Sexy in Six ***Closed Group*** Week 5!



  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    I don't have any pets. I have a 2 yr old boy and I'd be afraid of him jumping on the cat or something.
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Monday QOTD

    I have 2 bassett hounds Lily and Bonnie, and 2 cats Smudge and Calvin (aka FREAK) This is the first time in 20 years that I do not have my own horse, but financially the best decision I could have made, I ride professionally, so I'll let their owner's pay their bills from here on out! My last horse will actually be competing in the 2012 Para Olympics in London with his new owner. He lives in Canada now and has competed in england and california since I sold him :))

    I cannot imagine my life with out animals - oh yeah I have a ginger *red haired *husband too, Does that count??LOOL
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    Let's see, I have a 5 yo boy, Mason and a 3 yo girl Maddie J . . . . . .oh, did you mean actual animals??? Well then, we have three hermit crabs and we borrow our neighbors cat, we call him porch cat since he isn't allowed in the house, he hangs out on our porch furniture.
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Monday QOTD

    I have 2 bassett hounds Lily and Bonnie, and 2 cats Smudge and Calvin (aka FREAK) This is the first time in 20 years that I do not have my own horse, but financially the best decision I could have made, I ride professionally, so I'll let their owner's pay their bills from here on out! My last horse will actually be competing in the 2012 Para Olympics in London with his new owner. He lives in Canada now and has competed in england and california since I sold him :))

    I cannot imagine my life with out animals - oh yeah I have a ginger *red haired *husband too, Does that count??LOOL

    BAHAHAHAHA!!!! I have a ginger hubby, too, and a ginger step child!
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    Great question!!

    I have a 2 1/2 year old yellow lab named Kona. She's the best...just a ball of energy and love! It always gives me an excuse to get some exercise because "Kona needs it." haha.

    Also, I have a 7 year old parakeet named Bubbles...Bubs for short. Bubs was actually raised by me from an egg so he's really tame. He's literally been with me his whole life! Quite the talker too..."Hi bubs," "bubby good boy" and "hi joey joey joey joey joey joey" (my dad's name is Joe) to name a few!!
  • Go purple!!!

    I have a 1 yr old rag doll kitty posie;)
  • codonnell13
    codonnell13 Posts: 52 Member
    Monday QOTD: Do you have pets and if so what kind? If you don't have pets, if you could have one what would it be?

    I have a 6 year old mutt named Lucky. She is always super energetic. I love going on runs with her, but recently she's started hiding under the couch when it is time to go out... lol!
  • codonnell13
    codonnell13 Posts: 52 Member
    Monday QOTD: Do you have pets and if so what kind? If you don't have pets, if you could have one what would it be?

    I have a 6 year old mutt named Lucky. She is always super energetic. I love going on runs with her, but recently she's started hiding under the couch when it is time to go out... lol!
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    ok MY turn~ Tuesday QOTD : Since food related rewards are contradictory to what we are trying to achieve - What are some ways that you can reward yourself if you have reached a goal or simply had a good week?

  • j99li
    j99li Posts: 421 Member
    Monday QOTD: Do you have pets and if so what kind? If you don't have pets, if you could have one what would it be?

    I have no pets as my parents are allergic to pets. My boyfriend and I would like to get a dog once we move in together though, something fluffy haha

    Tuesday QOTD : Since food related rewards are contradictory to what we are trying to achieve - What are some ways that you can reward yourself if you have reached a goal or simply had a good week?

    I reward myself by going out shopping or just relaxing and watching a movie. Also I would treat myself by going out for a meal with my boyfriend
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    ok MY turn~ Tuesday QOTD : Since food related rewards are contradictory to what we are trying to achieve - What are some ways that you can reward yourself if you have reached a goal or simply had a good week?


    My big reward would be a trip to the movies!
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Monday QOTD: Do you have pets and if so what kind? If you don't have pets, if you could have one what would it be?

    I have a (not-so) miniature schnauzer Radar. He's kind of a handful, but I love him anyway.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Tuesday QOTD : Since food related rewards are contradictory to what we are trying to achieve - What are some ways that you can reward yourself if you have reached a goal or simply had a good week?

    First goal was pedicure, next one was haircut + grocery shopping at one of those high end grocery stores - I've earned this reward but I still haven't followed through with it. Not sure what the next rewards will be, but I think laser hair removal will be my ultimate, plus a shopping trip (can't wait to buy new stuff!!!). Bubble bath is my favorite free reward. Workout dvds/games make good rewards. I love rewards! :bigsmile:
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Tuesday QOTD : Since food related rewards are contradictory to what we are trying to achieve - What are some ways that you can reward yourself if you have reached a goal or simply had a good week?

    I reward myself by going out shopping or just relaxing and watching a movie. Also I would treat myself by going out for a meal with my boyfriend

    I treat myself with some hot tub/sauna time
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    I've actually never done rewards like that. The feeling of actually DOING it and being successful is my reward. OMG that sounds so cheesy.
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member

    i have to say the feeling of looking and feeling skinnier is a great reward. but i do like to buy more workout vids or workout equipment. i like to buy shoes or movies. something little to keep me going. i have no idea what i'm gonna do when i make it to my goal. depends how much money we have then lol new wardrobe! eeekkkk!
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    Tuesday QOTD : Since food related rewards are contradictory to what we are trying to achieve - What are some ways that you can reward yourself if you have reached a goal or simply had a good week?

    I cheat myself with my favorite ice cream. I know they say you shouldn't do it but it works for me. And every time it's the best ice cream I have ever tasted. I don't tend to reward myself any other way since nothing else with the exception of food is off limits.
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    Tuesday QOTD : Since food related rewards are contradictory to what we are trying to achieve - What are some ways that you can reward yourself if you have reached a goal or simply had a good week?

    I cheat myself with my favorite ice cream. I know they say you shouldn't do it but it works for me. And every time it's the best ice cream I have ever tasted. I don't tend to reward myself any other way since nothing else with the exception of food is off limits.
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    don't have pets!!!

    thursday question:

    (i know this is really early in the week but i am moving cross country this week and may not be here (lack of internet and have lost phone) and don't want to miss posting my question!!!)

    THURSDAY: Do what friends/family say about you (and it doesn't just have to be about your weightloss... it can be any comment about you as a person...negative/positive) affect how you lose? If so, why? And if it affects it negatively, how do you overcome their comments?
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    Since food related rewards are contradictory to what we are trying to achieve - What are some ways that you can reward yourself if you have reached a goal or simply had a good week?

    By buying a new outfit or going in my closet to discover an old one that fits now! best reward ever!