Sexy In Six R-1 Results, R-2 Week One! *closed group*

Sorry I had a busy weekend guys! So I'm posting the final results of Sexy in Six Round One and the first thread of Sexy in Six Round Two together.

First, here's the results of Round One! I'll list your name and your TOTAL weight loss over the 6 weeks. (If you had a gain, it will be denoted with an asterisk, for example +1.2*) If your name is missing from the list, it is because you did not weigh in this weekend.

Green Team
peanut613 ~ 8.4
kimi131 ~ 8.2
Feydruss ~ 7.2
RunningAddict ~ 0
almille ~ 6
Bella1Hub ~ 5

Tema Purple
zaiikaa ~ 2
nicoleAJ ~ 5.6
sakus32 ~ 6
arcticbear ~ 11.4
tjutrostina ~ +2.4*
kristyann86 ~ 10.8
j991i ~ 8

Team Blue
emd0019 ~ 2
LWDLLC ~ 4.8
totustuusmaria ~ 10
hope228 ~ 11
lee155 ~14

Team Pink
KalieghMorgan ~ 2.8
magic_girl ~ 2
Klyvers ~ +4.4*
codonnell13 ~ 5
megamoo4 ~ 11
dezedeze ~ 6
megan_mae ~ 7.7
ranewell ~ 9.6

Awesome job ladies! Sexy in Six Round One was so fun!

Sexy In Six Round Two.....GO! And we're off! Sorry I didn't get this up last night, I'll try to be better about that the next few weeks.

So, we know our teams, we're all sending our teammates friend requests (I hope!) and we're ready to kick some booty!

Look at the total pounds lost in 6 weeks above. Some of our round 1 ladies really kicked butt and raised the bar high. Let's kill those numbers! Returning chicks, try to beat your numbers from the last round! We can do this!!!

I'll start the week off with a warm-up challenge. This week, we are staying under our calorie goals and logging 30 minutes of exercise every day. That's a two part challenge! Let's kick this thing off by eating right AND getting our booties moving!

Our questions this week go to some returning members to get the ball rolling:
Monday: peanut613
Tuesday: kimi131
Wednesday: honey1990
Thursday: magic_girl
Friday: Bella1hud

Also, a quick note to everyone who was in Round One, I have taken last week's weigh in and made that your start weight so you are as up to date as possible!

As always, any questions just email me! Let's start this challenge off the RIGHT way ladies! We're gonna kick some butt! *woooo-hoooo!*


  • megamoo04
    megamoo04 Posts: 269
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Monday's QOTD: Since this is day one and we are 1/2 old members and 1/2 new, let's take this as our chance to introduce ourselves!

    Hi guys, I'm Logan and I'm 23 from Maryland. I'm married and have an adorable 2 y/o daughter. I love movies, junk tv, music, books... I'm always reading something on my Kindle. I love to drink coffee. I sleep in every morning (because my toddler thinks she's a teen and sleeps til 9 or 10 every complaints here!) and often miss breakfast. I drive a civic named Rhonda the Honda. I love to clip coupons and buy things for cheap. My husband is a chef at a crazily upscale inn and he's usually bringing home food. He spent the last few months in their pastry department (they move him around between departments in the kitchen because he's just that good :tongue:) but I'm glad they moved him again because he was killing me with all the fresh rolls and pastries he brought home! :laugh: They were *too* good! I am a stay at home mother to this crazy girl. I have taken college classes here and there but can't wait to put all my focus back on school. I'd love a Masters in Psychology!

    As far as my fitness story goes, I maintained a 4/6 through high school and shortly after. I got pregnant and lost 15 pounds during the first half of my pregnancy from eating much healthier. I only gained a small bit overall. Then after my daughter was born, my diet went totally out of control. I was never very active so I just got fatter and fatter. Eventually this June, I hit my highest weight after coming home from vacation. I was 175 pounds. Something clicked to me and I started losing weight with MFP. I'd used the app before but always gave up fairly quickly. This time I tried the site too. It made all the difference! So I've been here ever since, joining 2 rounds of the Diamond challenge, then starting my own challenge, and joining the christmas challenge on the side. Challenges are great because I feel so guilty when I slack off! :embarassed: So I've managed to stay around to lose 27 pounds and now I'm excited because my end goal is in sight!
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    WTG everyone! I hit my goal for this challenge today, and I'm sure everyone in Round 2 (which I'm not participating in, as I'm in another challenge now) will kick butt.
    Good luck!
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    Hi everyone both new and not new (not gonna say old haha!)!

