Sexy in Six ***closed group*** Week Four!!!



  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    I have IBS, so it's pretty easy to get away with being like "Oh, I have a lot of food intolerances, so do you mind if I bring a couple of snacks for the party?"

    That's a great idea! I have IBS too! Mine's completely stress related, but I like that idea!
  • StacyAS999
    StacyAS999 Posts: 107 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: Ladies, have you tried to lose weight before? So is this just another "one of those times" or is this different? What makes it different? What are you doing to ensure that you are not right back where you started?

    Many many times, but half-heartedly. I was successful one time and lost about 60 pounds about ten years ago, and somewhat kept it off for a number of years. While I never went back up to that high number, I probably gained back about half of it, so that prompted me to start up again here. I did it the same way as we do here, counting calories and nutrients, logging exercise, etc., but I kept a paper calendar. I have to say, I like this method and the support much better! My goal this time is the same weight I reached last time, and I was happy there.

    To not go back to that high number again, I have resolved that I am going to have to log my food for the foreseeable future. Otherwise, I eat mindlessly, and am in denial about how caloric and full of sodium "just a handful" of snacks are and how much portions should be.
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member

    This is my 2039583093040 x100 time trying to lose weight. As a kid I could eat forever and not gain an ounce. Early teens I started putting on some weight and then I got interested in sports. I developed unhealthy eating habits and had to quit cross country which was really upsetting.

    Sophomore year of college I developed an obsession with working out and went twice a day. I did this for 4 months and looked fantastic. One day I made the disastrous decision not to go to the gym and I lost my routine. I gained weight and weighed the highest ever until summer of 2010.

    2010 I decided to become a vegetarian for enough reasons that I have been able to commit to the diet for over a year. I immediately lost 15 pounds and I believe it is the reason that I can maintain my weight so easily.

    People who see me today say I look athletic. I would say I look like a "soft" athlete. I came to MFP to not only reach my ideal weight but to teach myself how to eat properly, exercise more and evolve to a confident and healthier person.

    I may not have lost a much weight yet but I feel stronger, I eat healthier and I'm confident that I'm building muscle.
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: Ladies, have you tried to lose weight before? So is this just another "one of those times" or is this different? What makes it different? What are you doing to ensure that you are not right back where you started?

    I have tried to lose weight before, but this isn't just "one of those times". The other times I've tried, I haven't been as serious as I needed to be. I started going to the gym, even got a personnel trainer, but because I was "working out", I allowed myself a lot more food because I deserved it and I worked off the calories anyhow. I actually gained 5 or so pounds due to it.

    This time is definitely different. I'm motivated to do the work to keep it off and I'm not trying any crazy diets. I still eat carbs. I still have beer and wine, but only a couple of times a week. Everything in moderation. And I found that I like to run and I enjoy spinning. This time, I'm not trying to lose weight exactly, but be healthy and feel good in my skin. I won't be right back where I started because I feel like I've changed the way that I view food, exercise and what I need to be happy. Food doesn't comfort, beer doesn't help when you're in a bad mood, so why use them as crutches?
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: Ladies, have you tried to lose weight before? So is this just another "one of those times" or is this different? What makes it different? What are you doing to ensure that you are not right back where you started?

    I have been fat since I was 8 or 9. I was a SUPER tiy child before then. Concerningly so. My doctors told my mother to put butter or ranch on everything she fed me because I was so small. Well, it worked, I got FAT. I was always really active, even when I was a gymnast, I was by far the biggest on the team. When I was 15? I joined WW and it just made me feel like I had to eat too much and everyone else was old, lol so i stopped going.

    A few years ago, I went from 275 to 220. I was so proud of myself, and I was very content at that size, so I stopped losing. I dont know what happened, but it very slowly came back on. I was back up to 251 at the beginning of this summer. I didn't even notice I was gaining until I'd put 25 lbs on. I felt so defeated I didnt even try to stop it.

