Sexy in Six ***closed group*** Week Five



  • In Regards to a healthier lifestyle (diet and fitness) What is something new that you have tried since you started your journey that worked for you (i.e. planning meals, a new type of exercise, a reward system)? AND what is something new that you would LIKE to try moving forward that you maybe have not had the time or opportunity to try yet?

    I plan my meals more (not always), I try to stay under my calorie goal & also my sub-categories, I weigh & measure my food (if needed), I exercise more....
    I used to just have cardio as my main exercise, but now that I'm at a healthier weight (still have about 15 more pounds to lose) I now do half cardio & half strength training. I really enjoy strength training A LOT! When I get to my goal weight, I want to focus more on strength training because I want to have lean muscles & a toned body. I would like to take some classes at my gym, I would LOVE to take a kickboxing class or some kind of fighting/defense class. And I really want to eat less sugary foods (i love sweets too much).
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    ok Ladies! GREAT job Last week!!! I have the monday QOTD -

    In Regards to a healthier lifestyle (diet and fitness) What is something new that you have tried since you started your journey that worked for you (i.e. planning meals, a new type of exercise, a reward system)? AND what is something new that you would LIKE to try moving forward that you maybe have not had the time or opportunity to try yet?

    This week's challenge provoked this question for me - I have tried eating cleaner for sometime now, and it is AMAZING how much it has changed my digestive system. I used to never think about what I was eating, now my gut kicks my butt if I don't pay attention and fresher choices definately keep me happier on the inside!!!

    I think bringing up things that maybe we haven't gotten around to doing yet, makes us ponder on them a bit and gives us a chance to make a plan on when we might actually try them out -

    Something I haven't tried yet is taking a class, my husband and I talk about taking a Yoga, Pilates, or Ballroom Dancing Classes, but have yet to take the plunge. Im thinking tomorrow might be a good jumping off point for that :-) - so I have a phone call to make!!!

    I've started planning meals and especially started shopping the "peripherals" of the store much more than the inner aisles. I still fall victim to the quickness and convenience of packaged food, but I consume much more "clean" food than before, and my stomach, like you have mentioned, has adjusted. If I eat anything too rich or greasy, etc, my stomach pays for it!!! I am working toward cleaner eating, this seems to be a struggle right now, but I continue to try!!
  • lucyliar
    lucyliar Posts: 31 Member
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Are we going to do another round of sexy in 6 when this one is over?

    YES!!!!! Everyone, rest easy tonight. We are going to have a Sexy in Six Round 3. It will run from Monday, November 14th until Friday, December 23rd. That means that Round 3 is gonna be our last chance to get sexy in time for Christmas!
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    Monday QOTD:

    What has really helped me stay on track thus far is tracking my food/exercise here at MFP. Last night I worked until 12:30 a.m., but this morning when I got up I finished up yesterdays diary and 'completed' it.
    I love the little messages you get that says if everyday was like this in 5 weeks you would weigh X amount. I know it isn't an exact science on MFP's part, but they are motivating to me none the less :)

    What I would like to try in the future.....hmmmmmmm, there are so many things. Finding more exercise time. I'm currently working two jobs so it is just plain hard sometimes! Getting toned. Being better at breakfast. Sleeping enough (again, the two job thing). I say baby steps :)
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    In Regards to a healthier lifestyle (diet and fitness) What is something new that you have tried since you started your journey that worked for you (i.e. planning meals, a new type of exercise, a reward system)? AND what is something new that you would LIKE to try moving forward that you maybe have not had the time or opportunity to try yet?
    Essentially everything since I joined MFP has been new to me. I set mini goals, stuck with a "diet" for more than 48 hours, rewarding myself for every 15 pounds I lose, being aware of what I eat and when I move, etc. Growing up, there was never a focus on healthy lifestyle, so as a young adult I haven't been healthy either. I've literally only known diet/exercise for 5 months-ish.
    I'd like to do a lot though. I want to join the Y so I can use cardio machines and take group classes (specifically to try zumba, pilates, and yoga). I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get a heavy bag and gloves one day so I could box at home. I also want to try to eat cleaner, but I eat so much processed stuff, it's very overwhelming. I want to slowly turn my diet into a clean one. If I don't ease into it, I'll quit as soon as my eyes fall on a cookie :laugh:
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    QOTD- I guess what is new and working for me is using MFP.
    I try to log out my daily food in the morning so I know exactly where I stand with food.
  • emilytgs24
    emilytgs24 Posts: 90 Member
    ok Ladies! GREAT job Last week!!! I have the monday QOTD -

    In Regards to a healthier lifestyle (diet and fitness) What is something new that you have tried since you started your journey that worked for you (i.e. planning meals, a new type of exercise, a reward system)? AND what is something new that you would LIKE to try moving forward that you maybe have not had the time or opportunity to try yet?

