Sexy In Six R-1 Results, R-2 Week One! *closed group*



  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    I love to read, watch dorky tv (Big Bang Theory, Eureka, etc) and the travel channel...

    I LOVE Big Bang Theory and Eureka. Have you ever seen Raising Hope? It's not science based, but the humor seems similar to me in a way.

    Of course! I watch it when I remember but usually end up watching it on hulu 8 days after it airs. :) I'm trying to cut back on the tv, but monday's were my geek night with Eureka and Warehouse 13. Since those are both done for the year, I'm hoping that I can find something more productive to do. But with Monday night football, I'm not sure if that will happen!
  • laughingatchu630
    laughingatchu630 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi guys! My name is Alethia. I'm 21 years old and engaged to my wonderful fiance. We had our first son in January this year, he'll be 9 months old on Oct. 11. I have two little chihuahuas :). I'm a stay at home mama. I clean a spa once a week. I was a size 7/9 before I got pregnant and gained 60+ lbs while pregnant. So I need to get my butt in gear and lose the weight! Go Team BLUE woooot woooot!!!!
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    :happy: Wow what an awesome job you all did in R1!

    I am excited to get this started but I am a little sluggish today. I have a 5 month old who is sick and teething so we have only had a couple hours sleep in the last 24 hours.

    ANYHOO...My name is Heather. I just turned 34 and I am a SAHM of 2 ~7 year old girl and 5 month old boy~ and have been married for 14 years this Dec to my highschool sweetheart. We have 2 doggies and well it's just a crazy time at home lol. I was trying to lose weight and had already lost 30lbs prior to my surprise pregnancy. I am not on a "diet" per say because I nurse my son so I have to maintain good eating. I am trying to eat more healthy and get to a healthy weight for not only me but my kids.

    I have managed to lose all my pregnancy weight and now I am back on track trying to get the rest off. we go and YAY BLACK TEAM :wink:
  • drgirl1023
    drgirl1023 Posts: 97 Member
    Hello Everyone!!!! My name is Amalfi. I am 33 years old, married and a mother of a 12 year old girl and 8 month old son (wow – yes starting all over again)! I am a housing specialist – I prevent families on welfare from being evicted in NYC. My husband is a carpenter. I am currently trying to get into a school to get my master in Social Work. I am ones of those types of people that love to help others.

    I joined this site a few months ago but I did nothing with the site. Before having my son I was 135 pounds. I went up to 215 pounds with my son. Once I gave birth I have been between 180 to 190 pounds and I am only 5’2 so I look like a little grape. I decided to come back and do something about this weight so for the past month I am exercising 5 times out the week and eating right – Hard Work!!!

    I am really excited about this challenge (my first) and really looking forward to dropping the pounds!!! Good luck everyone!!!!
  • Hey ladies! This is my 2nd Round of Sexy in Six, I'm super excited! Go Black Team! :) My name is Karla, I'm a 19 y/o college student (2nd year). I live in FL with my parents. I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years now, we met in high school our senior year. Our families are very close with each other and we all spend the holidays with each other. My boyfriend and I go to college together. I'm majoring in elementary education and he is majoring in sports and fitness. My bf goes to the gym very frequently and I finally got my own membership last month. I really love going to the gym! I get really sad if I haven't worked out for few days. lol My goal is to be 120, toned with lean muscles. I'm tired of being squishy! lol I have been overweight most of my life. My highest was in 9th grade, I was 170 and considered obese. I changed the way I ate, drank only water, and did light exercises. I gradually lost 30 pounds in 3 years. During the 2 years w/ my bf I gained 10 pounds (i stopped exercising). I lost the weight this year (with the help of MFP) and now I am about 2 pounds lighter than I was 2 years ago! :) I'm so happy I didn't let myself gain all the weight back, but I will be even happier when I finally get out of the "overweight range" and into the "healthy range!" I'm so close, just a few more pounds! That is my goal for this challenge! :)

    Oh and I forgot to mention, I have an adorable 8 y/o beagle named Sammy! He's the picture in my weight loss ticker! He's a fatty, he needs to join MFP too! LOL!
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    I'm sue - I don't live in the US which can make things tricky sometimes. I loved Round One of Sexy in 6 and have the wonderful "Peanut" to thank for that. I'm thrilled to be participating in Round 2.

    I have a very hectic full time job - I've put on a lot of weight though, especially as I spent more hours behind a desk, and I know that I also put on weight when I get stressed or nervous. Both these apply at present.

    Still, looking at the results of Round One, I see I did OK!!!! So, here we go - Round Two. And Team Yellow - we are it!

    I have three grown up children - all amazing, but still quite demanding (in a nice way) of my time and attention. I have a rather plump looking cat called Lily. I'm not so good on the exercise front.......

    I'll be 52 at Christmas.

    I would love to be sexy in six too........
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    I'm sue - I don't live in the US which can make things tricky sometimes. I loved Round One of Sexy in 6 and have the wonderful "Peanut" to thank for that. I'm thrilled to be participating in Round 2.