    My name is Devon and I'm an acute care nurse practitioner. I'm married with no kids but we do have a 2 year old labrador retriever. My husband is in his final year of medical school, so between the two of us our schedules can be pretty crazy (I'm just coming off a five-day stint of being on service, which means about 5 13-hour days in a row).

    I'm excited to do the second half of this challenge! It definitely kept me focused last time since I was in philadelphia for two weeks with cheesesteak temptations all around. For any of you who like to peek at diaries you'll see that I've started to eat Primal (essentially I have cut out all grains, sugars, etc and I limit dairy or eat full-fat dairy). It totally goes against conventional wisdom, but for me it's really jumpstarted my weight loss and I love I feel great. Gonna keep it up!

    Go blue team!!
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    Excited to start the challenge today! And totally on board for the weekly goal of 30 minutes of exercise a day and under calories. My husband is gone all week, so that shouldn't be a problem! :)

    Here's my little introduction: I'm Elizabeth and I'm 30 years old from PA. I'm married with no kids. I work a LOT, so while I really love my job, the stress and hours can put a strain on my weight loss goals. I tend to get wrapped up in my work and stressed about day to day operations that I should be able to leave at work but can't. I think the stress of increased responsibilities that came with my promotion have hindered my weight loss goals. I love to read, watch dorky tv (Big Bang Theory, Eureka, etc) and the travel channel, and hang out with friends. My husband is active duty military so we see each other a few weekends a month and some random weekdays every once a while. I'm used to it, so its fine, but when he's home, it's easy to slip up and eat and drink whatever I want because its a treat.

    Fitness wise, I've been trying to lose weight since the start of the year and I've been great in losing the first 20 pounds, but the next 20 are really taking their time getting off. I finished the couch to 5k program which was awesome, but summer came and with it came heat that I don't run in and a 3 month plateau was born. I recently joined a gym and have been really good about going between 4 and 5 days a week. I gained a bunch of weight over the past few years (stress eating and drinking mostly) that I'd love to have off so I can feel good about myself again. I'm so much fitter than I was a year ago, but I'd like to start losing weight when I'm working out instead of maintaining. Hoping this 6 week challenge will kick my butt so I'm a skinnier me by the time the holidays roll around!
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    Hi everyone!!!

    This is my first challenge and i'm pretty excited! so nice to meet you all!

    My name's Natalie, and i'm finishing up my thesis for my master's of science. No kids or significant other but lots of amazing friends and family in my life :)

    I've been trying to lose weight since Jan '10, when i realized that over my uni years my weight kept creeping up and up. I'm 5' 4.5'' :) and the highest i ever saw was probs 154 (totes avoided the scale for awhile). I didn't really believe i was overweight until I went away one weekend, ate a ton, came back, stepped on the scale and it finally hit me! (ahha I call this my camel moment...straw that broke the camel's back). Anyways, I wanted to do something before I really spiraled out of control, and over the next 1.5 years I lost 17lbs! unfort i lost motivation and gained almost 10lbs back! but thanks to MFP, and actually using the community features, i'm back down to 13 lost, yay! my goal is to be in the 120's while im in 20's :) (i'm 25 so I have 5 years left to enjoy this!!!). I love biking, spinning, running, sometimes strength training, and zumba!!

    also, i'm Canadian, and it's Canadian thanksgiving this weekend, gah!! Saturday and Sunday are going to be a bit tricky for being under my calories goal, but i'm going to kick *kitten* Monday-Friday to make up for it :)

    Also are we supposed to weigh in today???
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    I too am trying to gear up for Thanksgiving this weekend. Eeek!
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Aww freyduss, we'll miss you!
  • StacyAS999
    StacyAS999 Posts: 107 Member
    Hello, everyone! It's my first challenge too, and I am so excited!

    I'm Stacy, I'm 41, and live in Colorado Springs, Colorado. I'm married and the mother of a 16 year old daughter who is in her junior year of high school. I work in Public Affairs for a government agency, which can have some long hours and be pretty stressful. I'm also pursuing my PhD in Business and Marketing, so that takes a lot of work, too. I love to read (the Kindle has changed my life), ski and scuba dive, and I fancy myself an aspiring artist, even though I never seem to have any time to do it! We have a chocolate lab named Abby who is the reason for most of my exercise - she is high energy and needs to get out and burn it off, or she can't sleep - and a house rabbit named Oolong.

