unevano Member


  • I think I stated that in my message. I was describing my experience which took me much of my lifetime to learn. I am not selling anything but some people might like help without public eyes like yours critiquing everything they say. I am glad you figured it out but like you say, some people don't have your characteristics…
  • I had similar complications.My weight kept going up and up. I was trying all sorts of so called healthy eating plans but I inevitably would sabotage myself with a long bout of binging. I was injured to where it was and still is hard and painful to exercise normally. The good news is that I figured out how to control my…
  • Hi everyone, This will be my last weigh in and I am going to drop out of the group. Something has come up in which I must devote my entire focus and I don't know how long that will be the case. It has nothing to do with my health thankfully. In fact I am feeling better and better each and every day. It has been fun being…
  • PW 217.5 CW 217
  • PW 218 CW 217.5
  • Goals. This Week’s goals from 5am on 6/8/2020 to 5am on 6/15/2020 1) Keep my GKI number in the range of 1-5 2) My weight goals: 216 3) Eating Goal - Track my calories, fats, total carbs, protein, fiber, trans-fats. Figure net carbs per day. 4) Exercise goals: work hard in the yard or in the house to where I am breathing…
  • @micki48 Happy Birthday! Hope your coming year is the best one ever.
  • Current Biometrics: (they are improving week by week) :) age 66 weight 218 Blood Pressure 114/62 pulse 53 Glucose 92 ketones 1.7 GKI = 3.0 Here are my previous Bio-metrics. 6/2/2020 age:66 Weight 221 Blood pressure 124/67 pulse 50 Glucose 98 Ketones 1.3 (I want this above 1.0.) Glucose Ketone Index (GKI) 4.19 5/25/2020…
  • Unevano's Monday weigh in PW 220 CW 218
  • my 2 numbers gki=3.2 exercise 1 hour - not yet.
  • @jugar Thanks.
  • @mathewsfive That is an amazing accomplishment and transformation. You are an inspiration to me.
  • My 2 numbers gki 2.0 (needs to be under 6) 1 hour of exercise. did it I am in a high therapeutic level of ketosis now. Good for those using keto therapeutically for the treatment of diseases such as cancer, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, traumatic brain injury and chronic inflammatory disease. It means…
  • My 2 numbers gki = 3.2 one hour of exercise - yes
  • My 2 number posting gki = 2.78 (needs to be below 6) exercise for 10 hours physical labor. (needs to be 1 or more)
  • My 2 number challenge for today: GKI number needs to be less than 6 = It is 5.5 (whew, just made it. I had a bowl full of cherries and a big watermelon slice which nearly kicked me me above 6) exercise 1 hour. - Did it.
  • @Stefbomb2020 Amazing transformation. Great accomplishment.
  • @CanadianGiraffe That is awesome to be able to celebrate your husband's birthday on June 18th! I am looking forward to it and it gives me even more incentive to reach those goals that I set for myself and are due on June 18th so I can celebrate without reserve.
  • Hi @jugar - January 18th was picked because it's your birthday. Also because I figured I could lose 2 pounds a week if I stayed focused and when I set the weight loss goal of 154 I put down a 1 pound loss on each Friday and Monday for a total of 2 pounds a week and did that until I reached my goal and that happened to be…
  • Update on my Goals: last weeks goals from 5am on 5/25/2020 to 5am on 6/1/2020 score is done 1-7 **7** 1) Keep my GKI number in the range of 1-5 **7** 2) My weight goals: 220 ** 7** 3) Eating Goal - Track my calories, fats, total carbs, protein, fiber, trans-fats. Figure net carbs per day. **1** 4) My water intake to be 64…
  • Unevano's Monday weigh in PW 224 CW 220 2 number challenge (met my numbers for today) GKI 5.25 (challenge number is less than 6) exercise 1 hour (challenge # is 1 hour)
  • Happy this week. I stayed in ketosis all week. Each day I am successful at it, the easier it becomes. Consistency is the key I believe. Once the body is burning fat for fuel rather than glucose, I am feeling lots of positive things happening in my body. Weight loss is just an added bonus for me. I should have a pretty good…
  • Username: unevano Weigh in day: Monday PW: 225.5 lbs. CW: 224 lbs. I thought I was going to have a great week this week because on Thursday I weighed in at 222. I think at that point I decided I was doing good so I didn't need to be so strict and I had a couple meals where I stuffed myself with less than Keto friendly…
  • Working on goals for this week and it has been going pretty good. I have been able to get out and get a few hours of physical labor for 3 days in a row cutting up an old fiberglass greenhouse that collapsed under the weight of a big snow fall. Lots of great exercise. My goal for this week was to get out 3 times this week…
  • Hi fellow Waistaways, Here are my numbers for Monday. PW 225.5 CW 225.5 I am actually happy with these numbers since last week I lost a lot of weight because of being sick. So not having a big rebound in weight is a pleasant surprise for me. I am tracking my bio-metrics weekly on Mondays: Current bio-metrics: age - 66…
  • @Jugar Thanks. I am starting to feel better. I was actually able to eat and drink something. Big weight loss this week due to not eating or drinking anything up until yesterday. I would not be at all surprised to see a fairly large gain over my weigh in come my next weigh in. I hope not, but that is usually the case after…
  • @Jugar Thanks. I am starting to feel better.
  • Not a good week as I fell sick on Wednesday and I am still sick. I haven't been able to eat or drink anything since Wednesday evening and basically spending all my time sleeping or vomiting. The positive to take from this is on Monday (my weigh in day) my weight loss should be pretty good. I will post updates when I have…
  • PW I am new here so no Past weight official weight. Started my Journey to lose weight at 260 lbs. last week was a high of 236 and a low of 230.5 lbs CW 234.5 lbs.
  • I have been doing Keto since September with intermittent fasting and some longer term fasting thrown in as well. It is working for me but I went off of it a few times and the weight spiked up on the days I was off of it. Starting weight was 260 with a goal weight of 154. I am at 199 today. Best advice I can tell anyone…