Sexy In Six R-1 Results, R-2 Week One! *closed group*



    Tuesday's question of the day

    I chose my profile picture because I'm on the black team. I love to paint and I was going through Ghetty Images trying to find something I thought would be fun to paint and came across this picture, so I saved it to my laptop. When I found out I was on the black team, I thought it would be perfect, because I'm a little crazy, and look like a monkey nooow, but in 6 weeks I'll be some hot stuff =)
  • StacyAS999
    StacyAS999 Posts: 107 Member
    Tuesday's QOD:

    I chose my profile picture for a number of reasons: I'm on the yellow team, it made me smile, and it reminds me of a button I used to have that said, "I's not fat, I's just fluffy!" Hoping to shear off this fluff! :laugh:
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    oh great question!! This was one of my profile pics before, because it's my reward for my first goal!! I really really want biogel nails, especially in cherry red!! and then I ended up on the red team!!! so my pic = team spirit + reward :D:D haha i hope it's not tooo creepy just seeing a hand ;)
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD: Why did you choose your profile picture?

    I am on the blue team. The only time I drink fancy drinks like this is with my girlfriends. So my picture reminds me of my treasured time with the girls.
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD: Why did you choose your profile picture?

    I searched for yellow on and this was the first image I connected with. I like Calvin and Hobbs. :)
  • kaleighmorgan
    Monday's QOTD:

    I'm Kaleigh :) I'm a 21 year old college student and I'm running my first half-marathon on Sunday!! I'm working on becoming an endurance athlete and I'm starting crossfit and triathlon training as soon as I finish my half :) I have a boyfriend named Daniel who's a personal trainer and he's been incredibly helpful/supportive during this process. I'm ~150 lbs right now and I'd like to get down to 140, and eventually 135. For this challenge I'm looking to get down under 145.

    Tuesday QOTD:

    I thought this picture was perfect!!
    1) It has a RED theme
    2) It's very SEXY--I love the "Snow White"-esque symbolism. There's something very alluring and mysterious about it.
    3) I thought the apple tied in really well with the HEALTHY lifestyle theme I'm trying to adopt.

    Let's bring it, ladies!! :D
  • Honey1990
    Hi all. My name is Courtney Im 21 and live in the valley in California. Ive been with my boyfriend for about 4 years now and gained most of my weight after our first 6 months together i fell and tore 3 ligaments in my ankle and wasnt able to do much of anything for about a year. i lost 25 pounds two years ago and fell of the band wagon and watched my weight creep right on up to about 205. im only 5'4 and thats on a good day so 205 was alot of weight for me. Over the last 6 months i have lost about 30 lbs. Its been slow but steady and im ok with it. im finally starting to love my body again. I like the way in look in clothes now and especially in pictures.

    I choose my profile picture because i love mickey mouse. Im actually going to Disneyland next wed. so i wont be logging in for about 5 days!!!!! but im so excited. Sorry black team but im probably going to have a little bit of a gain that week lol i have a love affair with churros.
  • Honey1990
    Wed QOTD: Im posting a bit early because i have to work the rest of the day and then have school tonight. Ok soooooo...... what is the one unhealthy food that you could never and i mean never ever!!!!!! give up in a million years????

    I am going to have to say Mac and Cheese. I would die without this stuff. I only have it about once every three months now. and you better believe that i eat the entire box when i do indulge with it. its just so good and yummy yummy yummy in my tummy!!!!
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Tuesday's question of the day

    I choose my pic cause I'm on Team Yellow, I picked the yellow brick road because it represents the long journey down the road to where I want to be.

    Awesome question
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Hey Christi! emilytgs24 and I BOTH went to Lake Erie College! SUCH a SMALL WORLD!!!
    Hello ladies,

    My name is Christi, and I'm from Mentor, OH (east of Cleveland, right on Lake Erie). I am 5'1" and have lost 31 pounds since the beginning of May. I would like to lose another 20-30 pounds. I was always thin in high school and college. My wedding dress was a size 6, and I was happy with that. Then life really began. I was working six days a week for a public accounting firm, traveling a lot, eating out all of the time, and not exercising. During that time I was also diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Between all of that, and my marriage falling apart, I gained a lot of weight. I wasn't happy about it (who is?) but I wasn't motivated enough to do anything about it.

    My family booked a cruise the first week of May for next March. I said enough was enough and started MFP that week. I've logged in every day since. I've gotten active (currently on week 5 of c25k) and learned how to eat HEALTHY (veggies don't taste that bad after all!) I feel great, I am happier with how I look and I realize that I can do this!

    Personally speaking, I am single and have two black labs - Chelsea (8 1/2) and Mindy Lu (almost 2). I am a CPA and work for a large financial institution in downtown Cleveland. I like photography and scrapbooking, and I love to visit the Ohio wineries. I will actually be going to my favorite one on Saturday for my 35th (gulp!) birthday.

    I look forward to getting to know all of you fabulous ladies!
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Tuesday QOTD - I picked a red hot shoe for the red team because my husband's mother has passed down a family tradition to me that "she who wears the red shoes has the power" I wore red shoes on my wedding day and every time I wear red shoes I get to make the decisions :)) I'm DECIDING to get into the 140s!!!!!!