    I have a very hectic full time job - I've put on a lot of weight though, especially as I spent more hours behind a desk, and I know that I also put on weight when I get stressed or nervous. Both these apply at present.

    Still, looking at the results of Round One, I see I did OK!!!! So, here we go - Round Two. And Team Yellow - we are it!

    I have three grown up children - all amazing, but still quite demanding (in a nice way) of my time and attention. I have a rather plump looking cat called Lily. I'm not so good on the exercise front.......

    I'll be 52 at Christmas.

    I would love to be sexy in six too........
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    :drinker: Have fun everyone!
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    Monday's QOTD: Since this is day one and we are 1/2 old members and 1/2 new, let's take this as our chance to introduce ourselves!

    Hi guys, I'm Logan and I'm 23 from Maryland.

    I agree with Sakus. Peanut - you really ARE amazing!
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Jennifer, I'm 28 years old and I love to run. Unfortunately that alone does not keep the weight off. So here I am hoping to make some positive weight changes to improve my running. Good luck to everyone and I hope we can all achieve our goals! =)
  • emilytgs24
    emilytgs24 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi everybody! This is my first challenge on MFP and I'm excited to be here!

    I live in Idaho with my husband and 2 dogs. We do anything and everything outdoors including kayaking, mountain biking, and horseback riding. I work for a vegetable seed company and am currently getting my masters in entomology! Pretty exciting but TONS of work. Last year my husband and I lost 50 pounds each before our wedding! We used MFP and I also read the Beck Diet Solution. This summer we ran our first 5k and I would love to make a 10k our goal for next summer. I've done a great job maintaining my current weight but have noticed I'm a little "fluffy" without the consistant exercise so I thought I should get myself back in the game and tone up!

    GO RED!! :)
  • Woah, awesome results round one! Makes me excited!

    Ok, my story =)

    I am a 21 year old student (Senior, graduating in may... WOAH slow down life) in interior design at Purdue University. My future plans? No idea! I'm hoping to live somewhere in New York, I love that state. Suemar is my aunt, and she's pretty awesome herself (lol). I'm creative, spastic, and extremely busy! I'm looking forward to this challenge getting me back on track!

    so for my fitness story (ohdear). I was a cheerleader all through school so I stayed pretty active. I was a 5/7, 125 lbs when I graduated, but when I got to college, I didnt know how to eat (mom always cooked well-rounded meals) and I surely didnt know how to manage my time wisely. I got dragged in to 'girls nights' which consisted of movies and binge sessions. I put on 30 lbs my freshman year, and 20 lbs my sophomore year. Junior year of college I got slightly depressed, I was 190, weighed almost as much as my father. I hated how I looked and felt, and found my fitness pal in december, after being asked if I had just had a baby. I knew I needed to do something. It's been a struggle, and as of May I had lost 30 lbs. When I went home for the summer I didnt have any access to a gym, I worked all the time (And I work fast food, with a free meal every shift) and put 7lbs back on. Since going back to college in august, I havent been able to get back on track, or even get my motivation back. So here's where this challenge comes in! Get me back on top of this!
  • codonnell13
    codonnell13 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi all! I'm Claire, I'm an 18 year old student. I've been overweight since I can remember, though after a visit to the doctor over the summer, I realized it was time to change. I'm a freshman, and though it's been a bit hard, being away from home and all, I have been making progress, even if it's been reallllly slow. I was in Sexy in Six round one, and it was fantastic! I'm super excited for round two. Go team blue!
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    Hello ladies,

    My name is Christi, and I'm from Mentor, OH (east of Cleveland, right on Lake Erie). I am 5'1" and have lost 31 pounds since the beginning of May. I would like to lose another 20-30 pounds. I was always thin in high school and college. My wedding dress was a size 6, and I was happy with that. Then life really began. I was working six days a week for a public accounting firm, traveling a lot, eating out all of the time, and not exercising. During that time I was also diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Between all of that, and my marriage falling apart, I gained a lot of weight. I wasn't happy about it (who is?) but I wasn't motivated enough to do anything about it.

    My family booked a cruise the first week of May for next March. I said enough was enough and started MFP that week. I've logged in every day since. I've gotten active (currently on week 5 of c25k) and learned how to eat HEALTHY (veggies don't taste that bad after all!) I feel great, I am happier with how I look and I realize that I can do this!

    Personally speaking, I am single and have two black labs - Chelsea (8 1/2) and Mindy Lu (almost 2). I am a CPA and work for a large financial institution in downtown Cleveland. I like photography and scrapbooking, and I love to visit the Ohio wineries. I will actually be going to my favorite one on Saturday for my 35th (gulp!) birthday.

