i am in need of supportive friends

So i now have an even bigger fire under my *kitten* to lose this weight. yesterday after going on an hour and 15 min hike with my family, and two "friends" i was told by one of our supposed friends how i wouldn't be able to have done the mountain hike they did, because she barley made it. I really hate how someone who is bigger then i am, and who obviously doesnt know my determination would try to bring me down like this just to try to make herself feel better. i know this sounds harsh, but she is bigger then me, and obviously is in denial of that fact. i never once have told her she was not able to do things because of her size.


  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    Much love to you, but wanting to lose weight to give someone the middle finger is the wrong reason to do it. People are sh*tty so do it for you, for your kids, for your s.o.