Sexy in Six ***closed group*** Week Four!!!



  • MaManeenCal
    MaManeenCal Posts: 142 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: Ladies, have you tried to lose weight before? So is this just another "one of those times" or is this different? What makes it different? What are you doing to ensure that you are not right back where you started?

    Yes, i've tried to lose weight before and I got down to 155 and stayed there-ISH..... for about a year, but then I got pregnant and my weight got out of control AFTER I had my son. At first, I lost all the baby weight, but Idk what happened, I gained 30lbs throughout the course of a year. I think this time is different because... well, I found myfitnesspal and it's making me enjoy taking care of myself. Like a project or work- because I'm a stay home mom... the only thing I used to think about was food and what i was making for dinner after watching Rachel Ray or Paula Dean... now, I get to sit on this all day, watch everyone and have them keep motivating me to get off the computer and get a workout in! so... THANK YOU ALL!
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    yes, great questions and inspirational answers.

    If I go out, I find myself thinking about you all! I went to a party and chose fruit salad over desserts dripping with cream because I could hear your voices over my shoulder, I kid you not! Yes there is solidarity in this e community and I am so grateful for it.

    Have i lost weight before? Not really, not intentionally - I did when I first developed Graves Disease - but I was eating tons and the weight just fell off me, my heart was racing, I couldn't sleep.......then the steroids, and then I got the 'hamster ' cheeks, and I think the hamster nibbles....

    I put myself on a high protein low carb diet and that helped for a while.

    But MFP feels like a way of life. It's the slow - in 5 weeks time you will weigh - and sure method. The changing of my whole slant on life - I am really helped by the reminders, the encouragement - my word, I'm even attempting abdominal crunches! And today when I weighed myself , I was a whisker away from leaving the 230s for the 220s. I was so excited that whenever possible, I have been running today!
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member

    i used mfp back in february and slacked off when summer rolled around. 2nd time is around and it's helped me with a routine. i do well with routines. and i like numbers. if i see numbers (good and bad) i'm able to look at my progress and realize what i need to change.

    first time i decided to lose weight was summer before my senior year of high school. i was chubby and wanted to look awesome. did taebo every day twice a day. lost few pounds but mostly inches cuz i still ate what i wanted. tried all the quick fix diets in college and didn't work in long run.

    so glad i found this site. has been the best weight loss aid EVER! and y'all are an amazing support system!
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: Ladies, have you tried to lose weight before? So is this just another "one of those times" or is this different? What makes it different? What are you doing to ensure that you are not right back where you started?

    I have tried many times before, but I only consider one a real undertaking. I lost 40 + lbs a few years ago and was actually thinner than I am now. I put it all back on when I met a great guy who was a wonderful cook. But it's a lot different now. The main difference is a few years ago, I didn't have the love and support of all of my MFP friends. I didn't have MFP to keep me in check. I was trying to follow a rigid diet that didn't allow for any goof-ups. I didn't have the regular support of 50-ish people who care about me and miss me when I'm not around. I also didn't learn to eat right outside of my diet, so I had to depend on it constantly. Thanks to MFP I also know how to eat right without following special rules. And I didn't understand the importance of regular exercise. I'm still not an exercise fanatic, but I am much better about it.

    I truly believe I will be successful in my journey this time. 120, here I come! And I accept that while I may not stay 120 for the rest of my life, I think I will stay thinner than I am now because I have the right tools in place.
  • codonnell13
    codonnell13 Posts: 52 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: Ladies, have you tried to lose weight before? So is this just another "one of those times" or is this different? What makes it different? What are you doing to ensure that you are not right back where you started?

    I have tried to lose weight before, but this is the only time that really stuck. Most of the other times, I worked out ALL the time, swimming for about 2 hours a day, but at the same time, I ate whatever I wanted to. I feel like I've gotten it together this time around, and because I am actually seeing results, I have been able to stick with it.
  • Wednesday- "another one of those diets"
    Very good question. I for myself feel that I have my mind, body and soul into looking weight this time because I want to be healthy. I want to live a full and qualitative life. The other season'se is before I would try too loose weight so the man I was with wouldn't make not nice comments or leave me for a skinny girl or because they asked me to loose weight. It was never truly for myself and for the right reasons and it is now. I actually had a big salad tonight and told my sister if I had it and ice cream in from of me I would choose the salad. I want to nourish the body God gave to me.
    And to stick with it is to do MFP logging everything I eat, getting up early and starting the day off right with exercise and package my lunch so there are no reason to stray-if I am hungry it is right there and only healthy options.
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Wednesday QOTD - sorry I didn't get this up yesterday but I had to think about it!