    This time is diferent. I moved half way across the world. I have a very supportive flatmate, a very active job, really awesome trails righ by my house. It's just a lifestyle change. I have to walk everywhere. I have new friends. I don't know what it is, I can just feel it.
    As of this morning, I am 219 the lowest weight I have ever been as an adult! I want so badly to go back home and shock all my old friends and family.
  • anettabon
    anettabon Posts: 30 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: I think we all struggle with eating well, especially when eating out. How do you deal with restaurants and get-togethers?

    I check the menus online before I go and plan ahead, usually after I've just eaten lunch. That way, when I get there I don't pick something bad for me just because I'm really hungry. Also, when I eat out while I'm traveling, I always try and find a Panera because it's a consistent go-to with healthy options and it's the same everywhere (except in Maine, they have lobster rolls there, yum).

    Wednesday QOTD: Ladies, have you tried to lose weight before? So is this just another "one of those times" or is this different? What makes it different? What are you doing to ensure that you are not right back where you started?

    I think this is different because I'm mindful that this is not a temporary change. I was able to lose weight before this way, but then once I stopped logging and started getting stressed, it came right back, plus more. So, this time, I think I'm going to be more conscious during my maintenance phase (once I get there). I've got to say, this time it's a lot harder too. I keep going back and forth on my commitment on this timeline, which backfires. It's almost as if the knowledge that I can do this is counterproductive for my procrastinator tendencies... I know that in a few months, I'll have a lot more free time and it will be easier to dedicate more time to this and I'll be less stressed, which is always better. But, at the same time, this is something that I want as soon as possible, so it's hard reconciling those two concepts and weighing the cost/benefit of each. Luckily, being in this group is making me feel accountable for these weeks and tipping the scales (pun intended) in favor of doing this now and making that commitment.
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    Wednesday QOTD:

    I have tried to lose weight a million times before. Sometimes with success, most of the time not, and obviously I didn't keep it off.
    I don't think this is just "one of those times".
    As I get older I realize how HARD it is for the weight to come off, and I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want the struggle of getting it off, of feeling bad physically or mentally, of feeling self-conscious, of detesting how I look....I'm over it!!
    So, while I go through this struggle I feel like I am making life changes along the way.
    Is everyday perfect? Nope, far from it in fact. Yesterday I was well under calories, but my foods that I did eat weren't great...just one of those days. I will move on and try my best every day. Some days my best may not be great, but for me, that particular day, that was the best I could do/manage. I will take every day/event as they come and come out the winner on the other side!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: Ladies, have you tried to lose weight before? So is this just another "one of those times" or is this different? What makes it different? What are you doing to ensure that you are not right back where you started?

    The difference this time is that i'm actually working for it. I've tried for short term before, but wouldn't last a week because it wasn't a lifestyle change....i would cut things from my diet completely and would fall off quickly. This time, I've lasted 10 months, lost 60 lbs and I work out and practice the lifestyle change and seeing huge differences!
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: Ladies, have you tried to lose weight before? So is this just another "one of those times" or is this different? What makes it different? What are you doing to ensure that you are not right back where you started?

    I have trid soooo many times. I went on a Slimfast shake in the morning diet, I have done the No Soda Diet, the Celery diet....I quit them all within days (if not hours....who wants to eat celery all day?) This is my SECOND time using MFP. The first time, I used it as the app on my phone, just to track. It only lasted 2 weeks or so. This time, I discovered the online half of MFP and it has truly made all the difference in the world. This time, I've made it (nearly) 5 months of logging on EVERY DAY. I've logged diet and exercise most of them too. I've had more success in these months than every other weight loss attempt combined and multiplied on itself. This time, I'm actually looking good. Once I reach my goal, I'll never let myself out of control again. I know I worked too hard to get to where I am.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Anyone who wants to add the Black Team logo from my signature, the IMG code is:

    Be sure you change the capital IMG to lowercase img on both ends or it won't appear as a picture :smile:
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: Ladies, have you tried to lose weight before? So is this just another "one of those times" or is this different? What makes it different? What are you doing to ensure that you are not right back where you started?

