Welcome! Brooksville FL here. Trying this weight loss thing again thanks to my blood pressure.
Welcome! If you want to know what to expect with gastric bypass look up "Boogie2988" on youtube. While your profile pic looks nowhere near his nearly 500lbs starting weight (very cute pic BTW) but he did have a series where he detailed everything he went through before and after the surgery. Best of luck.
Your killing it.
2 months? Stunning!
Much love to you, but wanting to lose weight to give someone the middle finger is the wrong reason to do it. People are sh*tty so do it for you, for your kids, for your s.o.
Welcome! I'm back too, but thankfully did not slide that much backward.
Wow! Congratulations! Look amazing!
difference looks amazing.
WHAT?!? Did you hear something?? I had NOTHING to do with that!!!! BTW, welcome OP.
Isn't that the purpose of the 36,927 selfie threads?
tentacle porn fanzine editor...
Log everything. If it shows your over calories at least you have the information.
In what?
Welcome back. I myself am returning after a hiatus. My motivation is avoiding health issues. If you get an opportunity search for Boogie2988 on Youtube, he has done what your looking to do.
I think I have the first Apple Watch, though I only use it when I exercise.
Hellloooo Nurse! (seriously though well done)
To say the difference is stunning seems like a nuclear level understatement. You look gorgeous, I just want to high five your hubby and say "duuuudddeeee..." (he knows what that means). Just f'in wow!
...when alot of your friends are retired.
Heck of a difference for a month! Congrats!
Do small stuff. Perhaps a short walk, a few push ups and sit ups that type of thing.
That will definitely widen the hips, but it may flatten the butt.
Congratulations! 30lbs between January and today is actually really good progress, it means your making changes you can sustain.
...yet better than The Last Jedi; unfortunately.
Ha! I switched to Soy protein for the same reason as you.
Congratulations! Phototip: don't shoot with the window behind you. Shoot with the window in front of you and the pics will come out clearer.
If you want to increase a woman's sex drive exponentially; marry her. It will go from gentle breeze to Death Star Laser at the first bite of wedding cake! FACT!
Starting point is your next meal. Each clean meal you have celebrate it, when you make a mistake learn from it and make an effort to avoid repeating it. Don't focus on your end goal, focus on your day to day because they will lead to your end goal.
Can you make your boyfriend more caring? Short answer: no. Long answer: absolutely not.