    My fitness journey is long and varied. I was a normal weight all through high school, and the weight started creeping on in college, and sontinued when I got married and had my daughter. I reached about 200 pounds, and then worked hard to get down to about 150 about 12 years ago. I slacked back off, and this spring I reached about 180 (I think, I was too afraid to weigh myself), and after beginning to watch what I ate and starting to see the scale go back down, I started here on MFP in June at 170. So far, I've reached 154. I weigh every day so I can keep track of how things such as sodium, etc., have an effect on my weight.

    I'm ready to step things up, Glad to see everyone!

    (Sorry, edited because I'm a dork!)
  • slender_sunshine
    Hi guys :)

    I'm Nikki. I'm a 22 year old college student (graduating this year, can I get a HECK YEAH?). I live in Greensboro, North Carolina. As well as taking a full courseload, I also have a job and an internship, so it's been difficult to also pursue weight loss, but with the addition of this challenge, I know I'm more likely to make working out and eating well a higher priority. The most I ever weighed was 165 about a year ago, and that's when I decided that I didn't like the way I looked or felt, so I started losing weight. I got down to 145 recently, but as you can see, gained some of it back.
    I love to lift weights (but I've slacked off, which is why I have no muscle tone now), canoe, read, and write. And, like Stacy, I also fancy myself as sort of an artist; I trade Artist Trading Cards (tiny baseball sized self-created works of art) on a site called
  • slender_sunshine
    I love to read, watch dorky tv (Big Bang Theory, Eureka, etc) and the travel channel...

    I LOVE Big Bang Theory and Eureka. Have you ever seen Raising Hope? It's not science based, but the humor seems similar to me in a way.
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Awesome results ladies from round 1.

    My name is Crystal and I'm a stay at home Mom of 2 little boys 7 months and almost 4, I have a 17 year old daughter as well. I've struggled with my weight after being in a major car crash, I went from running every day to laying in a bed for almost 2 years waiting to here emotionally and physically. Then 2 later in life pregnancies, your body doesn't jump back like it use to when you have a baby at 39. I'm finally ready to get back to what I remember.
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    I'm so excited! Okay, my intro:

    (Personal) My name is Susan. I am a 37 year old mother of two incredibly awesome teenage boys (and aunt to Torieelizabeth, who is also participating...and also pretty awesome herself). I'm divorced from, but still friendly with, the boys' dad. I work five days a week in a small company (with ALL men) as an Administrative Assistant. It's a desk job, so my first extra 25 pounds crept on easily. I have a "significant other", Doug and a lab/rott mix named Maggie. Most days I'm more partial to the dog :) I'm originally from New York, but have lived in Indiana for the past 16 some days you may see me swearing like a sailor and have an attitude, and other days I'll be blessin' your heart. I'm also trying to get a soap and body business up and running, in my non-existent spare time.

    (Fitness) Three years and 25 pounds into my sedentary desk job, I decided to quit smoking. My lungs and heart cheered me on, but my *kitten* and stomach are still whining about it. I gained another 15 pounds. I even tried to go on the offense and start exercising, but that only does so much when you adopt an I-quit-smoking-so-I'm-going-to-eat-what-I-want attitude. Not to mention, I can justify damn near anything in my head (i.e. a Taco Bell is healthy because it has lettuce and tomatoes). But the 30th of October will be my two year anniversary from quitting so I'm determined to be at my smoking weight, which was 150. Once I conquer the quitting pounds, then I will move onto the sedentary pounds. For now, I'm eating the foods I want, and trying to stay within my calorie goal. When I get closer to goal, or if I stay at this plateau, I will clean up my diet a bit. I love exercise, which is why I can't understand why it's so easy for me to talk myself out of doing it. But I think this will keep me going.

    This is my first challenge, so I'm very, very excited. I consider myself a team player and a wee bit competitive, so GO BLUE!! Hehehe.
  • klyvers512
    klyvers512 Posts: 37 Member
    Hey Everyone!
    I'm Kristin, originally from FL, I now live in NC thanks to the hubby! This is my 3rd challenge (2nd on MFP) and I started one between my mommy group (I lost 4 pounds in the last 4 weeks). Today is Day 1 of 3 more challenge groups for me! This one, a 6-week one in the Mommy group and then also a toning challenge there too. I'm a glutton for punishment I guess. Actually, we're going home to FL for Thanksgiving and I'd like to be noticeably smaller than I was last year when we visited...and I'd like to feel good about the pics we'll take at Disney.

