Sexy in Six ***closed group*** Week Six!



  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Although I have been playing with the same half pound for the last month, it is not a genuine plateau (plateaus are when people are really giving it their all yet still the scale is not moving :p ) My stall has been because of inconsistent exercise habits. Yeah, some has been from not feeling well for a while, the rest of it is just lack of discipline. Argh! So I'll get back to you with my thoughts on this one whenever the day comes that I hit a geneuine plateau lol
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    Yellow Team, i am SOOOOOOOOOOO proud of us!!!!!! every single loser was a *biggest* loser and no one gained. you guys are the best. :happy: keep up the amazing work. i'm sorry i haven't been around more. going through some tough times in my family but i will be back on the boards this week. let's get back on our Team Yellow thread and help each other even more!
    CONGRATS to all teams. You ladies are fantastic and getting more fantastic by the day! :drinker:

    I totally agree!!!!
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    MONDAY QOTD-- What is the craziest thing you've ever done to break a loss plateau?

    I upped my calories from 1200 to 1450, exercised my butt off (figuratively's really still back there). It's only crazy if you realize I came from the old school of "deprivation is the only way to lose weight".

    And joining the Sexy in Six challenge...but that wasn't crazy. That was the best thing ever :)

    yep - best thing ever - I agree!!!!
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member

    Mmmmmmm, I don't think I know anything about plateaux as I am still at over 220+pounds. However, using MFP I am shedding SLOWLY - annoyingly slowly sometimes.

    So, I think I am on a plateau but it is ever so slightly tilted.......

    So, is it a plateau?

    And whether it is or not, I would like to formally thank PEanut for keeping us on the tilted straight and narrow.....
  • anettabon
    anettabon Posts: 30 Member
    What is the craziest thing you've ever done to break a loss plateau?

    I went on south beach diet for a while. But I guess that wasn't that crazy. I kind of want to try a juice fast? But can't decide if it's a good idea.
  • codonnell13
    codonnell13 Posts: 52 Member
    What is the craziest thing you've ever done to break a loss plateau?

    I haven't been trying to lose weight for that long, so I haven't hit a major plateau yet. Usually, if my weight plateaus for a week or two, I've had a bad week with calories, exercise, stress, water, etc. I just try to keep at it, and usually, the scale moves the next week.
  • I have never done anything to break a plateau. Sorry can't help ya.
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    Okay, I'll fess up....I've tried taking a laxative to boost my weight loss and all it did was leave me on the toilet with horrible cramps for like 3 days straight. Blerg. I will only use them now if they are...ahem....needed. The cramps just ain't worth it! I've tried the Slimfast thing after my daughter was born, but I couldn't even get through half a shake! (I've tried their bar things too, and they also suck lol)

    But I think my first real plateau was a month-ish ago when I had like 3 weeks without much weight change. I don't know what I did to get moving though. I just eat the same, move the same, and eventually it gets going again. I think here recently, calorie zig-zagging has helped my metabolism.

    ignorant. What is calorie zigzagging?

    Zig Zag is where you change up the calories you eat. For example if you eat 1200 calories a day everyday now that would equal a total of 8400 calories for the week. If you did the zig zag you would eat like 1700 calories one day, 1000 the next, 1400 the next....and so one. At the end of the week you are still eating a total of 8400 calories but you are shocking your system but eating tons of calories one day and less the next. <---if that makes sense
  • I've tried the Slimfast thing after my daughter was born, but I couldn't even get through half a shake! (I've tried their bar things too, and they also suck lol)

    I used to drink the powder that you mixed when I was a kid. Because it tasted good. I'm a freak.
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    Okay, I'll fess up....I've tried taking a laxative to boost my weight loss and all it did was leave me on the toilet with horrible cramps for like 3 days straight. Blerg. I will only use them now if they are...ahem....needed. The cramps just ain't worth it! I've tried the Slimfast thing after my daughter was born, but I couldn't even get through half a shake! (I've tried their bar things too, and they also suck lol)

    But I think my first real plateau was a month-ish ago when I had like 3 weeks without much weight change. I don't know what I did to get moving though. I just eat the same, move the same, and eventually it gets going again. I think here recently, calorie zig-zagging has helped my metabolism.

    ignorant. What is calorie zigzagging?

    Zig Zag is where you change up the calories you eat. For example if you eat 1200 calories a day everyday now that would equal a total of 8400 calories for the week. If you did the zig zag you would eat like 1700 calories one day, 1000 the next, 1400 the next....and so one. At the end of the week you are still eating a total of 8400 calories but you are shocking your system but eating tons of calories one day and less the next. <---if that makes sense

    Good explanation of zig-zagging! it's just to keep your metabolism guessing. I don't think it has to be that drastic (between 1700-1000), and i still wouldn't go under 1200 on any given day :) but for sure, you could do like 1200 one day and 1500 the next or whatever. I usually think about it in terms of my net calories for the day, like yesterday i was 326 over, so today i went 326 under!!!
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    Helllo everyone!! finally my QOTD!! feels like i've been waiting forever!!!

