

    I was at one time 411.6lbs and as of today I am 298lbs still need to loose 98lbs..So I am with ya.

    That's amazing! That's where I'm at. 300 pounds. I just found out recently my thyroid is being slow. I've been the same weight for two years. 250 to 260 pounds. Then in four months I gained forty pounds! I thought it was stress but, nope.
  • KTaurusW0516
    KTaurusW0516 Posts: 126 Member
    Hey! Congrats on the goal! That is amazing!
    I have the same goal, losing 100lbs! i started in September . SW254 CW193.2
    How is your adventure going so far?

    It's been up and down for sure! First it was stress with family. The stress of food for holiday's wasn't a issue, for once. It was my family. Then, we thought I was pregnant. (Since, hormones were out of wack and I was gaining weight. Like, I was breathing the calories in.) Turned out it was my thyroid acting up. Which, was my fault for not even considering that being an issues. I just assumed stress. Now, that I'm on the right track with my body and know whats going on. It's been going good. I finally got my weight to level out. :) Now, just need to lose the weight, I gained.
  • KTaurusW0516
    KTaurusW0516 Posts: 126 Member
    Hey! Congrats on the goal! That is amazing!
    I have the same goal, losing 100lbs! i started in September . SW254 CW193.2
    How is your adventure going so far?

    How's it been going for you?
  • JenniferAndres
    JenniferAndres Posts: 28 Member

    I was at one time 411.6lbs and as of today I am 298lbs still need to loose 98lbs..So I am with ya.[/quote]

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is a feat!
  • 13ecca4
    13ecca4 Posts: 201 Member
    I am :( about 120lbs in total!
  • I have a lot to lose. Anyone can feel free to add me :smile:
  • LakeCountyDiver
    LakeCountyDiver Posts: 50 Member
    120+ to lose for me. 35days in for me. I've used MFP 8yr ago and lost 100lbs but over the years I gained it all back. Keep at it. It works.
  • Fred77
    Fred77 Posts: 132 Member
    I've over 100 to lose too. Been on and off here for years. If anyone wants to add me feel free. My diary is open and I log good and bad days. And some of those bad days are horrific so if nothing else youll get a laugh and feel better if you have a bad day
  • hereiam78
    hereiam78 Posts: 5 Member
    Just started back... Now. :-) 100+ to lose. Could use some friends and motivation. Feel free to add me.
  • corrarjo
    corrarjo Posts: 1,157 Member
    edited February 2019
    I had a bad thought. Can't afford anymore flags.
  • MaelynMayhem
    MaelynMayhem Posts: 611 Member
    I have over 100 to go. I'm in the 320's and want to get to 157 (or thereabouts). My highest was 357. I'm pretty active. I work hard to hit my goals. My diary is open and it's not a record of perfect eating, but it is honest.