    I'm married, we have a 2 year old daughter and I can't use the "baby weight" excuse anymore. I lost all of it after having her, but it crept back on earlier this year when I fell and broke my pelvis. I'm looking to lose a total of 30lbs and am already 11lbs down since the end of August.

    We live in the mountains with our 2 rescue dogs and I'm looking forward to enjoying the woods a little bit more before it gets too chilly.
    Good luck to all!
  • chocolattahottie
    I'm just letting you know that team black is going to rock it out, and all the other teams better WATCH OUT... hahaha
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Monday's QOTD: Since this is day one and we are 1/2 old members and 1/2 new, let's take this as our chance to introduce ourselves!

    Hi guys, I'm Logan and I'm 23 from Maryland. I'm married and have an adorable 2 y/o daughter. I love movies, junk tv, music, books...

    After spending the last six weeks referring to you as "peanut" . . . . . i had to look three time at your profile pic before it all made sense, LMAO . . .thanks for kicking off the 2nd round :)
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Hi, I am Santiea and I am a 33 y/o mother of two, full-time nursing student, and part time coroner :) I also work another part-time job to keep from getting bored (insert sarcastic smirk here). My fitness journey is almost two years old now and needs a little poking and prodding now and again. I laugh easily and like to run. I graduate in December and am just trying not to eat my stress until then :).

    After the birth of my second child, I quite smoking and instead of losing the baby weight, added to it. In January of 2010? I signed up at a local fitness center ran by a husband and wife team. They taught me how to calorie count, eat in a calorie range, exercise effectively for my body type and feel good about myself again. I love them a lot for what they gave me. FF to present day, I am trying to apply what I learned and lose additional pounds on my own, with support from my gals here on MFP. I have found the combination of running and pylo to be most effective for me, but have recently been hindered by . . . . . . 24 hour days when I am really in need of 36. I just keep telling myself to take one day at a time, so here is to the next 42 days . . . . . . . we can do this :)
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Congrats to the Round 1 losers~ and Welcome to the Round 2 people :))

    I am Laura - Round 1 was my first challenge and it made me realize I have hit a plateau. 4 years ago i started off at 212 and read a book called the beck diet solution - it changed my life, I got down to 174 and then stopped actively dieting, and over the next year lost another 10 lbs from my lifestyle changes, when this challenge started up I decided to finish what I had started and get back on the wagon. I didn't think it would be as tough as it has been ! My losses has been a little disappointing but I know that I'm on the right track. I'm on week 7 of couch to 5k - I have 3 days of running 2.5 miles this week and my first 5k is November 19th!

    I'm 30 years old, married with 2 bassett hounds, I am a horse trainer in South Carolina and also work as a vet tech at a large animal practice.

    I really am looking to make it to a consistent size 6 or 8, and break out of the 150s for the first time in my adult life.
    GO RED :))
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Monday's QOTD: Since this is day one and we are 1/2 old members and 1/2 new, let's take this as our chance to introduce ourselves!

    I'm Jenna, 24, from Georgia. Have a 5 month old daughter and I need to shed some weight. I gained 73 while prego! Lost 46 so far.
  • StacyAS999
    StacyAS999 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi guys :)

    I'm Nikki. I'm a 22 year old college student (graduating this year, can I get a HECK YEAH?). I live in Greensboro, North Carolina. As well as taking a full courseload, I also have a job and an internship, so it's been difficult to also pursue weight loss, but with the addition of this challenge, I know I'm more likely to make working out and eating well a higher priority. The most I ever weighed was 165 about a year ago, and that's when I decided that I didn't like the way I looked or felt, so I started losing weight. I got down to 145 recently, but as you can see, gained some of it back.
    I love to lift weights (but I've slacked off, which is why I have no muscle tone now), canoe, read, and write. And, like Stacy, I also fancy myself as sort of an artist; I trade Artist Trading Cards (tiny baseball sized self-created works of art) on a site called

    Ooooh, I'm going to have to check out this website! :happy: