Sexy in Six R2 *closed group* Wk 2



  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    How do you motivate yourself to work out when you have a busy schedule?

    I do it before my day even starts so I don't make excuses later. Usually it's interval training so I can burn maximum calories in 20 minutes.
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member

    for some reason it seems everyday my hunger is different. some days i can snack fine and stay within goals. other days i have the munchies and beat myself up with the arguing against myself on whether to eat it or not. so i exercise to get those extra calories just in case i go overboard with my snacks. tonight is okay. i could do better, BUT i'm not in the red so i'll take it.

    9 miles so far! GO TEAM BLUE!!! WWOOOOOHHHOOOOO!!!!!
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    I wish I could get up earlier. I tried getting up at 4am for a week but it didn't work out. I was exhausted.

    Kristy, I have 9 miles so far too! Blue Team is taking 'em down this week! :wink:
  • Awesome question.....that is my biggest problem is I have no motivation most days. I am still trying to figure that out myself. But it was very helpful reading how everyone else is doing it. I will take all that in.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Oh, and I've gone 23 miles this week so far. :) Go team yellow!

    WHOO!!! I've gone around 15, 16 (couldn't really keep track on the Elliptical but that definitely counts, i think ;) and thought that was pretty good but damn! keep going!
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Wednesday QOTD (for TORIEELIZABETH)

    How do you motivate yourself to work out when you have a busy schedule?

    I know me, if I don't work out, I will slip into a world of excuses for not exercising that can last months. And then I remind myself that I can always make time for the smoking hot bod I will end up with.

    And then I remind myself that I can't let Yellow Team win. Hehehe :laugh:

    I LOVE the competition. (friendly of course) it makes us all better! You guys on the Blue Team seem pretty damn determined but time shall tell... ;)
  • Hey Ladies, are you ready for day three!!

    Ummmm, YEAH! Keep it moving Team YELLOW!!! we got this, hands down :wink:

    yay TEAM YELLOW!!!! we got this!!!

    Yellow Team may got it, but Blue Team's gonna take it

    hehehe ;)

    lol!! we will make sure we hang on REAL tight!!! maybe you can try Sexy in Six R3?
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    I try to remember why I changed my lifestyle and what my goals are. Some days this works and other days . . . . not soo much, LOL.
  • I try simply to use the stairs instead of the lift, walk instead of drive, run instead of walk (IF no one is looking....). I am afraid to join a gym. I keep on at the 50 abdominal crunches from a previous challenge, but basically this is a hard one for me......

    Also, but separately, team yellow - I love the banner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want one!!!!!! Tell me how!!!!!

    Team yellow- me too!! me too!!!
  • Wednesday QOTD (for TORIEELIZABETH)

    How do you motivate yourself to work out when you have a busy schedule?

    I know me, if I don't work out, I will slip into a world of excuses for not exercising that can last months. And then I remind myself that I can always make time for the smoking hot bod I will end up with.

    And then I remind myself that I can't let Yellow Team win. Hehehe :laugh:

    no she didn't!!! (LOL)
  • Wednesday QOTD (for TORIEELIZABETH)

    How do you motivate yourself to work out when you have a busy schedule?

    I go to my gym classes and line up at the very front (then there is room for error or slacking since there are only 30 other people watching me)

    and now i use the app on my phone to keep up with all my MFPs who kicked *** that day and i head on to the gym and follow suit
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    How do you motivate yourself to work out when you have a busy schedule?

    Well, first, I really have to listen to my body and my energy. I work a lot of late nights and my job is pretty stressful, so if I am just too exhausted (like tonight), I don't force myself to workout. I know from experience that if I force myself, I'll end up putting in little effort anyway. Now, if I'm simply being lazy, my biggest trick is to put my workout clothes on. Not sure why it is, but I have so much more energy when I'm in my workout clothes. I even clean my house up more. :laugh:
  • codonnell13
    codonnell13 Posts: 52 Member
    How do you motivate yourself to work out when you have a busy schedule?

