20 lbs and injury now? Why?!?!

<sigh>. Just lost 20 lbs with all the help here on MFP. My ankle has been killing me for about 4 days. Finally had to call for an appt tomorrow with the orthapedist. Starting to think it's tendinitis. I went from zero exercise to a 100+ effort learning to run. Really don't want yo backpedal now. So just keeping up with CICO and hopefully weight training. Just disappointed by this pain. Anybody else injured early on in this journey?


  • purple18194
    purple18194 Posts: 52 Member
    There was awhile there when seriously anytime I started to get into and then comfortable with something new, I would get sick or injured. I'm not early in my journey, but I hurt my left ankle recently so I'm trying to stay off of it :( my advice is just focus on your upper body (sucks, I know), or try to do lower body workouts that don't bother your ankle. For example - squats, running, and the elliptical (basically extending the back of my ankle too much) hurts, but I can deadlift, do glut bridges, and do the reverse leg curl machine just fine
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    injuries happen.
  • singletrackmtbr
    singletrackmtbr Posts: 644 Member
    Work around it. Focus on upper body, core, and whatever else you can get away with. Feel better soon!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Did you just have one or many over confident days and did too much? As in your are suffering over use injuries?

    I hope it nothing serious that RICE cannot cure and you back in your running shoes quickly..

    For now Cross train / strength train. You will come back even stronger after the fact. :)
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Going from 0 to 100% in short order can easily cause injury. Not resting while beginning to run can promote injury. Not cutting back when injured can lead to more injury. Seen it happen to some of my best friends. Be wise so you last awhile. A few months slowdown is nothing compared to being healthy the rest of your life.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    consider biking while ankle heals.