Sexy in Six **Closed Group!** Week 3 Chit-Chat



  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    We've had a lot of questions about food, but what about exercise....what is your favorite type of exercise? Have you tried something new since you've started the weight loss journey? Do you have a routine/schedule that you follow or just do whatever?

    I still haven't been bitten by the workout bug. I have tried a number of different things. I know from past experience that gyms aren't for me, but if I could find a way to just join some classes I think I would like that. I am always trying something new in hopes to find something I love. So far, c210k has come the closest in likeability, but I have slacked off since school started. About once a week, I go to the Zumba DVD group. They just follow the DVDs so it's not all that great, but it is free. I also have a number of Wii workouts and DVDs. My favorite so far is Just Dance 2 and I just got ExerBeat in the mail (today actually). Looking forward to giving it a go.
  • Tuesday's QoTD: We've had a lot of questions about food, but what about exercise....what is your favorite type of exercise? Have you tried something new since you've started the weight loss journey? Do you have a routine/schedule that you follow or just do whatever?

    LOVE the full sit down stationary bike! it's like I'm not even doing anything:)~
  • Wednesday QoTD: Has anyone experienced different treatment by others as you have lost or gained weight? , and if not how do you think our society treats "overweight" people in general ?

    ~ I know personally I have a photography business that has more than doubled since losing 70+ pounds, yes ALOT of it has to do with my confidence level now, but I have noticed in general how much nicer people are too me now...opening doors, freebies, ect. !!!
  • j99li
    j99li Posts: 421 Member
    Tuesday's QoTD: We've had a lot of questions about food, but what about exercise....what is your favorite type of exercise? Have you tried something new since you've started the weight loss journey? Do you have a routine/schedule that you follow or just do whatever?

    My favourite type of exercise would have to be exercise videos because I can do the exercise and watch something at the same time haha. I've always been into ellipticals too. Ever since I started this weight loss journey at MFP, I have been introduced to various exercise videos such as JM and TH. I have to have a schedule, otherwise I will not get off my *kitten* to do it! haha. Usually though I just follow the schedule provided by the video. On days that I dont feel like doing exercise, I usually just dont T_T

    I am going through knee issues right now so all I can do are crunches because my PT have told me to go off all forms of exercise. SIGHHHHHH
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member

    i also enjoy leslie sansone's walk at home. i have her 5 mile walk and 4 fast mile walks with the firm band. right now i'm switching each week i do the 4 mile walk, the next week i alternate 3 miles every day.

    i've also put in a rest day. when i first started mfp i worked out 7 days a week. i've found that giving myself one day rest helps my body recover and surprises my body when i don't work out. sometimes i feel it burns more calories cuz it's gotten used to it during the week.


    this question is interesting. the ppl i work with definately noticed the weight loss and were more friendly with me. however at home (with the bf and son) i didn't get treated any different. this bothered me last time cuz i was doing the whole weight loss for him and really really really wanted him to notice and treat me differently the most. this time it's for me so i could really care less how he treats me. he'll just hafta eat his heart out when i'm done

    p.s.- ABS REALLY HURT!!! lol
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    Tuesday's QoTD: We've had a lot of questions about food, but what about exercise....what is your favorite type of exercise? Have you tried something new since you've started the weight loss journey? Do you have a routine/schedule that you follow or just do whatever?

    My favorite exercise is running. I haven't really created a exercise routine and this sometimes throws me behind. I think I would do better if I were a little more organized. =) I have added in different exercises since I joined mfp. My latest fav thing is squats. They were so hard at first but now I can see the benefits.
  • klyvers512
    klyvers512 Posts: 37 Member
    Tuesday's QoTD: We've had a lot of questions about food, but what about exercise....what is your favorite type of exercise? Have you tried something new since you've started the weight loss journey? Do you have a routine/schedule that you follow or just do whatever?

    I'm mixing up videos and bouncing between 30 Day Shred, Celebrity Fit Club and Jillian Michaels: Banish Fat Boot Metabolism. I've jogged around the yard and attempted walking at our local dam, but that didn't go over too well with my daughter.

    Wednesday QoTD: Has anyone experienced different treatment by others as you have lost or gained weight? , and if not how do you think our society treats "overweight" people in general ?