    Hmmm. Something new for me was running! I was really into it last year and this spring/summer. I never thought I could run and my motto was usually "only if someone is chasing me!" I can't say that I LOVE it but it has be awesome for getting me in shape to really enjoy some of the other activites that I like to do.

    i want to try Zumba!! I keep meaning to find a class and devote the time to it but haven't gotten to it yet!
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    Are we going to do another round of sexy in 6 when this one is over?

    YES!!!!! Everyone, rest easy tonight. We are going to have a Sexy in Six Round 3. It will run from Monday, November 14th until Friday, December 23rd. That means that Round 3 is gonna be our last chance to get sexy in time for Christmas!

    Yipeee! Peanut - you are absolutely amazing! Thank you! xxx
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    Well done Team Black - but Yellow Team , an impressive effort!!!! Well done everyone!

    Monday QOTD: Firstly, I would like to be more accurate in my measuring and weighing all I eat. Such a chore - but it is a very good way of my learning how many calories there are in each food.

    What has worked well: logging - that single thing has got me into such a positive mind set. Finally, yesterday, someone said to me , 'Have you lost weight?'

    "Yes I have", i proudly replied.

    " How did you do it?'

    I had to think about that (didn't want to say MFP - not ready to confess all about my secret online life just yet) and then I said:, ' I just keep a log of everything I eat'.

    And actually, that is how this works.....mega - simplified, obviously!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Tuesday QOTD:

    It's November already, which begins a challenging time of year for many of us whether it is holidays or the need for comfort food in the midst of cold weather and lack of good produce. What challenges are you facing with this time of year in relation to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and/or weight loss? What steps are you or will you be taking to not fall off track?

    This time of year is AWFUL for me. I love the holidays and I love baking holiday goodies (cookies, bread pudding, creme brulee....yikes!) I have to start making a plan now so I don't sabotage myself. Not to say that it's not ok to splurge in moderation, it totally is, and I plan to have a couple things that I will splurge with....but I am attempting to plan or rework some recipes to be as low calorie as I can. This IS a lifestyle change...but this is also about my life. And falling off during the holidays scares the crap out of me because I know it will end up being 2 months worth of "oh, it's can eat that!" I have already made a workout schedule(and posted it on my fridge...) in addition to looking for lower calorie/healthier holiday options.
  • codonnell13
    codonnell13 Posts: 52 Member
    QOTD: In Regards to a healthier lifestyle (diet and fitness) What is something new that you have tried since you started your journey that worked for you (i.e. planning meals, a new type of exercise, a reward system)? AND what is something new that you would LIKE to try moving forward that you maybe have not had the time or opportunity to try yet?

    I have started planning my days, which has helped a lot. I have also stopped keeping unhealthy foods around me, which is huge because I tend to graze.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    In Regards to a healthier lifestyle (diet and fitness) What is something new that you have tried since you started your journey that worked for you (i.e. planning meals, a new type of exercise, a reward system)? AND what is something new that you would LIKE to try moving forward that you maybe have not had the time or opportunity to try yet?

    Okay, I could totally just say "ditto" to everything peanut said. Yep, everything since joining MFP has been new for me. I am amazed at how much MFP has changed my life. And, I would like to eat cleaner. I don't think I'll ever be a completely clean eater, I like restaurants too much, but I would like to work my way toward eating more clean.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    It's November already, which begins a challenging time of year for many of us whether it is holidays or the need for comfort food in the midst of cold weather and lack of good produce. What challenges are you facing with this time of year in relation to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and/or weight loss? What steps are you or will you be taking to not fall off track?

    So far, I feel like it hasn't affected me too much yet. I know it will start to though with Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the corner. I think I did really well with Halloween. I only had two pieces of candy, which I logged, and I had teeny-tiny bites of the spooky desserts at work, which since I had no way of getting cal info I simply guesstimated. My plan is simply to do my best in the moment, log the best I can, keep up with my workouts, and not beat myself up if I mess up.
  • Tuesday QOTD:

    It's November already, which begins a challenging time of year for many of us whether it is holidays or the need for comfort food in the midst of cold weather and lack of good produce. What challenges are you facing with this time of year in relation to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and/or weight loss? What steps are you or will you be taking to not fall off track?