    I had been at least a size 16 since I was 16 year old. I had always led a very active life - riding horses and working at farms, so I was very strong and just never acknowledged that I might have TERRIBLE eating habits. I never thought much about it , just accept that I was a big girl all the way until I was about 25, I always would kid myself and say I don't care what the scale says if my clothes fit me well. Well the scale got up to 212 and my 18's were getting tight, Emilytgs24 - my college roommate and I decided to do something about it one year in vegas. It took me a few months but another friend of mine that was local was interested in this book. So she ordered us a copy - The Beck Diet Solution - and we completed the whole program together and for the first time in my life I STOPPED kidding myself. I REALIZED what I was actually doing, and I LEARNED how to react appropriately to food. So I went from 212 down to 175 - That was between 2007 and 2008, then I stopped actively trying to get weight off and just went back to real life, over the next year I lost another 10 lbs just because of my lifestyle changes.

    It was about a solid 2 months ago I started back up and being religious about MFP - thanks to sexy in six I have some accountability I have decided to finish my journey - I want to be UNDER 150 and a SINGLE DIGIT pant size. The biggest change? Fitness is an important part of my life now, I have started running and love it - first 5k is November 19th - I think I will make it to my both my goals by the end of this challenge so THANK YOU LADIES FOR ALL YOU DO!!!! :-)
  • Wednesday QOTD:

    Yes, unfortunately, I've been here before. However, I like to think this time is different because instead of my goals being " workout and eat right to lose weight" (which, at best, only lasts a few months), my goals are actual athletic ones (like complete a triathlon) that require a ton of exercise & better eating just to function efficiently. Also, this time I'm using the MFP community, not just the tracker, and I'm training with my boyfriend in a CrossFit boot camp he's running (he's a personal trainer) that's all guys, so he expects a lot during the workouts (also because he knows I'm capable) and he & I are tri training so we're swimming & biking & rowing together, and now I have a running partner I just started running with. So I guess this time there's more accountability & support, and I'm doing more than just restricting & ellipticaling ;-)
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Thursday QOTD?
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    I love reading all your answers, ladies! SO INSPIRING!!

    I love this week. It's been awesome. Yay.
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: Ladies, have you tried to lose weight before? So is this just another "one of those times" or is this different? What makes it different? What are you doing to ensure that you are not right back where you started?

    I never had a weight issue until I hit college...I was almost always 140-150 lbs. Then in college I gained a nice freshman 30 (I do nothing halfway haha), and it's been haunting me on and off ever since. When I graduated I gradually got back to about 145-150 without even trying...then I met my husband and it's been a steady gain since them. I do have a hormone issue (not hypothyroidism) that makes me tend to gain weight, so that's just an added challenge, especially since my husband and I are total foodies.

    So...that being said I've done slimfast (for about a day), weight watchers, south beach, cabbage soup diet, you name it. Even toyed with Atkins for a while but didn't totally understand it. South beach was probably the most successful for me, and I find that when I'm in maintenance a few days of cabbage soup can sometimes knock off an extra pound or two.

    Some of these attempts were in the first round of weight loss, some in this current cycle. Now I've discovered Primal eating and I love's like the best of both worlds with South Beach and Atkins and it makes sense, and I feel awesome when I eat that way. MFP helps me to keep track of my macros to make sure I get enough protein and don't go over on carbs. It also accepts that life happens and gives you some wiggle room. The success stories on don't lie either.

    I'm off that wagon currently due to apple picking season (silly excuse I know, but apple crisp tastes better with oats and brown sugar!), but am already finding that I really want to get back to it. It was really working and I felt fantastic.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    THURSDAY QOTD! (I am so sorry for it being late! I lost track of the thread and didn't know I was up!)

    I want us to go back and reflect on WHY we started our journeys and how we have changed (outside and inside) in the process, because every single one of us had a reason. Please try to be more specific than, "i wanted to look hot," or, "i felt fat." Reconnect with the real reasons you're doing this and feel that motivation spike. I think we all need a reality check sometimes because the tiny details take over and make it hard to appreciate the bigger picture.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    THURSDAY QOTD! (I am so sorry for it being late! I lost track of the thread and didn't know I was up!)

    I want us to go back and reflect on WHY we started our journeys and how we have changed (outside and inside) in the process, because every single one of us had a reason. Please try to be more specific than, "i wanted to look hot," or, "i felt fat." Reconnect with the real reasons you're doing this and feel that motivation spike. I think we all need a reality check sometimes because the tiny details take over and make it hard to appreciate the bigger picture.

