Why did you come to the conclusion to lose weight?



  • Archcurl
    Archcurl Posts: 239 Member
    I've been struggling with my health for years, which is what made me gain in the first place. One of my friends told me that it was just being lazy and that you didn't need a lot of energy to lose weight. In fact, it will make me gain energy. Its one of those things you know but don't want to know.
  • Coconut_Tim
    Coconut_Tim Posts: 63 Member
    edited August 2017
    I decided to lose weight when I was 425lbs. I was the fattest person I knew. I was super unhealthy. It caused me all sorts of problems...

    I think the biggest motivator to losing the weight was when I was unable to mas tur bate normally... I had to fix that. I wasn't getting any female attention and if I wasn't able to TCOB myself, then what was there left for me in life?
  • jdlobb
    jdlobb Posts: 1,232 Member
    edited August 2017
    I needed new jeans and I had to buy size 42x32. Said enough is enough. 2 months later the 42s are back on the shelf, and the 40s are loose. Migrating to the 38s I have on standby in a few days most likely, but quite yet.
  • JnineGains
    JnineGains Posts: 136 Member
    Really bad break up.....had to take the pain and turn it into energy for the gym! Never looking back
  • janinemyers808
    janinemyers808 Posts: 2 Member
    - Because I hit 5 lbs of the heaviest I've ever been on the scale again.
    - Because only one pair of jeans (the "fat" pair) fits.
    - Because I want to look good in a bathing suit again.
    - Because I don't want to (and can't afford to) buy another larger wardrobe.
    - Because I find myself wearing leggings far too often.
    - Because I'm more confident when I'm 15 lbs lighter, and confidence is sexy. And confidence is good for my work ethic. And confidence makes me feel good about myself!
  • dougl004
    dougl004 Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks to all who've shared their stories!! Healthy living is the best living!!
  • Davidaw86
    Davidaw86 Posts: 117 Member
    For me, it was stepping out of the shower. I walked in front of the mirror, only to find myself completely disgusted with what I allowed myself to become. It was then that I decided I had to make a change, and fast. If I kept up with what I was doing, I wouldn't live very long, I just knew it. Not sure if it was the next day or the day after, but not long after that realization did I start my diet.
  • macclone
    macclone Posts: 85 Member
    I weighed 135 at age 35 and was a runner. Got injured and was no longer able to run. Now at age 56 and 200lbs, I said that is enough when my grandson said I was fat. My goal is 175. When hit that, I will see if I need to go lower because I am also weight training.
  • unigirl143
    unigirl143 Posts: 126 Member
    There was no LIGHT BULB MOMENT for me.
    I have always been fat. :s
    I was always on a diet!!!
    What did happen. Was the realisation that DIETS DON'T WORK!
    In that moment my love life changed.
    I realised that...THIS IS FOREVER .
    That I had to crawl, then take baby steps, then walk, then start taking strides.

    This mindset was my life changing moment. :):D

    ^^ this

    I had tried everything under the sun for years, some worked for a while but my gain aha moment was weighing the same weight I was full term pregnant after my son was 2 years old. I had gained 40 pounds and did not have the energy to play with him like a mommy should. At least now I have taken off that extra weight and more importantly I feel healthier.