sskly48 Member


  • No medication will get you to lose weight. They're all scams. You need to consume at a calorie deficit for months to see weight loss. Even if some magic pill does somehow make you lose weight, if you dont change your eating habits you'll gain it all back afterwards anyway
    in Apetamin Comment by sskly48 October 2016
  • That's a rather difficult thing to say in these forums, as it's very long. If you're working out at home perhaps you could try one of BeachBody's programs. They're easy to follow and require very little equipment.
  • It seems to be really popular, everyone I talk to knows about it or has tried it (except me). But 2 of my friends reported joint pain from the frequent squatting, though it could be bad technique on their part.
  • I track it with caliper + calculating formula + experience. I have not done anything professional such as DEXA scans - I will some day, it is intriguing to try. Lifts increased, size increased (measurements), weight increased a bit, and body fat decreased. If it's not muscle moving the heavier weight then I'm at a loss…
  • You have to lower body fat further. No exercise or anything will make it less flabby. As everyone says, there is no spot reduction!
  • I was coming off a mini bulk, stayed in deficit for about 8 months. Lifts increased, weight increased, body fat decreased, definition increased. Perhaps newbie gains then?
  • Rather than jump the gun and add more calories, I would suggest to take a step back and anaylze every aspect of your current fitness plan. How long have you been eating your current cals? How much cardio do you do? How long have you been doing your current weight lifting program? What exactly is your weightlifting program?…
  • I disagree. I made most of my gains while in a deficit over the past year, and I'm one of the larger guys at my gym. The part about majority of loss will be fat - there is no guarantee unless there is a well designed nutrition and workout protocol. If things aren't done properly you could easily lose half muscle, half fat…
  • You've added good size. You can probably just go into a mini cut phase, get to a certain leanness, and continue the bulk. Otherwise it'll be a long cut if you keep bulking now and it could get demotivating
  • Thanks for the reply wheelhouse. You make some interesting assumptions about me, and I cannot reply in any way that will not offend you, so that will be it for me. I do respect your dedication to fitness and dieting.
  • Yeah the community has allllllllllllllllllllllot of opinions. Most of them are just theories on what they feel works and they never apply it :wink: I train 5-6 times a week, and on the 7th day I prefer to do some walking (3-4 miles). It helps me burn some extra fat( during the cut) and is helpful with muscle recovery. If i…
  • I feel cardio is entirely up to preference. The intervals you set look fine, but what really matters is your calories burnt - try to aim for 2-2.5 cals/lb body weight. Another issue that isn't addressed so often is that too intensive cardio sessions hinder your muscle recovery (I also strength train). I am very sore after…
  • I agree with what the others are saying, but maybe in a bit more detail. The most important is to create the caloric deficit, and set the weight loss to something tolerable at first, like 1 lb/week. If you go too fast you'll be pretty miserable trying to adapt to such a sudden change. (speaking from my experience). Protein…
  • It's okay to live a little, you don't need to restrict yourself from so many foods. Chances are your metabolism has slowed down considerably, and your leptin and insulin levels have been downregulated. You have hit a plateau, and this is common scenario in people trying to lose weight for too long. The solution is to…
  • I personally prefer to wait till the soreness has disappeared completely before hitting it again. I think going in fresh leads to better sessions :)
  • Is it necessary? No, but it is optimal. You're right, I am making it more complicated. I have done all the research before, I have tried eating multiple ways (1 meal per day/several meals per day), all the stuff you could possibly come up with, I have tried. I have tried intermittent fasting, low carb, carb cycling, keto,…
  • it's good you have a lot of questions, you got that hunger for knowledge! The calculators give you a good 'general' idea of where you should be. But it's impossible to be entirely correct just off calculations. You need to observe and experiment on your body and see what is your true caloric requirement. I don't know your…
  • Okay, I'm just saying what works for me. I'm more ecto-meso, and I also have observed my body is more tolerant of carbs, so I am able to get away with eating higher GI index carbs/ more carbs than my friends who are meso/endo. Myth or not, you have to experiment on yourself to see what really works.
  • You guys are making it so complicated lol. I'm speaking from my own research + applied it on my body for long term. Spreading protein intake throughout the day helps with muscle growth for me. Try it or not, it's up to you
  • i would recommend you spread your protein intake throughout the day, rather than stuff it into a few portions. This provides much better muscle growth. Each meal have a minimum of 25-30g of protein to spark protein synthesis.
  • there is no best training routine, because everyone has different goals. Generally working at your weaknesses should be addressed first (priority training), so if you feel your chest is lacking, then you should do chest focus routine. if not then you just have a balanced routine where you hit every muscle group at least…
  • it's recommended to start with around 300 calories of surplus for a lean bulk. this number can/should go higher as time progresses. macro ratios depend on your body type (ecto, meso, endo)
  • track your body fat once a week is the best way I've found. Everything else is LBM (lean body mass)
  • I agree you can do both at the same time. Recomp is an option but it is quite slow. I have done so by eating at a moderate caloric deficit (15-20%) and still gaining muscle while losing fat.
  • you can do a slow cut, it will slowly but surely bring your body fat down to single digits. Set weight loss to 0.5 lb per week
  • calorie consumption needs to be in a caloric surplus !
  • You have to put yourself in a caloric surplus to gain weight. At the end of the day that is the most important factor for weight gain