    I started this for a few reasons. I have been in recovery from my eating disorder (anorexia) for a while but i consider the last 3 years to be the most significant in the process. I met my fiancee and "recovery" took on a new meaning. it means that i CAN'T go back no matter how much i want to. I will lose him, by default and i'm not willing to have that happen. The fact remains that i am overweight at 5'4" and 163 pounds. I started this to feel better about myself, mostly on the inside. i want to be able to take care of me without the nagging ED thoughts in my head. I need to lose weight but i NEED to do it the right way. Also, I want to show myself that i am rather stronger than i think. I usually give up and sabotage myself somehow but i haven't done that so far. for the first time i am keeping the promises i made to myself and am beginning to see i CAN do what i set my mind to. Sometimes I don't really believe i can. I also started this for my wedding day. I don't know when it is but I want to be thin, healthy, and as happy as i possibly can be. i REFUSE to walk down the aisle upset with myself because i don't love how i look in my dress. that day will not be ruined by those thoughts! (Also, i can't wait to put on the bikini that i first was in with my fiancee when his jaw pretty much dropped and he started drooling, lol)
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Congrats to everyone! There were some GREAT acheivements on that board! and logan, i do like the highlighting of different accomplishments. maybe just do it in a different color so it's not confused with biggest weight loss.
    Sorry to my Yellow Amigas- I haven't been around as much this week and I'm sorry! Can't wait to reconnect. Excited/very nervous to weigh in tomorrow. I put my scale away and managed (for the SECOND week in a row!) to not take it out to weigh myself every day. HUGE accomplishment but very scary. I ALWAYS know how much i weigh, to the ounce, and have, more or less, since i was 13. :frown:
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    THURSDAY QOTD! (I am so sorry for it being late! I lost track of the thread and didn't know I was up!)

    I want us to go back and reflect on WHY we started our journeys and how we have changed (outside and inside) in the process, because every single one of us had a reason. Please try to be more specific than, "i wanted to look hot," or, "i felt fat." Reconnect with the real reasons you're doing this and feel that motivation spike. I think we all need a reality check sometimes because the tiny details take over and make it hard to appreciate the bigger picture.

    My parents are so unhealthy. I worry about them every day. My dad has had a stroke and my mom is on the verge of congestive heart failure. Both have high BP. I don't want my daughter to have to worry about me. I'm sure she'll have enough going on her life without me adding to it. I really want to set a great example for her, so she'll lead a healthy life.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Congrats to everyone! There were some GREAT acheivements on that board! and logan, i do like the highlighting of different accomplishments. maybe just do it in a different color so it's not confused with biggest weight loss.
    Sorry to my Yellow Amigas- I haven't been around as much this week and I'm sorry! Can't wait to reconnect. Excited/very nervous to weigh in tomorrow. I put my scale away and managed (for the SECOND week in a row!) to not take it out to weigh myself every day. HUGE accomplishment but very scary. I ALWAYS know how much i weigh, to the ounce, and have, more or less, since i was 13. :frown:

    Good for you!
  • mommy2squish
    mommy2squish Posts: 126 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: Due to finances eating out is pretty much out of the picture however we did go out for our anniversary. I was horrible though and slurged. If I do happen to eat fast food I have been getting one chicken wrap and a diet drink or water. This is definantly different for me. For get togethers I havnt had one yet since I have been devoted to this lifestyle change. We really only get together for the holidays and its going to be hard. I will attempt to use portion control.

    Wednesday QOTD: I have attempted to diet and exercise before or should I say talked about it more than put it in action. I did have gestational diabetes while I was pregant. I controlled it with diet and one shot of insulin. I only gained 13 lbs my whole pregnancy. And delived a 6lb 15oz baby.

    Thursday QOTD: I am doing this for my personal health I am tired of looking at myself and seeing things I dont like. I have a 14 month old and I want to be healthy and happy for him. Another big motivation for starting this is I want to concieve again. I was diagnosed with PCOS after having my son and was pretty devastated as I wanted my children close in age and now I dont know if I will concieve again. The easiests way to help the PCOS is to lose weight so here I am. I am now 10lbs under the weight I was when I concieved my son. So hopefully in the next few months I will be expecting again. I will not give up the new healthy lifestyle though I will continue to eat better and walk and do some low impact exercising. I wont let go of what I have achieved.
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    THURSDAY QOTD! (I am so sorry for it being late! I lost track of the thread and didn't know I was up!)

