Sexy In Six R-1 Results, R-2 Week One! *closed group*



  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD: Why did you choose your profile picture?

    I chose my profile pic because I love Disney Princesses. I have dressed up as a sexy disney princess for the past 2 years (Snow White and then Cinderella, possibly Bella this year):glasses:
    Anyway. I didn't know a better profile pic than Belle in her yellow dress, with a Halloween mask. If just all fit together! :happy:
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    Wednesday's QOTD: What is the one unhealthy food that you could never and i mean never ever!!!!!! give up in a million years????
    Ummm.... chocolate, plain and simple ..... No way I could give up chocolate it would break my heart :brokenheart:
  • emilytgs24
    emilytgs24 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm going to apologize now for not being fully in this challenge so far this week. What a bad way to start a diet challenge! My brother was in a pretty serious accident last weekend and I've spent most of the week at the hospital-eating not so good for me food. I'm am happy to report that he is doing fine and on his way to recovery!

    Tuesday's question- I picked my profile picture because I'm getting my masters in entomology which is something i've wanted to do for a long time and has taken a huge commitment. Just like getting healthy and staying that way! Plus he was just a cute bug! :)

    Wednesday's question-though out my diet career I've decided to never give up anything! Just eat less or plan for it! the few things that I will make sacrifices for are pizza, wine, and any kind of cheese!! Can't get enough cheese!! :)
  • Wed QOTD: What is the one unhealthy food that you could never and i mean never ever!!!!!! give up in a million years????

    This is a toughy for me because I feel like I've done a pretty good job of cutting out most "unhealthy" foods from my diet... However, I love dark chocolate.When I think "I want something sweet" it's usually chocolate that my instints are referring to, so to remedy this I usually keep either Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate with Almonds (individual nuggets are about 45 cals each) and/or Dark Chocolate Kisses (20 calories each). When I want something sweet I just pop one or two of those and it usually satisfies my craving. :D
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    Hi All :)

    My name is Kim, and I'm new to the challenge (yay!!)

    I had the MFP app for the longest and was gung-ho for awhile, but then kind of forgot about it. I came here to the actual site and fell in love with the site!!! :)

    To answer Monday's QOTD and introduce myself....

    I am far from new at the weight loss struggle. It probably began 20'ish years ago and continues till today.
    I just turned 46. I have a 25 yr. old daughter, a 24 yr. old daughter, and a 14 yr. old son. I've been married for 26 years. We live in Colorado Springs, CO. and have lived here since '92.
    We stay pretty busy as a family. I work 2 part time jobs. One as a front office person for a group of four counselors, and one as a patient registrar at a hospital emergency room. The first one is a breeze, the second on keeps me hopping!!! Our son is a high school freshman and is in the marching band which has a crazy schedule, I had no idea!
    Our 24 year old daughter is getting married next June and I will not be the fat mom in the wedding pictures!!!
    My all time high weight is about 210, I've worked on it over the last year or so and I'm currently at about 179, and would like to get to about 140. My body seems very happy and stuck in the 170's!! LOL Now that "I'm back" so to speak, I hope to change that :)
    Looking forward to getting to know you all :)
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    Tuesday QOTD:
    My profile pic is just a recent pic of myself. I'll have to get with the "theme" of things and find a different one .... not from work though LOL
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    Wednesday QOTD:
    One food I could NOT give up....ammmmm, hard to pick just one LOL
    But for one I would have to pick Buttercream Frosting....I love the stuff!! No whipped, fluffy stuff here!
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    Thursday QOTD -- What have you found as a healthy replacement for your favorite unhealthy foods?

    I have gone from greasy (and delicious) butter-n-salt-soaked popcorn to air popped popcorn, sprayed with a lil' bit of Kernel Seasons butter spray and sprinkled with a lil' bit KS nacho cheese. I haven't tried the other flavors but that one isn't too shabby.
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    Welcome, Kim! Glad to have you join us :)
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    Welcome to the red team Kim!!!