    GO RED!
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD: Why did you choose your profile picture?

    I chose my picture because I am on the blue team, and I wanted something weight loss-related. I found this pic online and made it "mine" with a little help from (love that site!).
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: I chose my pic cause my husband and I always like to get away to the Caribbean for a week each year. We live such busy lives that decompressing on the beach for a week is becoming a mandatory activity for us. We've said that if we don't have to move (aka sell and buy houses) for his residency, we're going to Bora Bora to celebrate his med school graduation!! Plus I'm on the blue team hehe!

    Wednesday QOTD: Hmmm...tough question....since I started eating Primal my definition of "unhealthy" has changed a lot. I think, though, that egg rolls (the really deep fried greasy yummy kind smothered in duck sauce...OK getting hungry now...) are one thing that are a true vice for me. I don't seek them out, but if you put them in front of me forget it.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD: Why did you choose your profile picture?
    Okay well first I have a confession! Being the organizer of a challenge has its perks. I totally made my team black because it's my absolute favorite color ever! haha! As far as picking my pic, I went back and forth between a few pics. I was debating between a black rose, black lips, and I wanted to find a good pic of "Black Diamond" (the KISS song!) Ultimately, I went with the lips because I thought they were sexy! And that's what we're aiming for over the next 6 weeks!
    Wed QOTD: What is the one unhealthy food that you could never and i mean never ever!!!!!! give up in a million years????
    FRENCH FRIES!!!!! I love them!!!!!! I don't eat them often, like I used to. I have them once a month or so and I really enjoy them when I get them! Although I get a smaller order than I used to, which I'm proud of. But ahhhhh, a basket of hot fries is soooo good.
  • 160poundgirl
    Tuesday's QOTD: Why did you choose your profile picture?
    Coz my legs are my greatest asset and we want to be sexy and team YELLOW will win (whoot!!! whoot!!!)

    Wed QOTD: What is the one unhealthy food that you could never and i mean never ever!!!!!! give up in a million years????
    Fries, Fries, Fries!!!! When i am eating well, i try to avoid them but i know i could never, ever give them up in a million years. On the other hand, i hear all kind of things about whole milk- well, i will never, ever, ever, ever, ever not have whole milk even if it was 1,000 calories a cup (lil' exaggeration maybe?) but you get the point. I love whole milk
  • anettabon
    anettabon Posts: 30 Member
    I don't know how I missed Monday's QOTD, but here goes:
    Hi, I'm 26 and I live in Nashville...well sort of. I'm in Columbus right now. Because of my job, I'm on the road almost every week with the bad influence of coworkers who love heavy food and beer. Things got a little hectic last year and my job got stressful and frustrating. I didn't really deal with that in the healthiest way; when I started working too much I also started drinking more, eating more, and stopped working out. Surprise, surprise, none of my clothes fit now and my starting weight was the heaviest I've been in my entire life (even after studying in France for a semester and living on pastries and nutella...) and I got really tired all the time. So, I decided to make a better commitment to this site and start running at least three times a week, which really helps my emotions stay level and makes me a happier person overall. This segways into...

    Tuesday's QOTD: Why did you choose your profile picture?
    I choose my profile picture because I want to run another half marathon and want to remind myself to keep training. I got up to 5 miles a week and a half ago and hope to run a 10K within the next 2 weeks. There is a training group that starts in January as well by my house for the half marathon in Nashville in April.

    Wednesday's QOTD: What is the one unhealthy food that you could never and i mean never ever!!!!!! give up in a million years????
    I know it's clique, but I have an obsession with dark chocolate. Pizza and french fries rank a really close second. My boyfriend's dad owns a pizza shop and as a result, he makes such good pizza.
  • drgirl1023
    drgirl1023 Posts: 112 Member
    Tuesday QOTD!

    I actually was looking for a black gun with a black rose (deadly - not playing any games with this weight- but beautiful). I could not find it so I found a beautiful black rose. I plan to feel and look beautiful in my eyes again. Of course it is black for the team that I represent!!! GO BLACK TEAM!!!!!!!

    Wednesday QOTD!

    I love Italian bread toasted with butter!!! I am also big on chocolate - any chocolate! Black team don't worry I have slowed down with the chocolate and have switched the Italian bread for wheat :(!
  • Magic_Girl
    Tues QOTD:

    I'm on the Black Team and I chose a black&white Betty Boop picture because I love Betty Boop and my mom is obsessed with her! Plus I think she looks cute and sexy, which ties with the sexy in six theme. :)

    Wed QOTD:

    It's a tie between Peanut Butter and Chocolate!!!! Basically anything with that combination drives me crazy in love! And omg if we have Moose tracks ice cream in the house then I will NOT be able to control myself! :(
  • StacyAS999
    StacyAS999 Posts: 107 Member
    Wednesday's QOTD: What is the one unhealthy food that you could never and i mean never ever!!!!!! give up in a million years????

    PASTA. I could eat it every day for almost every meal. I have changed to whole wheat, and am trying to keep my serving sizes down, though.
  • slender_sunshine
    Ooooh, I'm going to have to check out this website! :happy:

    If you do get a username, let me know! :D