I have gone from 1700 calories to 1400- to 1200 a day now. Try a coffee before your workout :) Keep up the good work!
I always crave chips so i have to find a substitute lol im not too fussy about plain rice cake thingys so I will have to pick some up
192 :wink:
mmmmmm that sounds good!
Makes sense! Thanks! Im doing them with co workers so its like a fun social after work thing, but on top of those classes I will still hit the stair machine and weight machines around the gym.
Holy smokes 95 lbs down eh?! sounds like your def on the right track! Take every day 1 step at a time and do your best with making healthy food choices. Pretend the gym is your work (go in for a 1-2 hour shift) top priority :) Cheers!
I love this! Cant wait to say the same! so far I've gone form a 2x to a xl right now :)
Really bad break up.....had to take the pain and turn it into energy for the gym! Never looking back
I really liked "A million little pieces" James Frey
Congrats!!! These are great!
Thats awesome! Keep us posted
LOL I like their logo! And am a fan of coffee
I was jw because my friend recommends them To her clients and she is a personal trainer/health junky
Coffee is great! I drink it black with a splenda, Its a good pre workout drink LOL
5"7 / 242lbs , been exercising every day since July 15th. I think I was just having a bad day. I have my calories set for 1300
Im starving today for some reason
Awesome guys! I love the input :)
Me too! I had to lift 60 kg of my weight, I didnt think I would be able too but I did 8 of them bad boys, sore today lol
If you really want results try your best to make time for a workout, once you start going consistently you will have way more energy!
I always thought it was good to get your heart rate up with a little cardio then do some strenght stuff. So i switxh back and forth between the stairclimber and machines for my whole workout
Me too! I always click on the comment notifications asap lol
It was to me too but I just hopped on it and pretended like i was a natural LOL When you hit quick start it goes slow and you have the option to up the speed if you want! But if you hop on hit manual mode and you can choose your steps per minute, I did 50 steps per minute for 5 minutes. Im pooped and sweating at 2:30 mins…
Omg! Beast mode!!!
After both or whichever happens first lol
Right now Im just starting off at 50 steps for 5 mins but ill do like 3-4 sets of 5 mins throughout my time at the gym
I started going to the gym everyday 21 days ago and I feel great now! Lots of energy:) you can do it!
I laughed when they said an egg is like 5 ciggs hahahha
I havent tried it yet myself but I work at a school and a lot of the teachers seem to love it! They put it on the smartboard after school and workout together LOL