    I just don't have the time a few days a week, but on the days I do workout, I often get it done in the morning, so I don't lose motivation as the day goes on. This is something I struggle with, but I am trying to be better about working out regularly.
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    -making work-out dates is my number one motivator! love having work out buddies

    -i tell people i'm going to work out, either on here or to friends, to be accountable

    -i think about my friends who work out a lot, and remember how hard they are working

    -i make myself go for a short work out when i'm really feeling unmotivated, so at least i get like 30 mins in
  • MaManeenCal
    MaManeenCal Posts: 142 Member
    Wednesday QOTD

    How do you motivate yourself to work out when you have a busy schedule?

    I try to think of it as brushing teeth, getting dressed, taking a shower..... and exercising. Things you have to do every day no matter what. It doesn't always work, but I definitely work out a lot more now then I used to by thinking of it like this.
    So at 5PM when I dont feel like working out, I will think of how good a shower will feel after, I will think of a show I can watch while i'm on the treadmill, and I think of how well I will sleep if I exercise....
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    Dang I have been out of it this week...

    QOTD Monday about staying on track ~ I have MFP on my phone so I make myself log on anytime I do something. I keep telling myself that I don't want to let my friends down who support me and in turn look to me for support. By thinking this, it makes me think of my choices for food because I have to log it for all the see. It also makes me want to get some exercise on there because I don't want to "disappoint" anyone :)

    QOTD Tuesday about how many meals ~~ this changes. If I am doing what I do now (calorie counting) I usually eat about 3 maybe 4 meals a day. If I am on a eating plan then it is usually 6- your 3 main meals and 2 snacks. To be honest I think it is easier to be on an eating plan than calorie counting.

    QOTD Wednesday about motivate myself on busy schedule ~~~ This one is harder. I am a SAHM so most people think I have all the time in the world but that is so not true. Having an infant at home makes for a crazy day because you can't schedule anything. I grab my coffee in the morning and take a look at my day. I find a "spot" that is the best for me and make a "promise" to myself to make it happen. It's never ideal but it works. Like right now I end up working out at 9-10 at night because that is when I can get in 20-30 minutes without the kids. Once I put the little one down for the night I get my work-out clothes on and well once they are on I can't NOT do it lol.
  • mbw2586
    mbw2586 Posts: 88
    Wednesday QOTD (for TORIEELIZABETH)

    How do you motivate yourself to work out when you have a busy schedule?

    Sorry for being late!

    This is one of the hardest parts of changing to a healthier lifestyle, I think. There are times when I think of every excuse in the world NOT to exercise and try to talk myself out of it. Usually though, I try to focus on how awesome I feel after an intense workout and hang onto that feeling until next time. It's hard and isn't always successful. I always try to "sneak" in things that can be counted as exercise, but that I don't think of as a "chore" of exercise. For example, chasing my kids around at the park, turning on the radio while cleaning and busting my booty, etc.
  • drgirl1023
    drgirl1023 Posts: 97 Member

    Thursday QOTD
    What would you consider your most trouble area of your body and what form of exercise do you do to focus on that part?

    For me my most trouble area of my body is my arms :sad: ! I read in a book once when your body is built heavy on top you have what is considered a cone shape! So I do alot of jumping jacks, jump rope and also I walk with free weights about 5lbs each and swing my arms up, down and side to side to try to get rid of the fat and build some type of shape to them. :smile:
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member

    Liked the banner on my signature? Go here: to find out the code to add it to yours. Represent our Yellow awesomeness!

    My bust!!!! its ridiculous how big chested i am!! When i once lost weight, i did lose some bust as well so i know alot of it has to do with my weight but even at that time I was a 34DD. So what do i do to get back to that? lose some of this fat i am lagging around. Also when i do weight training (which i have not started yet) i try to do alot of upper body exercises.