purple18194 Member


  • gonna have to try this! thanks!
  • Lipsmahoney had a great idea with the protein bars, and also keep a bottle of water that you can sip on all shift. Or maybe a protein shake you can sip on, too
  • I dunno, does B100 Complex count? I take a pill every morning and it helps so much with my overall energy for the day
  • squats, curls, lunges (walking, reverse, curtsey, etc etc), bridges off the couch/bed, sit-ups (weighted or not), push-ups, etc etc etc etc, do a couple sets, go run around the block outside for 5 mins, come back to a few more, repeat, etc Or if it's getting too dark out in the evenings and you don't feel comfortable…
  • Peanut butter, honey, and oatmeal is my favorite breakfast probably ever, or toast + mashed avaocado
  • that is possible. it may not even necessarily be that you're not "getting enough," so much as it just takes time for your body to adjust if it's used to getting more than what you've changed it to. in my experience, it takes about a week or two to adjust to it and then you start having more energy. in the meantime, drink a…
  • How tall are you? I'm 5'6" 155 lbs and I also want to get down to 145 but I've ALSO stopped losing at the moment lol maybe play w your macros a bit? I see a professional nutritionist and she put me at 1300 calories a day, but I cycle my carbs, protein, and fat every couple days
  • There was awhile there when seriously anytime I started to get into and then comfortable with something new, I would get sick or injured. I'm not early in my journey, but I hurt my left ankle recently so I'm trying to stay off of it :( my advice is just focus on your upper body (sucks, I know), or try to do lower body…
  • My advice would be protein bars or, as some have mentioned, protein shakes. Even if you can't stop to eat/drink a whole one at once, sips and bites when you can are going to help a lot and they're so easy to carry and store. I work in a lab and often times we'll have long days and some people won't take breaks so I have to…
  • Have you tried just using your body weight and doing higher reps? For example, instead of 15 (or whatever) reps on the bench press, push-ups for 30-60 seconds, or glut bridges (single leg, elevated, regular, etc) or squats for 60 secs instead of X amount of reps with a weight?
  • i don't count it bc i log my water to keep an idea of how hydrated i am (i take B vitamins, they turn your pee bright yellow so it's not as easy as just looking at pee color for me), and coffee is a diuretic. I drink 2-3 cups a day and it makes me pee a LOT, actively dehydrating me sooo I don't count it as part of my…
  • Water with lemon curbs hunger, so does just drinking more water period. But aside from that, I think eating every 2-3 hours is good anyway. Your metabolism is moving :)
  • Both together! My staple breakfast is oatmeal with berries and a teaspoon of honey, then an egg + 3 egg whites. Protein and carbs :D
  • Ok cool! You're all saying what I kind of thought might be the case, but like I said, it's never really happened to me that way before! Thanks everyone!
  • i take a b100 complex everyday that REALLY helps with my energy, but i'm also pretty much a self-confessed coffee addict. green and black teas are great for caffeine as well. every once in awhile i'll drink an energy drink, but then it's always a sugar free one (i like rockstar, too)
  • some are better than others. my favorites are the white chocolate raspberry, pumpkin (seasonal), and oatmeal chocolate chip, but some taste pretty bad to meh (cinnamon roll, cookies n cream, etc). they have less fat than some other bars, and much less sugar than a lot of others, but if you don't like the taste/chewiness,…
  • Rice cakes w peanut butter, apples w peanut butter, protein bars, baggies of protein powder so you can just get a bottle of water, pour in, and shake. I travel a lot for work and these are my go-tos
  • Chew gum, drink tea (trust me, I get it. I've had like 3-5 cups in a night to stop me from eating), go for a walk, drink more water (or put a sugar-free flavor in it so your brain thinks it's like food), watch a show, etc. Lemon in water helps stop cravings. Other than that you may just have to tough it out until you get…
  • Drinking water will make you feel less "snacky," gum helps me, too (other ppl have said these but I feel like they really work). Tea or even just a cup of hot water really work for me, too
  • Wheat sourdough toast + mashed avocado + nutritional yeast (I always found it in the bulk bins at grocery stores) was my favorite breakfast for a loooong time
  • Protein bars, rice cakes and peanut butter, apples w/peanut butter, baggies of vegetables, small bags of nuts, baggies of pre-portioned protein powder so you can just mix it in a water bottle, etc. I almost always keep an emergency protein bar in my bag if I know it'll be a long day
  • Eek yeah, those are not 2 of the better Quest bars! Some are delicious (white chocolate raspberry, pumpkin, oatmeal chocolate chip), but some just aren't good. Try the Oh Yeah! one bars of you want - the macros are very similar and they taste way better!
  • Healthy: sashimi and nigiri, chicken bowls from chipotle (chicken, half brown rice, fajita veggies, mild salsa), grilled fish tacos w no sauce Unhealthy: burritos the size of my head, buttermilk biscuits from southern restaurants, big fried fish sandwiches, and and and...
  • I like them as snacks because they're easy to make (water or almond milk + protein powder in a blender cup, shake, drink) and travel with, and you also get liquids in at the same time so you're staying hydrated. I've heard people complain about whey protein bc it's processed, but in my opinion, I just wouldn't rely super…
  • My favorites are the Oh Yeah One bars because a lot of them don't taste like protein bars to me, and I also like Quest bars. The new Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Quest bar is AMAZING
  • I didn't say it's one or the other. The majority of my diet is "clean," and once or a twice a week you bet your *kitten* I'm eating something junky, but I didn't think I needed to spell it out that "clean eating" doesn't mean "nothing but clean 100%, no balance at all," and I guess I trusted the OP to know that. Sorry.…
    in Abs? Comment by purple18194 August 2016
  • Even when I was working out every day and eating only 1200 calories a day, I was not losing weight when I was eating heavily processed/fried/etc nightly. It was a caloric deficit and I did not lose weight. Now that I work out almost every day and pay pretty close attention to how much processed, fried, additive-filled…
    in Abs? Comment by purple18194 August 2016
  • What everyone said ^^ you have to lower your body fat % enough to be able to see them basically. Which usually means clean eating to lower your fat % (which is mostly where that phrase "abs are made in the kitchen" comes from) and then toning up so that you have muscles to show.
    in Abs? Comment by purple18194 August 2016