Sexy In Six R-1 Results, R-2 Week One! *closed group*



  • slender_sunshine
    Wednesday's QOTD: What is the one unhealthy food that you could never and i mean never ever!!!!!! give up in a million years????

    This is hard because most of my favorite foods are unhealthy, though that's starting to change :laugh:
    Definitely pizza and fries are at the top of the list, though, with pasta coming in a close third (and not the healthy skinny version of pasta dishes; the gooey, cheese oozing, 1000+ calories a serving pasta).

    Speaking of healthy pasta, I'm making some butternut squash pasta tonight :) Hopefully it turns out well.
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    fairly obvious really, had to keep up with peanut!
  • klyvers512
    klyvers512 Posts: 37 Member
    Tuesday QOTD:

    Wanted something yellow and healthy looking :)

    Pizza!! We get it about once a week now and I could probably eat half of it alone! It's so good though.
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: Idk why...I love cats, they make me smile. And, I'm not a girly girl, so I wanted something different (and the cat looks like he has an attitude! lol)

    Wednesday QOTD: PIZZA!!!!!! It's a weakness for sure!
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member


    i love big open spaces, so when i try to relax and imagine a place, i think about big spaces. i love night time as well when the sky is lit with stars and the moon. so when i found this pic, i said " wow. that is gorgeous. i could sooooo vacay there." (and it kinda reminds me of the saga


    can't remember what i put as the answer for the similar question last round, but i would have to say today, i feel like i couldn't live without bread.

    also for BLUE TEAM: has anyone started a motivation thread? last round the purple team had one and it did wonders for me. it was nice to talk with team member about struggles and victories and even questions about certain things
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    Monday's QOTD: Since this is day one and we are 1/2 old members and 1/2 new, let's take this as our chance to introduce ourselves!

    Hello, my name is Megan. I am 25 years old from Ontario Canada. I have a wonderful 2 year son, and the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. I am currently in University studying to get my Bachelors in Psychology and then hope to get my Masters afterwards. I enjoy photography, music, video games, poetry, movies and reading in my spare time. And of course spending time with my little family is first and foremost.

    My weight issues started in college. The weight slowly kept creeping up on me even though nothing had changed. I worked out incredibly hard ate what I thought was healthy and could not lose weight no matter how hard I tried. Then I got pregnant. At about the 4 month mark I was having gal bladder attacks everyday. The stress and pain it was putting on me had me almost lose my baby on a few occasions. I was put on bed rest and the weight kept going up and up and up and up. I had my son 4 weeks early, at that point I gained almost 50 pounds. Afterwards I followed a 1400 calorie diet plan ate incredibly healthy because I was breastfeeding, exercised everyday and no weight loss not one pound only weight gain, about 30 pounds in a year to be exact.

    At my one year check up with my OBGYN he informed me he thought I had Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. Something I had discussed with my family doctor prior and he informed me that was very unlikely given I had gotten pregnant relatively easy. But the symptoms added up. And after a Ultrasound and some blood work it was confirmed. I was then able to lose some weight but soon after my gal bladder attacks came full throttle. The pain was so bad it dropped me to my knees, I had never felt anything so painful and scary. The weight loss stalled at that point I was in pain almost everyday anywhere from 8-20 hours with these attacks. I ate legumes tons of them since they were supposed to dissolve gal stones. And of course my weight went up yet again. I was told I had to get my gal bladder taken out but that was not an option. I searched for a natural cure and found a cleanse. It worked amazing. Now I still get attacks here and there. And they are still incredibly painful, but they are a far cry from everyday. I eat a very low carb diet about 50-100gmas a day. And though it is looked down upon it is the only way I can lose weight while having PCOS. A lot of the food I should eat because I have PCOS I can`t eat because my gal bladder and vice versa. It`s a never ending battle. But I`m tired of looking and feeling like crap. Enough is enough and I just do my best day in and out. And I really don't care what I had to give up anymore. Because nothing makes me happier then finally being happy in my own skin.
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD: Why did you choose your profile picture?