    **if this question has been asked before, let me know and i'll post another**


    Do you set mini-goals, with rewards? What are they, why did you pick those goals (and the fun part, the rewards!!!)

    Here are mine!

    # Thxgiving goal: 133 lbs *Reward* biogel nails
    # Christmas goal: 129 lbs *Reward* jewelery!
    # New Year's Eve :) : 125 lbs *Reward* New outfit!!

    I did a reward challenge with myself before, where i got a new skirt i really really wanted if i didn't eat ANY sweets for a week, and it was really effective!

    I picked 133 because it was the lowest i've been so far on my journey, and i want to get back there. My ultimate goal is to be in the 120s, so obvi 129 needs to be celebrated!! and my ultimate, ultimate is 125 :D

    I've wanted to try a UV gel manicure for awhile, so i figure i should earn it!!! i love accessories, and fun wardrobe pieces, so that's for the second and third!!! Michal Kors, Coach and Swavorski have some reasonably priced nice jewelery, and i JUST found an ostrich feather skirt from mango that i'm in love with for the end goal!!!! :D
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    TUESDAY QOTD: Do you set mini-goals, with rewards? What are they, why did you pick those goals (and the fun part, the rewards!!!)

    YES! I think mini-goals are important because the big picture can be overwhelming. I set off to lose 45 pounds, but set mini-goals every 15 pounds. I can deal with 15 at a time.

    My mini-goals are:
    160 pounds (-15) ~ new nose hoop --->done!
    145 pounds (-30) ~ haircut --->done!
    130 pounds (-45) ~ new clothes
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Oh and ps, a lot of you have signed up for round 3. If there's anyone else who wants to sign up, follow this link! I'm opening up registration to new members soon, so get your spot while it lasts!
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member

    Do you set mini-goals, with rewards? What are they, why did you pick those goals (and the fun part, the rewards!!!)

    I have set mini goals in the past, but I don't have any right now, and I think I need to post some so I can be held accountable for them! - Might help me ACTUALLY get under 150 and STAY there - I've been pretty frustrated with this one

    OK here you go

    147 (aka - lowest I've been and what I feel is safely under 150 and not a fluke) Running shoes - I have a pair of cheapies but I'm running almost daily so its time for a nice pair - AND it will help me reach goal #2

    142 - new FUN shoes - its bad when your husband's wardrobe is bigger then yours - time for some shopping for this girl

    What am I going to do differently to reach these goals? Stick to a slightly higher weekly calorie count but zig zag (increased calories bc it is too hard to zig zag at 1200 and not healthy to go below that) - INCREASE exercise by 1 hour per week

    THANK YOU SEXY IN SIXERS for being there for me and everyone else on this Challenge!!!

    GO RED!
  • MaManeenCal
    MaManeenCal Posts: 142 Member
    Monday QOTD:
    What is the craziest thing you've ever done to break a loss plateau?

    I haven't tried anything crazy yet.... but a few years ago, before my son and my husband- I tried that spiced lemonade diet thing that beyonce did- only drinking water- with lemon, honey and cayenne pepper? .. I lost like 25lbs with it- only gained back 7- then 8 months later I was pregnant.
  • MaManeenCal
    MaManeenCal Posts: 142 Member

    Do you set mini-goals, with rewards? What are they, why did you pick those goals (and the fun part, the rewards!!!)

    I did set mini goals- but my first reward isn't until I lose another 20lbs- which will be a new tattoo, then 15lbs after that, I will cut my hair and then if I reach my bog goal, new clothes.
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Do you set mini-goals, with rewards? What are they, why did you pick those goals (and the fun part, the rewards!!!)

    I love this question because I don't how to set reward. I figure an eating reward may make feel like i'm depriving myself. If I do something like buy a new bag/shoes etc. it doesn't make sense because I'm a college student so I have to save u for things anyway. I have trouble thinking of rewards that doesn't compromise my wallet or belly.

    interested in your rewards! :0)

    P.s. I weighed myself today just to get an idea and it turns out the weight from the weekend was just water weight because I weighed in at 152.9 and though I still gained, its not a horrendous 6 pounds!
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member


    Do you set mini-goals, with rewards? What are they, why did you pick those goals (and the fun part, the rewards!!!)


    138 lbs. -- Mommy Challenge -- Pedicure (because I just want pretty toes.)
    132 lbs. -- New Year Challenge -- Second ear piercing (because I just want to.)
    120 lbs. -- End Goal -- NEW CLOTHES (self explanatory.)
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member

    Do you set mini-goals, with rewards? What are they, why did you pick those goals (and the fun part, the rewards!!!)

    I give myself a reward for every 10 pounds lost.

    10 pounds - Shellac (gel) manicure
    20 pounds - HRM
    30 & 40 pounds - I bought the equipment to do my own gel manicures. It was expensive so I made it two rewards
    50 pounds - massage

    I am going on a cruise in March and will need all new clothes for it. That is my ultimate reward. I may not be exactly at goal weight but I will be close. Just this Sunday I cleaned out of my closets and got rid of things that no longer fit because they are too large. It was a lot! Such a great feeling.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    There is a new tab for groups under community! Peanut, make us a group? :)