    I look forward to getting to know all of you fabulous ladies!
  • Hi, I am Tanya. I am one of the new members. Super excited to be included in this challenge. I am 31 and tired of being over weight. I have struggled all my life with weight. When I was 17 I got down to 115. I quick gained it back after a devastating car wreck that I lost my dad in. I slowly gained all my weight back plus some. I ballooned past 240. I have lost down to my current weight. I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, hyperpituitarism and PCOS the past 5 years so that helped get some off if of. I have been married twice and just got out of a 2yr relationship that I gave my all to. I am single and don't have any kids and want to take this time for ME. I want to feel sexy and has been way too long. My goal weight is around 120. LET'S GET THIS STARTED BLACK TEAM!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Great job!!!! We're all gonna rock Round 2! (not as hard as Red Team is

    I'm Rita. I'm 38 going on I've lost 60 lbs so far but I still have a long way to go. I'm married and live in the Ann Arbor area (and am an OSU fan!!) I have a step son and 4 fur babies. I want to lose weight so we can conceive (well, LOTS of reasons, but that one has been on my mind today!) I have been making small lifestyle changes along the way, and have been doing well with them so far. I'm slowly working toward mostly clean eating and right now I am working on minimizing high fructose corn syrup products. This has felt like a long progress but sooo worth it! I had high BP and high cholesterol when I started and have managed to lower both to normal without medication. This has by far been the best decision I have ever made!
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Monday's QOTD: Since this is day one and we are 1/2 old members and 1/2 new, let's take this as our chance to introduce ourselves!

    Hello out there Si6!!! My name is Kimberly and I'm 30-years-old. I'm a high school English teacher. I'm obsessed with butterflies. Have a dog named Radar, he's a crazy mess. Love my boyfriend, Brandon, and his beautiful 2-year-old daughter, Amethyst Rose (Ame).

    Been doing this MFP thing since June. I've lost 25 lbs and I'm feeling pretty good about. I've made some fantastic friends. I've tried a lot of other things in the past: Weight Watchers, diet pills, fad diets, etc. So far, MFP has worked the best.
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member

    hidey ho neighborettes! lol i'm kristy from mississippi, us. i was a previous round member of sexy in 6 and i absolutely loved it! GO PEANUT for collaborating the challenge and taking on the responsibility of collaborating round 2.

    i lost 10 lbs last challenge and am so proud. my original goal was 12 lbs, BUT i will take 10. lol the last time i have seen a number below 150 on the scale was on my driver's license: 140. so i will be ecstatic when i hit under 150, WHICH IS NOT THAT FAR AWAY! YEAY!!!! :)

    i am 25 and an elementary music teacher and this past february the teachers started a weight loss challenge (since MS is now #1 obese state in the us) and that's when i discovered MFP. this site and app has been a GODSEND!

    i have a bf (which i usually diss b/c he does NOT show any support whatsoever for my journey) and a 2 y/o son, Chaz. since starting MFP, i've spent a lot more time with Chaz playing with him and doing the exact things he does: running, jumping, sliding, etc....whatever 2 y/olds do lol

    i am hooked on "true blood." about to start season 4 as soon as it's available on netflix. i'm into twilight and harry potter and paranormal shows. i love singing, playing piano, and going to church

    i'm only 30 lbs away from my goal weight of 120. still not sure if i'll look healthy at 120, but that's my aim so far. good luck everyone! and although i will miss my purple team :( i must look ahead to the BLUE TEAM!

  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    Monday's QOTD: Since this is day one and we are 1/2 old members and 1/2 new, let's take this as our chance to introduce ourselves!

    Intro time!
    So I am a 22 yo (soon to be 23 on Friday) veterinary student at Auburn. I never really gained weight during undergrad. I was on the collegiate equestrian team and competitively wakeboarded so I was always in shape to some degree, depending upon if it was in season or off season. I didn't really gain weight until my first year of vet school. We got together every night to study and would always snack on Oreos everytime we got together. Anyway I got all the way up to 162 after Christmas break and knew I had to do something. So I have lost 14 lbs so far. I am currently at 148.
    This is where the hard part comes in. Eating healthy my body is naturally 153-155lb. So now, I won't be able to lose much more without some heavy duty working out. I have already been working out but I usually have to dedicate an hour-2 hours at the gym to get past this plateau. Trying to fit in 2 hours of working out when I got to school 8-5 and study from 5-10 is kind of hard but I am determined to make it happen!
    I'm excited to see how far I can push myself and just how fit I can get! If anyone want to look at my diary and critique it you all are more than welcome. Oh yeah, GO YELLOW TEAM!!!!
    Oh and I signed up for my first 5K in december, but am currently off my training routine after getting bucked off a horse and doing a front flip to the ground. But as soon as I heal in a few days it is ON!!
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD: Why did you choose your profile picture?

    I chose mine because I am on the black team :bigsmile:. It is quill and ink because I like to write, especially poetry. My favorite profile picture, however, is the one of my boyfriend, me, and his daughter. It's only one of two pictures I have of all three of us together.