    I think November will be okay for me to get through; it's December I dread. We do the 12 days of Christmas at my place of employment, and since we only work 4 days a week, it ends up being almost the entire month. Teams of two take turns making breakfast every morning. Let me just say that there are a lot of Paula Deen type recipes. You don't have to participate, and I've really been considering not joining in to save myself all the temptation every morning. Then there's the cookie exchange. Again, things not required....but it's no fun to be the odd girl out :/

    I'm hoping that maybe I can really put portion control into play during this time. Definitely will have to up the exercising. Maybe donate the cookies :)
  • anettabon
    anettabon Posts: 30 Member
    Something that worked, trying to eat a cup of veggies a meal. Something I want to try, soupd for lunch!
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: It's November already, which begins a challenging time of year for many of us whether it is holidays or the need for comfort food in the midst of cold weather and lack of good produce. What challenges are you facing with this time of year in relation to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and/or weight loss? What steps are you or will you be taking to not fall off track?
    I haven't spent much time thinking about it really. Thanksgiving will probably suck, and I probably won't be able to log what I eat nor will I log any exercise. I usually do Thanksgiving dinner with the in-laws AND my family on that Thursday, then my mom cooks a big dinner that Friday. (Luckily, I'll get stuck working black friday, so I'll at least run my *kitten* off for 8 hours!) As far as the food though, I'll just have to restrict myself to smaller helpings instead of my usual 8 pounds of food :laugh:

    Christmas/New Years should be far easier to tackle. My plan is to keep losing at a rate of 1 pound-ish a week, putting me at 135ish by the holidays. And that would be the smallest I've been since I was 18. Honestly, if I gained a few pounds, big deal. I'll be in a better place even with a little added Christmas belly :smile:

    I just need to avoid our family's annual cookie night. Last year I didn't make it, but we usually make A LOT of sugar cookies. As you can see in this pic, we made about 1100 cookies in '09!
  • ok Ladies! GREAT job Last week!!! I have the monday QOTD -

    In Regards to a healthier lifestyle (diet and fitness) What is something new that you have tried since you started your journey that worked for you (i.e. planning meals, a new type of exercise, a reward system)? AND what is something new that you would LIKE to try moving forward that you maybe have not had the time or opportunity to try yet?

    This week's challenge provoked this question for me - I have tried eating cleaner for sometime now, and it is AMAZING how much it has changed my digestive system. I used to never think about what I was eating, now my gut kicks my butt if I don't pay attention and fresher choices definately keep me happier on the inside!!!

    I think bringing up things that maybe we haven't gotten around to doing yet, makes us ponder on them a bit and gives us a chance to make a plan on when we might actually try them out -

    Something I haven't tried yet is taking a class, my husband and I talk about taking a Yoga, Pilates, or Ballroom Dancing Classes, but have yet to take the plunge. Im thinking tomorrow might be a good jumping off point for that :-) - so I have a phone call to make!!!

    Planning my meals is a biggie for me! And working out in the morning. If I try to do it in the evening something always gets in the way. Plus I find I eat better through the day because I don't want to negate all my hard work plus my appetite seems less and my energy seems more.

    I would love to start working out in the morning and evening. And my biggie....give up cokes and fries. Then I want to stop smoking.
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    Mon QOTD-In Regards to a healthier lifestyle (diet and fitness) What is something new that you have tried since you started your journey that worked for you (i.e. planning meals, a new type of exercise, a reward system)? AND what is something new that you would LIKE to try moving forward that you maybe have not had the time or opportunity to try yet?

    New things!

    -planning meals, logging, actually using a scale or measuring cups to measure amounts of food
    -zumba, body pump, weight training, bicycling 23 km in 1 day, spin class (i was really scared for spin!)
    -running on the treadmill 10 km without stopping
    -8 km race

    I was nervous for spin and body pump, but a friend went with me, and i just did it!! and one day i just mentally made myself run 5km on the treadmill without walking, Kept doing this until a more athletic friend came to the gym and said you can go further, so then i did 6 km, and then 8 km, and eventually 10km!!! you don't need anything fancy to be a runner!

    I'd really like to do more road races outside, and to be able to run the whole time :)


    great question....I HATE HOW IT GETS DARK SO EARLY!!! and the cold, both which affect being able to bike and run outside, which i have really gotten into lately. i'm going to try to combat it by working out inside or planning my workouts for earlier :D
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    Just wanted to add

    I bought a bike this year and i love it, i was actually commuting to work and school before it got so cold!! it's saves money and you get your work out in!!!