    I don't get out much...I work from home and over the computer so the only people who have seen me are my hubby, in-laws and 1 friend. I'm losing baby weight and then some so I'm hoping people will start noticing a difference. I can tell my self-confidence is definitely heading in the right direction too.
  • codonnell13
    codonnell13 Posts: 52 Member
    I have a membership to a nearby gym and I love it! It's only for women, so I've fallen in love with the ellipticals and arc trainers they have there. I really need to start working out more, but it's easier for me if I don't work out at home. Whenever I try to, I get distracted.
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    Tuesday's QoTD: We've had a lot of questions about food, but what about exercise....what is your favorite type of exercise? Have you tried something new since you've started the weight loss journey? Do you have a routine/schedule that you follow or just do whatever?

    I really love dancing (zumba) and running/walking! I never liked running before... hate it even. But, its actually really fun now! who knew!?!?! anyway, yeah, i just do what I feel. A routine would probably be a lot better.
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    Wednesday QoTD: Has anyone experienced different treatment by others as you have lost or gained weight? , and if not how do you think our society treats "overweight" people in general ?

    Yes, I have experienced different treatment. From guys. People who see you. The truth is for the most part, in my experience, pretty, thin, and healthier people get treated better by the general public. And it is not just looks and weight. Like I said, even the sick or those who are considered unhealthy in anyway are looked down on or pitied or, in my opinion, underestimated.

    I think society pity's overweight people, underestimates them, and the general public treats them with less respect and regard for their human dignity.

    For instance, when I walk in a store I used to shop in all the time as a thinner person (and the clothes are super nice/expensive) as an "overweight" person I feel looked upon. Like, they are saying "Why are you in here?" But then I tell the clerk that I am just looking and I am losing weight and so excited to get back to shopping at this store that I love so much and her whole demeanor changes and she is much more pleasant to me. Idk. it is not just that. That was one instance today. I do experience it and I see it in life. :(
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    Wednesday QoTD: Has anyone experienced different treatment by others as you have lost or gained weight? , and if not how do you think our society treats "overweight" people in general ?

    I experienced people treating me differently when I have gained weight just by little things like giving me different service in a store.
    (I am fairly certain it was due to weight and not just bad service!)
    Also, I have experience it at the work place. A lady I work with is just as competent as I am and has been turned down numerous times for promotions because she is very overweight. . :-(

    I think society has a looks down on overweight people. jmo.
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    Wednesday QoTD: Has anyone experienced different treatment by others as you have lost or gained weight? , and if not how do you think our society treats "overweight" people in general ?

    Well, I haven't lost enough weight to be treated differently at the moment. But when I started putting on, I had alot of people making fun of my bum, my size and all that. It's still happening, and is very unpleasant.

    I feel like overweight people in society have to put in more effort to prove themselves in jobs especially, as alot think that just cos someone is overweight, they're lazy or greedy. It's unfortunate. But of course, once they prove themselves, everything's ok. I also think it's got to do with age group and the maturity of the people you're working with.
  • Wednesday QoTD: Has anyone experienced different treatment by others as you have lost or gained weight? , and if not how do you think our society treats "overweight" people in general ?

    "being fat is wrong" i was once told, used to get snide comments and stared at, even been pointed at! from kids u kinda expect it but now grown people, fat people have feelings too!! since loosing a little tho i find the looks hve lessoned and im more comfortable around people i dont no

    On a night out once a bloke shouted "look the titanic hasent sunk, shes coming up the road now" i went scarlet, then my cousin punched him in the face :D which made me feel ALOT better"
  • j99li
    j99li Posts: 421 Member
    Wednesday QoTD: Has anyone experienced different treatment by others as you have lost or gained weight? , and if not how do you think our society treats "overweight" people in general ?

