protein drinks

What's the deal with protein shakes? Are they good for you as a meal replacement? Are they more beneficial after or before a workout? Can I have them as a snack and still loose weight?


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited August 2016
    They are a bit hyped, that's the "deal". You lose weight by having a sustained calorie deficit. Protein supplements if you struggle to reach protein needs through food. No need to replace food - in fact, you'll probably make it more difficult for yourself.
  • beckyvanboxtel
    beckyvanboxtel Posts: 8 Member
    They are a bit hyped, that's the "deal". You lose weight by having a sustained calorie deficit. Protein supplements if you struggle to reach protein needs through food. No need to replace food - in fact, you'll probably make it more difficult for yourself.

    What if my vegetable intake is lacking. I want to be able to get more vegetables, and spinach in my protein shake seems reasonable.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    There's a gazillion ways to eat more vegetables. Personally, I've never had a protein shake, not because I'm "against" them, it's just that the food I like, happens to provide me with enough protein. I have never had vegs in my smoothies, either, but lots of people like that. You can probably put anything in a smoothie/shake.

    Preferences can change a lot along with habits and attitudes. I used to think vegetables were boring and nasty. Today I am having a whole head of cabbage (at least most of one, 700 grams) with dinner.
  • purple18194
    purple18194 Posts: 52 Member
    I like them as snacks because they're easy to make (water or almond milk + protein powder in a blender cup, shake, drink) and travel with, and you also get liquids in at the same time so you're staying hydrated. I've heard people complain about whey protein bc it's processed, but in my opinion, I just wouldn't rely super heavily on them daily
  • H_Ock12
    H_Ock12 Posts: 1,152 Member
    I like protein shakes as breakfast after a workout and I usually add spinach to mine. My favorite is flavorless protein, banana, PB, Chocolate Almond Milk, and spinach blended into a smoothie(ish) substance.

    If you struggle with veggie intake, you might check into something like Green Vibrance.