codonnell13 Member


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  • Thursday QOTD: How do you meaure your progress? Do you only use the scale or do you measure as well? Do you have a certain outfit that you try on periodically to see the difference? I really just rely on the scale. I know it's bad, but I can feel the difference in my daily clothes, and that is what really counts for me.…
  • What is the craziest thing you've ever done to break a loss plateau? I haven't been trying to lose weight for that long, so I haven't hit a major plateau yet. Usually, if my weight plateaus for a week or two, I've had a bad week with calories, exercise, stress, water, etc. I just try to keep at it, and usually, the scale…
  • Do you think stress makes it easier or harder to stick to your goals, and how do you cope with stress? I am totally a stress eater when I am at home, but usually, when I am super stressed, I hardly have time to breathe, let alone snack. I get migraines when I am super stressed, so I just try to relax when I can if things…
  • Wednesday QOTD: So, when you see a gain on the scale (or even just have a really bad day) how do you get back on track and not let it take you into a downward spiral? I can usually predict when I am going to be up or down, so it isn't terrible hard to deal with it. I always try to remember ALL of the progress I have made…
  • QOTD: In Regards to a healthier lifestyle (diet and fitness) What is something new that you have tried since you started your journey that worked for you (i.e. planning meals, a new type of exercise, a reward system)? AND what is something new that you would LIKE to try moving forward that you maybe have not had the time…
  • Wednesday QOTD: Ladies, have you tried to lose weight before? So is this just another "one of those times" or is this different? What makes it different? What are you doing to ensure that you are not right back where you started? I have tried to lose weight before, but this is the only time that really stuck. Most of the…
  • Tuesday QOTD: I think we all struggle with eating well, especially when eating out. How do you deal with restaurants and get-togethers? I honestly rarely eat out, but when I do, I either eat a smaller lunch, or let it be a cheat day. I go for veggie entrees and I either split or take at least half home for the next day
  • QOTD Thursday: I know weight loss takes up a lot time in our lives. What are some of the hobbies or activities you like to do outside of the gym in your spare time? Between school work and working out, there isn't a ton of extra time for me, but I do play the French horn, and that takes up most of the little time I have…
  • Impromptu Wednesday QOTD: Is there a person in your life who has inspired you to lose weight? Either someone who has lost weight themself, or someone who has developed weight related health issues? To be honest, there really isn't some one I am modeling myself after. I am losing this weight for me!
  • Monday QOTD: What exercise combinations work best for you/do you see the best results with? I started zumba not too long ago, and I love it! I haven't been at it long enough to really know if it's working better than just regular gym equipment, but I think the fact that I now LIKE to workout is so much more important in…
  • Friday QOTD I don't really crave specific foods, but I crave different tastes. Sometimes, I let them get the best of me and eat some chocolate or some chips, but I try to find healthy replacements for whatever I want. No foods are off limits, but I definitely limit a lot of things.
  • Thursday QOTD What would you consider your most trouble area of your body and what form of exercise do you do to focus on that part? My belly for sure. I can feel it getting smaller as I lose weight, but it's still a problem. I try to get a nice balance of weight training in, along with crunches to tone my entire body, not…
  • How do you motivate yourself to work out when you have a busy schedule? I just don't have the time a few days a week, but on the days I do workout, I often get it done in the morning, so I don't lose motivation as the day goes on. This is something I struggle with, but I am trying to be better about working out regularly.
  • MONDAY QOTD: What tips can you provide to help stay on track when life get's hectic? I am honestly really bad at this. Things get really hectic for me, a lot with school, but I generally just try to keep away from snacks. I am a grazer, especially when I 'm stressed, so I try to plan a bit more on days I know will be crazy…
  • So, Friday's question is, what is your favorite recipe or meal suggestion that you have found since you've been on MFP? I have fallen in love with tabbouleh. You can make it from plain bulgar and spice it yourself, but my grocery store carries a kind with all of the spices already mixed in. I just add tomato, feta, and…
  • Wednesday's QOTD: What is the one unhealthy food that you could never and I mean never ever!!!!!! give up in a million years???? I love cheese. And chocolate. I haven't given anything up, just because I feel like depriving myself will only make things worse, so I eat them occasionally.
  • Hi all! I'm Claire, I'm an 18 year old student. I've been overweight since I can remember, though after a visit to the doctor over the summer, I realized it was time to change. I'm a freshman, and though it's been a bit hard, being away from home and all, I have been making progress, even if it's been reallllly slow. I was…
  • Thursday QOTD: What have you changes have you noticed since the start of your fitness journey? I know we have discussed this in the past, but now that we are nearing the end of the challenge, I thought it would be nice to revisit, especially for people who were just starting their journey at the start of the challenge.…
  • Wednesday QOTD: In what ways has MFP helped you lose weight? Is it the motivation of strangers (some of which became friendships!), food trackers...Is there anything you wish MFP could/would do that it doesn't now? It makes me accountable for what I do. The motivation is there because other people are going through the…
  • Monday: I can't say I have a body inspiration. It's almost discouraging for me to look at someone all the time and try to be like them. TUESDAY QOTD: Most of us are losing weight because we don't like our bodies or we want to be healthier and stronger, but what wouldn't you want to change about yourself? Name a PHYSICAL…
  • This is me too! Other than a few slip ups (ND football weekends...), I haven't needed rewards to keep me motivated.
  • These tacos are fantastic! I don't like avocado, so I leave it out, but other than that it is one of my favorite recipes!
  • There are always people here for support! Feel free to add me!
  • Monday QOTD: Do you have pets and if so what kind? If you don't have pets, if you could have one what would it be? I have a 6 year old mutt named Lucky. She is always super energetic. I love going on runs with her, but recently she's started hiding under the couch when it is time to go out... lol!
  • Monday QOTD: Do you have pets and if so what kind? If you don't have pets, if you could have one what would it be? I have a 6 year old mutt named Lucky. She is always super energetic. I love going on runs with her, but recently she's started hiding under the couch when it is time to go out... lol!
  • Thursday QOTD: Ever since you started on your weight loss journey, what has been your biggest obstacle and how did you over come it Mindless snacking. Sometimes, especially when I'm tired or stressed, I'll start munching and not even realize what I'm doing.
  • Tuesday QOTD: What is your top NSV target? To feel comfortable with myself when I look in the mirror.
  • I usually just go for the no thank you and get away from the food. If people are really insistent, I'll have a small bite, but I try very hard to not eat those extra snacks people try to force on me. I try to avoid the situation all together so I don't feel the urge to give in.
  • I have a membership to a nearby gym and I love it! It's only for women, so I've fallen in love with the ellipticals and arc trainers they have there. I really need to start working out more, but it's easier for me if I don't work out at home. Whenever I try to, I get distracted.