    As I have gained weight, my friends have been wondering as to what it is that I've been doing to myself. Also, my ex and I broke up after I gained a lot of weight and when he saw me, he would always have that "smirk" on his face (makes me want to punch him)

    Now as I am losing weight, I havent been treated differently at all. My friends havent said anything (possibility because they worry about hurting my feelings haha). My parents are the one that constantly talk about me losing weight and how I have a waistline now where as I used to just be droopy everywhere:huh:

    I think our society treats overweight people in a very negative way. My school especially. For a very academic university, you'd think that people are a bit less focused on appearance and more on school but that is definitely not the case! Most girls on campus will give you the once over when they walk by and they all react fairly poorly to the heavier girls. However, I've noticed that it also depends on how the person feels. I have seen some beautiful overweight girls who hold their heads high and do not let any judgmental looks bother them. They are my hero!!
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    Tuesday's QoTD: We've had a lot of questions about food, but what about exercise....what is your favorite type of exercise? Have you tried something new since you've started the weight loss journey? Do you have a routine/schedule that you follow or just do whatever?

    I've been doing "Insanity" since I tend to be a bit of an endorphin junkie. It's great to get a huge burn in a short amount of time since even the 20 minutes to/from the gym is enough of a reason for me not to go sometimes. I also love hiking or taking long walks with the dog when I have time (or when the weather is good...notsomuch this week)!

    Wednesday QoTD: Has anyone experienced different treatment by others as you have lost or gained weight? , and if not how do you think our society treats "overweight" people in general ?

    I can't really say I've noticed anything different since I gained 20lbs...maybe I'm just oblivious?? Hehe! I often can't be bothered to worry too much about what other people are thinking. That being said, I think there is definitely a stigma attached to overweight people in general, especially those of fat = lazy, sloppy, etc. I mean, skinny people can be lazy and sloppy too, to be sure.
  • Tuesday:
    By far my favorite type of exercise is swimming laps. It makes me feel fantastic all over, stretched and not tight, and I dont get all sweaty and miserable. Unfortunately I dont have access to a pool until I go back to school in January, so I'm making do with running, an eliptical and a bike that are at our apartment complex. I'm okay with running, but I'm getting shin splints again :(


    I havent personally been heavy enough to get treated badly, but I've definitely seen it happen, and I hate it. I try to discourage that behaviour when I see it.

  • Wednesday QoTD: Has anyone experienced different treatment by others as you have lost or gained weight? , and if not how do you think our society treats "overweight" people in general ?

    No I havent experienced anything lilke that
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Wednesday QoTD: Has anyone experienced different treatment by others as you have lost or gained weight? , and if not how do you think our society treats "overweight" people in general ?

    The main person who is treating me differently since I have started losing weight is ME lol. I find I am standing and walking more confidently and actually feeling rather good when I see myself in the mirror. That is a huge change for me as I have not been too excited by what I saw in the mirror for several years now, regardless of how nice an outfit might have been.

    I am still early in my weight loss journey so I am still in the obese category so I can't say that I have noticed any big difference in how I am treated. However I have learned to celebrate who I am and that God gave me the curvy body that I live in regardless of how much I weigh, I can't say that I have felt mistreated or looked at with disdain. I haven't had any nasty comments even at my heaviest (I had enough of them for myself!) Being heavy actually gave me a level of comfort as I used to get all sorts of uninvited sexual comments when I was thin!

    I do however feel that generally people with weight issues are unfairly judged overall.
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Wednesday QoTD: Has anyone experienced different treatment by others as you have lost or gained weight? , and if not how do you think our society treats "overweight" people in general ?

    I'm still "obese" so I haven't noticed a difference in that regard. My top has shrunk considerably, and I can often wear size XL tops, and though I have gained quite a bit of confidence in shedding almost 60 lbs so far, I still get VERYself conscious going into the "misses" section of the store (as my upper abdoman and breasts have really shrunk, I can't wear some Plus size tops bc they're too big) I perceive ppl glaring at me, that may simply be my own perception at my own self-consciousness. I have been treated badly my whole life bc of my weight, as a child the treatment was brutal and abusive(not by everyone, but often enough...) and sometimes I read comments under news stories or other online venues and it's awful. Makes me very sad and angry.
  • zaiikaa
    zaiikaa Posts: 112
    Tuesday: I had never done stationary bike before, and now I love it. It's my favorite type of cardio and has really tightened up my legs. The elliptical is okay, but I absolutely hate running, especially on a treadmill. If I could afford it, ballet would be my daily cardio. My favorite of all is lifting weights. Before I started on MPF, all I had done is lift weights and ballet. So bike and elliptical are new to me. Super happy I found them.