    Honestly, I never struggled with it until I had a baby.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: Ladies, have you tried to lose weight before? So is this just another "one of those times" or is this different? What makes it different? What are you doing to ensure that you are not right back where you started?

    I have trid soooo many times. I went on a Slimfast shake in the morning diet, I have done the No Soda Diet, the Celery diet....I quit them all within days (if not hours....who wants to eat celery all day?) This is my SECOND time using MFP. The first time, I used it as the app on my phone, just to track. It only lasted 2 weeks or so. This time, I discovered the online half of MFP and it has truly made all the difference in the world. This time, I've made it (nearly) 5 months of logging on EVERY DAY. I've logged diet and exercise most of them too. I've had more success in these months than every other weight loss attempt combined and multiplied on itself. This time, I'm actually looking good. Once I reach my goal, I'll never let myself out of control again. I know I worked too hard to get to where I am.

    slim fast works for me. they have a lot of protein now.
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: Ladies, have you tried to lose weight before? So is this just another "one of those times" or is this different? What makes it different? What are you doing to ensure that you are not right back where you started?

    Good question!! This is sort of a long story, and not super impressive high numbers, but i did see a very noticeable difference, so to me it is!! short story, since Jan 2010 weight loss and nutrition has been a part of my life, but my motivation has come in and the long story!

    Jan 2010, after a weekend away with the girls, i realized i had to do something. I was a superstar until about May 2010, i tracked everything, i mean everything, get this, in an EXCEL spread sheet!!! it was a ton of work!! but, it WORKED. i dropped about 10 lbs and it was awesome. I managed to hold on to that but then could not regain my motivation for an extended period, it would come back, then leave again, then come back. I tried livestrong, but i didn't find it that easy to track. Winter of 2011, i got serious again! again, i used excel spreadsheets lol ;) I was going to to vegas in june and i wanted to look amazing, huge motivator. I found MFP in May 2011, and i got down to 17lbs lost, and people were noticing! Post trip, motivation was gone (i actually read that using vacations or reunions aren't the greatest because once they are over...ZAP bye bye motivation!). I gained about 10lbs from that. So i was pretty upset i gained that much but i NEVER went back to where i was before. I use the scale, how i'm feeling, and how i'm looking as ways to ensure i don't go back.

    For me....if i'm in it, i'm in it!! but if i lose my way, that's it, i'll be totally bad. Luckily i'm back on the wagon right now, thanks to the wonderful MFP community!!!!!!!!
  • emilytgs24
    emilytgs24 Posts: 90 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: Ladies, have you tried to lose weight before? So is this just another "one of those times" or is this different? What makes it different? What are you doing to ensure that you are not right back where you started?

    I have lost weight before but can't say that I really TRIED to lose weight before. In highschool I was always pretty slim because I rode horses and worked on the farm. In college I went up and down but mostly stayed in the 10 to 14 pants size range. My lifestyle and the season dictated my size and it never seemed like a huge deal because I must have needed new clothes because of a weight change about the same time as they were wearing out. Or maybe I just got my smaller clothes out for summer and the bigger clothes out for winter! I also just thought I was big boned and that a 10 or 12 and 170 pounds was where I needed to be. After college I wasn't as active and the weight stopped changing and then started creeping up. Then I started to think about it! I tried wieght watchers with my mom and did the myfitness pal later on but not really seriously until we got engaged and Mark got a wake up call from the doctor (much of his Dad's side has diabetes). With Mark in it too we made a pretty good support team! 50 pounds later the rest is history! Now I think about food, dieting, and being healthy almost obsessively! But in a constructive, healthy way!
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: Ladies, have you tried to lose weight before? So is this just another "one of those times" or is this different? What makes it different? What are you doing to ensure that you are not right back where you started?