    Wed QOTD-ahaha oh man i actually LOVE so many foods, i feel like the only one i don't like is anchovies lol. Hmmm i think i'd have to say soft serve ice cream!!! i love pasta and pizza but you can usually do a lower fat variety....even a MINI blizzard or Mcd hot fudge sundae is at least 340-400+ cals so it's really hard to work it in!!! but i freaking love soft serve! especially the twisty cones half chocolate half vanilla :)
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Tuesday's QOTD: Why did you choose your profile picture?

    Steelers all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Wednesday's QOTD: What is the one unhealthy food that you could never and I mean never ever!!!!!! give up in a million years????

    Diet Pepsi or Coke Zero . . . . . its a love/hate relationship
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Thursday QOTD: Okay ladies, this ties in with Wednesday's QOTD. Most of us have foods we are not willing to give up or feel sad about having to give up. What have you found as a healthy replacement for your favorite unhealthy foods?

    I eat chocolate quaker rice cakes w/ a 1/2 tablespoon of peanutbutter on top. I also have skinny cow instead of regular ice cream.
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    Ok - I couldn't give up cheese...but I should, probably more than I should give up red wine and chocolate.

    Thursday QOTD: I'v discovered a light mozarella - with tomatoes, basil and minimum oil and vinegar, it just makes a divine salad. I love it!
  • codonnell13
    codonnell13 Posts: 52 Member
    Wednesday's QOTD: What is the one unhealthy food that you could never and I mean never ever!!!!!! give up in a million years????

    I love cheese. And chocolate. I haven't given anything up, just because I feel like depriving myself will only make things worse, so I eat them occasionally.
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    Thursday QOTD: Okay ladies, this ties in with Wednesday's QOTD. Most of us have foods we are not willing to give up or feel sad about having to give up. What have you found as a healthy replacement for your favorite unhealthy foods?

    Skinny cow ice cream is awesome! =)
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Thursday QOTD: Okay ladies, this ties in with Wednesday's QOTD. Most of us have foods we are not willing to give up or feel sad about having to give up. What have you found as a healthy replacement for your favorite unhealthy foods?

    Not really a replacement, but I have learned I love couscous. I kinda prefer it over rice now, so I guess that is a replacement though I'm not sure how much healthier it is.
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Skinny cow here too! I actually like it better than most store bought ice cream!
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member

    hhmm...i'm still not "dieting" but watching portions of all the unhealthy stuff. it's hard, too. i've tried cutting unhealthy back, but i get too discouraged and end up gaining more than just weight. so for now i'm sticking to the smaller portions thing. so far it's taken 10 lbs! yeay! but a healthy sub i like...hhhmmmm

    i'd have to say the yoplait delights that are 100 cals each. flavors are: lemon torte, chocolate eclaire, and grasshopper pie (which is really lime with chocolate mousse). delicious! think i ate 3 today for 2 meals and snack

    AND i like the air popped corn as well. i'll put a bit of olive oil in the pan and pop it. as soon as it comes out i'll sprinkle taco seasoning or ground parmesan cheese on top, sometimes both :) yummy

    also for some meals for dinner or the weekends, i'll share half my meal with chaz cuz he'll eat anything if he's in the mood for it. so that cuts half my calories for a meal sometimes and it adds up
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Monday's Introduction... I am Isobel, age 59. One of these days I promise I will properly introduce myself over and above the info I have on my profile but I often come online at night and my brain is kinda mushy right now. I couldn't find the thread for a couple of days as I hadn't bookmarked it and my mushbrain wasn't sending me in the right direction to find it agin, lol

    Tuesday: I am on the Black team GO BLACK!! First I had a picture of my kitty, then of a lunar eclipse, then on Sunday before church I had my hubby take a picture of me in my one and only black top. I am a "summer" if I remember correctly :p and I don't wear a lot of black.

    Wednesday: If I could never ever have one again in my life, I would really miss Tim Hortons breakfast biscuits with bacon . However even though I could work one into my eating plan if I wanted, I don't t end to want to waste a bijillion calories on that one food item so haven't had one in a long time.

    Thursday: New healthy food item actually is also a breakfast item. I love ricotta cheese (which I had previously only ever bought once to use in a lasagna for a change and didn't know what to do with the rest of it!) Now for breakfast I often have ricotta cheese, drizzled with a little liquid honey and then mix in whatever fruit is available, blueberries, peach, pear, raspberries, strawberries, whatever.. Mmm mm good!