Sexy in Six R2 *closed group* Wk 2



  • anettabon
    anettabon Posts: 30 Member
    QOTD Thursday: Right now, my thighs I think. I've got unfortunate genetics, so I've got stretch marks, varicose veins, and cellulite.

    QOTD Friday~~What is the one type of food that your crave the most but know you should eat AND how do you control that craving?
    French fries, and usually I don't go places where I can buy them. I don't do very well with this when I have friends that vote me out though, like yesterday....
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: How do you motivate yourself to work out when you have a busy schedule?
    It's really hard to motivate myself after a long day but usually when I get home my dog is at the front door wagging his tail. It's not fair for me to not take him on a run because he has been couped up in the house all day long. So we usually go for a run and then I go to the gym and lift.

    Thursday QOTD: What would you consider your most trouble area of your body and what form of exercise do you do to focus on that part?
    I think my stomach and legs are my trouble areas. I do a lot of crunches and reverse crunches to help my stomach and do cardio, running, and lift to help with both my legs and my stomach

    Friday QOTD: What is the one type of food that your crave the most but know you should eat AND how do you control that craving?
    I am always seeming to crave chocolate. I usually can curb it by eating a little nutella but sometimes there is just no controling and I end up having to get my chocolate fix. Usually when I do that I just make sure I burn it off.
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    My current food craving is . . . . . . . . Diet Pepsi. DP and I have a love/hate relationship. I go in cycles where I barely drink one a week and then on the flip side I will drink DP instead of water. Sad to say I am in that mode right now . . . . YUK. Especially since I know how bad it is for my body and spirit
  • StacyAS999
    StacyAS999 Posts: 107 Member
    QOTD Friday~~What is the one type of food that your crave the most but know you should eat AND how do you control that craving?

    Sugar! I have to really watch it, because if I have a little, I will desperately want more and more. Usually I have to pass on it all together, but now that I can control it a little more, I can have a little and be satisfied. Maybe because I'm not as used to it, so it tastes sweeter.
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    My current food craving is . . . . . . . . Diet Pepsi. DP and I have a love/hate relationship. I go in cycles where I barely drink one a week and then on the flip side I will drink DP instead of water. Sad to say I am in that mode right now . . . . YUK. Especially since I know how bad it is for my body and spirit

    I've just recently quit my addiction to diet pepsi. I was drinking between 6-10 cans a day. Love the stuff. The only thing that's worked for me is seltzer water. No calories, no salt, no artificial sugar, just "natural flavor". Its bubbly and cold and has a nice flavor. I'm 2 months off of the DP now, though I still have one every once and a while, but I don't "need" it any more. Good luck if you try to stop drinking it. It's HARD.
  • MaManeenCal
    MaManeenCal Posts: 142 Member
    QOTD Friday~~What is the one type of food that your crave the most but know you should eat AND how do you control that craving?

    PIZZA! I crave it almost all the time, I could eat it every day. I control it because I live in Germany and the pizza here is awful...
    Every now and then, I will eat some pizza hut pizza- which still doesn't satisfy my craving so I RARELY bother with that.
    As far as cravings go and controlling them- for those of you sweets eaters..... At night, when I want cookies or something.... and I'm not even hungry- just want to eat out of boredum- I brush my teeth! Nothing gets rid of a craving more then the taste of tooth paste! Hope it works for you!
  • QOTD Friday~~What is the one type of food that your crave the most but know you should eat AND how do you control that craving?

    I love sweets!! So I keep dark chocolate kisses (20 cals each) in my freezer so when I get a craving, I pop one or two of those and move on :D
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    Friday: I don't really limit myself... But probably take away pizza. Just because you can make it at home for a quarter the calories.

    I've done 15 miles since Monday!!!
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    QOTD Friday

    ICE CREAM, ICE CREAM, and more ICE CREAM, the way I beat this craving is not having any in the house and yes I'm mean I make the rest of the house hold go with out it as well.
  • Friday QOTD: Sweets for sure!!! I'm so bad when it comes to sweets and I don't limit myself. As long as I'm under my calorie goal I don't feel bad about it. I stopped checking my sugar though cuz it was always negative :sad:
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    chocolate kisses are good idea!!

    I crave a lot of foods....pasta, pizza, ice cream, chocolate, sweets. I find if i give myself permission to indulge when i have a really bad craving i go over the edge...if i let it pass, think about my goals, wait a couple of minutes, i'm OK!!!

    but i completely agree with not giving things up totally! i try to work things in, so like when i want movie popcorn i'll work out or make room for it in my cal limit.

    That being said i sucked this week, so sorry red team!! here's a support group for us!!
  • codonnell13
    codonnell13 Posts: 52 Member
    Friday QOTD

    I don't really crave specific foods, but I crave different tastes. Sometimes, I let them get the best of me and eat some chocolate or some chips, but I try to find healthy replacements for whatever I want. No foods are off limits, but I definitely limit a lot of things.
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Like the rest, I haven't eliminated anything from my diet on the basis that I "can't" have it....I've had to seriously minimize the amount of red meat and fried food and rich food I eat bc my healthy lifestyle causes me to get really sick if I eat it without taking something for my stomach prior to. However, I get MAJOR cravings for pizza and Chipotle burritos!!! My ability to eat these takes some planning for the day and therefore is a lovely treat!!!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    20.5 miles this week....annnnd, a .6 gain. WTF?!?!
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Friday QOTD: Ummmm, carbs. Anything full o' carbs. I love fries, pasta, mashed potatoes, sugary stuff, chips... You name anything loaded with carbs, I'm in love. I try to find ways to work with it. It would kill me (not to mention I'd be off the diet before you could blink your eye) if carbs were outta the picture. I take sugar in my morning coffee, so I plan on those calories (until I eventually get some stevia...I try to avoid splenda if I can). If I'm craving fries, I plan them into my cals for the day. Same thing with my other calorie laden carb cravings. I refuse to ditch them completely, so I simply eat them without overeating them.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    QOTD Friday~~What is the one type of food that your crave the most but know you should eat AND how do you control that craving?

    Enchiladas. I completely miss enchiladas. They used to be a nearly weekly part of my diet, now I haven't had them in 4 months :(. I just get chicken fajitas now and remind myself how good I'm going to look when I'm at my goal weight. That said, I'm going on a date with my ex next week and I've already informed him that I'm going to get enchiladas.
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Rather than a particualr food, I crave the texture of "crunch". I am able to get a "legal" fix with my toasted mini bagels, as well as Oreo thinsations 100 cal, apples, things like that.
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Sorry Team Yellow but my exercise for this up coming week just got shot out the window. . Just spent the last 11 hours in the Hospital ER, what a zoo that place can be on a Friday night. So I'll be hobbling along for a bit, ended up with 35 stitches in my foot. Hubby;s skill saw picked a fight with my foot and I think it won. On the good note I get to go shoe shopping. I guess my weightloss for next week will be from diet.
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Oh no jellybean!! I'm sorry to hear about your foot! Hope it heals quickly!!!
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Thanks the Dr thinks I'll need crutches for 2 to 3 weeks while the bone mends. So will have to see how that works out.