    I want us to go back and reflect on WHY we started our journeys and how we have changed (outside and inside) in the process, because every single one of us had a reason. Please try to be more specific than, "i wanted to look hot," or, "i felt fat." Reconnect with the real reasons you're doing this and feel that motivation spike. I think we all need a reality check sometimes because the tiny details take over and make it hard to appreciate the bigger picture.

    The real moment for me was when one of my husband's sisters posted a picture of me on FB holding one of his nieces...and I looked huge to myself. My facial features looked ill-defined, my head looked small on my body, my thighs were big, and my stomach was bulging out. I untagged it immediately, because I found it humiliating! With my husband's family I am definitely the "fat relative" and I find that a totally horrible place to be in.

    I then found myself really mad at her for posting a picture where I looked so large and awful. Then I realized...maybe this is actually a good picture of me, and maybe it's representative of how I look now. Yikes. That's when reality set in.

    So, I then got mad at myself for losing the fantastic shape I was in about 5 years ago...I just let it slip away one slowly-gained pound at a time. I definitely did not wake up one morning 20 lbs heavier. I did intervene about a year ago and lost about 8 lbs, but even that had crept slowly back on. There were plenty of opportunities to stop it, and I was furious with myself that I hadn't done so.

    I also got really scared...if the weight is just slowly, continuously creeping up, where will it stop? I'd already seen myself think that 171 was my new max...but then I was up to 177. Was it going to stop at 180? 185? 200? More??? Not having an idea where the ceiling would be really freaked me out. I knew this couldn't continue.

    And then it finally hit me that I could actually fix it all. I decided to make it so NO picture of me EVER looks like that again. I'd already found this site, but at that moment the commitment really kicked in. No matter how long it takes, even if it's .01 lb every other week, I'm going to get into good shape again. Dammit. :mad:
  • THURSDAY QOTD! (I am so sorry for it being late! I lost track of the thread and didn't know I was up!)

    I want us to go back and reflect on WHY we started our journeys and how we have changed (outside and inside) in the process, because every single one of us had a reason. Please try to be more specific than, "i wanted to look hot," or, "i felt fat." Reconnect with the real reasons you're doing this and feel that motivation spike. I think we all need a reality check sometimes because the tiny details take over and make it hard to appreciate the bigger picture.

    Well the first time I started my weight-loss journey, my reason wasn't only because I looked at a picture of myself at 170 pounds and thought "Oh my gosh, is that how bad I look?" It was also because my doctor had told me I was at risk for health problems and my BMI said I was considered obese. Also, I was lonely, never had a boyfriend, never had my first kiss, was too afraid to talk to boys because I felt so ugly and uncomfortable in my body, had very few friends who were all skinnier than me and more outgoing than me. So pretty much I had a super low self-esteem.
    Now, after I had lost 30 pounds since then and I'm basically on the edge of the healthy & overweight range, I have a new reason for my second weight-loss journey... my boyfriend! He is the love of my life, my best friend, he has given me so much support and motivation, he is healthy and fit and his dream is to become a bodybuilder & fitness trainer. When I met him I pretty much ended my first weight-loss journey, which caused me to gain 10 pounds. I was so scared of going back to the person I was that I began to go to the gym with my him more and we both have been working hard to reach our ultimate goals. I've been overweight most of my entire life so now I want to be the thin, strong, confident person I've always wanted to be! No more squishy girl! :)
  • emilytgs24
    emilytgs24 Posts: 90 Member
    THURSDAY QOTD! (I am so sorry for it being late! I lost track of the thread and didn't know I was up!)

    I want us to go back and reflect on WHY we started our journeys and how we have changed (outside and inside) in the process, because every single one of us had a reason. Please try to be more specific than, "i wanted to look hot," or, "i felt fat." Reconnect with the real reasons you're doing this and feel that motivation spike. I think we all need a reality check sometimes because the tiny details take over and make it hard to appreciate the bigger picture.

    Ah-I know I'm not supposed to but "because I wanted to look hot in my wedding dress!!" That was probably one of the biggest, attainable, short term motivators for me. I had a year to do it and stayed on task because it was something I wanted so bad. I bought a size 14 in September and traded it in for a size 8 in April! The lady at the store couldn't believe it. She thought I had just bought the wrong size! I left the store and cried a little. That was a VERY cool day!

    The long term reasons for losing weight is that I'm am a very active person and didn't like that I couldn't always do everything I wanted to simply because I was out of shape. Also, my husband's family has some health problems that he can avoid if he stays healthy.

    I'm here today because I've been in maintenance for a year and I don't want to get lazy about all of my healthy lifestyle changes. Thinking about it daily keeps me in the game! Keeps me honest and motivated!