Sexy in Six R2 *closed group* Wk 2



  • emilytgs24
    emilytgs24 Posts: 90 Member
    Tuesday's QOTD- I usually eat 3 meals and at least 2 snacks-sometimes 3. 1 mid-morning, 1 in between lunch and dinner, and 1 before bed. :) I've found that I like to eat a bigger lunch so sometimes I skip my afternoon snack or eat it with lunch!
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Tuesday QOTD:

    I eat breakfast everyday, but I'm finding it tougher with working out some mornings to want to eat before a big run, so I grab a light yogurt, go for a run then have cereal when I get home - so its still 1 meal just kind of broken up

    Sometimes I have a snack before lunch but try not to so I can save the calories for dinner

    then lunch, a small snack mid afternoon so I think I am famished while cooking dinner

    and dinner - I try not to eat after dinner.
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    Monday QOTD: In general I do best with planning...I am probably the queen of a hectic lifestyle!!!! For example, tonight I work overnight 7:30p-7:30a, have meetings Thurs, then 5 straight 12-hour shifts Fri-Tues with house guests Saturday night. That's a typical week. Then, in November: over two weeks I will go Boston-->Miami-->Chicago-->Indianapolis-->Chicago-->Milwaukee-->Chicago-->Boston-->Ohio-->Boston.

    Plus I'm in business school. So, when I have a day off I tend to cook a big pot of "something" that my husband and I can eat all week.

    BUT, even the best planning sometimes won't help with the amount of spontaneity that typically comes with this type of schedule. So, in general I will try and go into any eating situation with some sort of game plan (two bites of appetizer OR half dessert, one glass of wine, etc). If for some reason, like this last weekend, being "good" becomes nearly impossible, I enjoy everything I'm eating 100%, pay attention to my body's "full" signals as best I can, get as much exercise as possible, and get back on track ASAP. The key is no guilt...and no lag time to getting right back on the wagon.

    Tuesday QOTD: I used to snack a lot, nearly constantly. It's probably my biggest eating downfall. So, I've been trying to cut back to three meals a day. There is mounting evidence that there is no real benefit to the multiple small meals method, and in fact there is some increasing evidence that fewer meals makes you have a higher overall burn from digesting your food. Plus I find a bigger meal helps me stay satisfied.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Tues QOTD: I have NEVER been a breakfast eater. But my MFP friends all started ganging up on my that I need to eat :laugh: So now I try to make some eggs or just grab a yogurt with my morning coffee!

    So I *try* to eat breakfast, lunch, an afternoon snack, dinner, and sometimes an evening snack/dessert (if I'm hungry and have calories left).
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    Hiya!! I'm Maggie, I'm new on the RED team! I'm excited! I walked 1 mile yesterday and 3 today!

    Tues QOTD: I never eat breakfast! *hides* I love sleeping way too much to roll out of bed 10 minutes early to make food....Sometimes I'll grab an orange and eat it on the walk to the tube...
    I eat 3 meals a day usually and a snack and maybe a yummy drink treat if I'm lucky.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Hiya!! I'm Maggie, I'm new on the RED team! I'm excited! I walked 1 mile yesterday and 3 today!

    Tues QOTD: I never eat breakfast! *hides* I love sleeping way too much to roll out of bed 10 minutes early to make food....Sometimes I'll grab an orange and eat it on the walk to the tube...
    I eat 3 meals a day usually and a snack and maybe a yummy drink treat if I'm lucky.

    I'm on Yellow, but welcome! That's a great start to the challenge! keep on going, girl!
  • codonnell13
    codonnell13 Posts: 52 Member
    MONDAY QOTD: What tips can you provide to help stay on track when life get's hectic?

    I am honestly really bad at this. Things get really hectic for me, a lot with school, but I generally just try to keep away from snacks. I am a grazer, especially when I 'm stressed, so I try to plan a bit more on days I know will be crazy

    Tuesday QOTD: I eat a small breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with an afternoon and evening snack. Trying to eat lots of small meals doesn't work for me, so I stick to three.
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    When I started MFP during the summer vacation, it was easy - three meals and the very odd snack. Since work started again, old habits are returning. I'm eating breakfast, lunch ....then it starts to go wrong.I get presented with goodies. I walk into the staff room and there are cakes and cookies EVERYWHERE! I am stressed, and before i know it, my hand has picked something up and I have taken a bite. At this point, I try to put the rest in the bin. Then dinner.

    Then the munchies.... Just inside limit today, but only just..... So three meals a day and waging war with the munchies.
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    monday QOTD - staying on track. Trust MFP - stick to it - keep logging on. Somehow, with everyone's encouragement, I think I will get there....!
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member

    breakfast lunch dinner snacks

    i always keep in mind about lunch and dinner so if there are snacks during the day i'll know about how much i can spare or how much of dinner i can actually have.
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    l enjoy breakfast,. lunch and supper, a mid morning or a mid afternoon snack depending where I am / what I am doing, both if they are really well planned and fit into my calorie goald lol. And if I don't have something in the evening I wake up verrrry hungry.
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    QOTD; How many meals does everyone eat a day?

    Small snack
    Small Snack

    And snack depending on where calories are.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    How many meals does everyone eat a day?

    I generally eat 5. Breakfast, AM Snack, Lunch, Dinner, Evening Snack. Small meals and the setup of my diary allow for lots of snacking :smile:
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    I eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and try to have snacks in between, but it just depends on how my day goes. I aim to eat my calorie range daily :)
  • Hey Ladies, are you ready for day three!!
  • anettabon
    anettabon Posts: 30 Member
    QOTD: How many meals does everyone eat a day?

    When I read that eating more often helped stabilize blood sugar, it used to be three and two snacks, breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack dinner.

    But, for some reason, I get a lot less hungry if I skip breakfast, have a snack around 10 (if I'm hungry), then eat a bigger lunch lunch and dinner.
  • mbw2586
    mbw2586 Posts: 88
    Tuesday QOTD:

    How many meals does everyone eat a day?

    I have three main - breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a former non-breakfast-eater (the thought used to make me ill) I must say that it is now my favorite meal of the day! I typically have a snack in the afternoon, between 2 and 3. Some days I will have a snack between breakfast and lunch, depending on whether I had breakfast before coming into work or while at work.

    I try not to "snack" after having dinner, but a lot of evenings I have dinner before going to a kickboxing class and I am STARVING when I get home. I usually end up eating something involving peanut butter :/
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Hey guys! Sorry to be late on yesterday's QOTD!

    How many meals do you eat?

    I really prefer 5-6 small meals. I find that i am never hungry if I eat 200-300 calories each time. Right now though, I am eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner with an after dinner snack. I've cut down SIGNIFICANTLY on nighttime snacking and make sure to eat very healthy if i do snack. so right now i suppose the answer is three meals and one snack!
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Hey Ladies, are you ready for day three!!

    Ummmm, YEAH! Keep it moving Team YELLOW!!! we got this, hands down :wink:
  • Hey Ladies, are you ready for day three!!

    Ummmm, YEAH! Keep it moving Team YELLOW!!! we got this, hands down :wink:

    yay TEAM YELLOW!!!! we got this!!!