    I have been overweight for a while. I have tired a few times to lose weight on the FAD diets. I soon realized that even when I dropped weight from them nothing really changed and I put it all back on. So this time I started a lifestyle change instead of a diet. Something that will stick with me always. I was losing weight prior to getting pregnant. During my pregnancy I watched what I ate and tried to eat healthy foods and exercise. After my son was born, I started back on the changes. I find I don't want the "junk" foods as much and now drink a lot more water instead of soda.
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: Ladies, have you tried to lose weight before? So is this just another "one of those times" or is this different? What makes it different? What are you doing to ensure that you are not right back where you started?

    I've tried several times. I've tried several ways.

    I think what makes this time different is this time, I'm learning. I'm not just going through the motions. I'm learning portion control,
    I'm learning to love working out and I'm learning a lot about myself with a lot of internal over-analyzation. I'm good at over-analyzing :)
  • Magic_Girl
    Monday QOTD - If you could have a celebrity trainer or celebrity chef come and work with you for a month, Who would you pick and why?

    Trainer: I would have Jennifer Nicole Lee train me (she's my profile picture) or Amanda Latona
    Chef: Chef Ramsey of course!

    Tuesday QOTD: I think we all struggle with eating well, especially when eating out. How do you deal with restaurants and get-togethers?

    If I know I'm going to be eating out or going to a get-together, then I would normally try to save as many calories as I can for it so I can still be under my calorie goal. I also go online and look up the nutrition info before I head out to a restaurant. If it is a high calorie meal or a large amount of food, then I would split half w/ someone or take it home.

    Wednesday QOTD: Ladies, have you tried to lose weight before? So is this just another "one of those times" or is this different? What makes it different? What are you doing to ensure that you are not right back where you started?

    I started losing weight my freshman year of high school, but it was gradual and slow. I didn't even have a scale, I just saw my clothes get too big for me. I didn't even realize I had lost 20-30 pounds until I went to the doctors and they told me how much weight I had lost. Then around senior year of high school and freshman year of college, I stopped working out. I gained 10 pounds and I would attempt to lose weight and exercise, but I didn't put all my effort into it. Now since this summer I've been much more serious about my weight loss and I've lost about 14 pounds so far. This time around it is different because not only am I more dedicated, but I've been losing weight faster than before. My motivation has gone up 300% since joining MFP! :)
  • drgirl1023
    drgirl1023 Posts: 112 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: I think we all struggle with eating well, especially when eating out. How do you deal with restaurants and get-togethers?

    Now that I am exercising and dieting - when eating out or at a get together I stick to my diet! It is to much hard work to burn the calories or the fat just for a moment of happiness. Not worth it to me!!!!
  • drgirl1023
    drgirl1023 Posts: 112 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: Ladies, have you tried to lose weight before? So is this just another "one of those times" or is this different? What makes it different? What are you doing to ensure that you are not right back where you started?

    It is not a fad for me this time!!! I want to look good and feel sexy!!!! This time I am mentally prepared for this change!!! My mind is into this and my heart wants a change!
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Great question and wonderful honest answers.

    Wednesday QOTD: Ladies, have you tried to lose weight before? So is this just another "one of those times" or is this different? What makes it different? What are you doing to ensure that you are not right back where you started?

    I never had a weight problem until I guess 10 years ago. I was active ,was one of the ladies I love to hate had my daughter when I was 19 and 3 weeks later was back in size 4 jeans. So fast forward a few years I went from running marathons to being in a car crash in a blink of an eye. 2 years later with no exercise of any kind, slap on a healthy side of depression and I gained a ton of weight. I lost about 30 pounds then got pregnant again, the baby weight didn't fall off this time around. I struggled with the weight after that, gaining and losing the same 20 pounds it seems. Then my Hubby and me had a mde life opps and baby number 3 was born last Feb.

    This time is diffrent because its not a diet or a fad it has become a life style choice, I'm looking forward to seeing the old me again.