    No reason, it's just a recent picture of me. I plan to put a red one up but I haven't found one that symbolizes me yet.
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    Wednesday's QOTD: What is the one unhealthy food that you could never and I mean never ever!!!!!! give up in a million years????

    I can't pick just one. But I could live off of cheese, ice cream, iced caps, nutella and potatoes.
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD: Why did you choose your profile picture?

    A pic of my first race and I was so very happy to have the experience.
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    Wednesday's QOTD: What is the one unhealthy food that you could never and I mean never ever!!!!!! give up in a million years????

    To be honest I don't think that there is any food that i wouldn't be able to give up. When I try to answer nothing comes to mind. =)
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Wed QOTD:

    It's a tie between Peanut Butter and Chocolate!!!! Basically anything with that combination drives me crazy in love! And omg if we have Moose tracks ice cream in the house then I will NOT be able to control myself! :(

    OMG!!! I feel the same way!! I LOVE peanut butter/chocolate too! I'm always looking for healthy peanut butter or peanut butter/chocolate combos to eat!
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Wednesday's QOTD: What is the one unhealthy food that you could never and i mean never ever!!!!!! give up in a million years????

    Hard question for me. I love peanut butter chocolate combos as I already stated, but I've mostly given that up. And I love, love enchiladas, tacos, etc. (south Texas girl here), but I've given up most of that too except for the occasional splurge. Hmm.... maybe tortilla chips and salsa. If I'm near it, I can't say no.
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Wednesday's QOTD

    What I could never give up is chocolate, I love the stuff. Going to have to have some will power at the end of the month. Also a glass of good red wine, thats a hard one to say no to as well.
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    Wednesday's QOTD

    I would have to say the worst is probably McDonald's...usually a Big Mac. That may just be my answer because that's what I've been craving for the past few weeks, but that's what I would have to go with. The only problem is, the longer I'm "good", the more my stomach hurts after finally caving and having McD's, and then I wonder why I can't let go, lol.
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    Wednesday's QOTD: What is the one unhealthy food that you could never and I mean never ever!!!!!! give up in a million years????

    I would have to say donuts. I don't eat them often, but I love them. I think it stems from my childhood. My dad was a baker/cake decorator, and when we visited him at work, my sister and I always got to go back to the bakery and the bakery clerks would give us donuts.
    Wednesday's QOTD: What is the one unhealthy food that you could never and I mean never ever!!!!!! give up in a million years????

    Mcdonalds french fries. They scream my name.
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    wednesday QOTD - I have 2 Ice cream and Pizza - Luckily I have discovered healthier options to keep them around,however nothing compares to the real thing, so I have to splurge occasionally!!!!
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    Wednesday's QOTD: What is the one unhealthy food that you could never and i mean never ever!!!!!! give up in a million years????

    Pepperoni pizza. I cut back and only have it once a month or so, but I love it and won't give it up. The low fat, low cal versions don't cut it either. Has to be hot and gooey, not low fat cheese that doesn't melt correctly. :)
  • Magic_Girl
    Wed QOTD:

    It's a tie between Peanut Butter and Chocolate!!!! Basically anything with that combination drives me crazy in love! And omg if we have Moose tracks ice cream in the house then I will NOT be able to control myself! :(

    OMG!!! I feel the same way!! I LOVE peanut butter/chocolate too! I'm always looking for healthy peanut butter or peanut butter/chocolate combos to eat!

    LOL! Actually that's what my Thursday question is about! I will post it today since I have school tomorrow and I'd most likely forget! :)
  • Magic_Girl
    Thursday QOTD: Okay ladies, this ties in with Wednesday's QOTD. Most of us have foods we are not willing to give up or feel sad about having to give up. What have you found as a healthy replacement for your favorite unhealthy foods?

    I love peanut butter and chocolate combinations! Usually chocolate and peanut butter combos are found in candies and ice cream. As a replacement I make chocolate & peanut butter oatmeal! I use 3/4 cup of dark chocolate almond milk for 1/2 cup of plain oatmeal, then after it's hot and ready I mix in a tablespoon of reduced fat peanut butter~ only 335 calories and very filling!!!! or 240 calories w/o the peanut butter!!!! :) I love it! :love: