Sexy in Six ***closed group*** Week Five



  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: It's November already, which begins a challenging time of year for many of us whether it is holidays or the need for comfort food in the midst of cold weather and lack of good produce. What challenges are you facing with this time of year in relation to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and/or weight loss? What steps are you or will you be taking to not fall off track?

    OUEY - holidays - such a HAPPY time of year and DISTRACTING for all the hard work we've put in!!!! Nestle Crunch bars MAY have gotten the better of me yesterday - still under my calls - but I sent all the left over candy to work with the hubs and am back on it today. As for Thanksgiving, last night I decided it is 22 days before we get on a plane to head home for the long weekend. I made a goal of staying on track until Turkey day - I want to be able to relax on Thankgiving and enjoy - I learned this past weekend I CAN do that without going way overboard and one day is not going to ruin my lifestyle change AND I have a 5k on the 19th. - after Thanksgiving I have 4 weeks before I leave for my honeymoon - so another reason to stay on track!!!
  • StacyAS999
    StacyAS999 Posts: 107 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: It's November already, which begins a challenging time of year for many of us whether it is holidays or the need for comfort food in the midst of cold weather and lack of good produce. What challenges are you facing with this time of year in relation to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and/or weight loss? What steps are you or will you be taking to not fall off track?

    My challenges this year is that it's time for my favorite foods! Thenkgiving dinner, Christmas cookies, the whole thing. luckily, we've structured our holidays this year in a way that I won't be cooking as much. We're having Thanksgiving at our house, but there will be a lot of people, so not many leftovers. Christmas we are going away for, so I won't be baking as much. I am going to allow cheating on the holidays themselves, because that's what holidays are for!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: It's November already, which begins a challenging time of year for many of us whether it is holidays or the need for comfort food in the midst of cold weather and lack of good produce. What challenges are you facing with this time of year in relation to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and/or weight loss? What steps are you or will you be taking to not fall off track?

    OUEY - holidays - such a HAPPY time of year and DISTRACTING for all the hard work we've put in!!!! Nestle Crunch bars MAY have gotten the better of me yesterday - still under my calls - but I sent all the left over candy to work with the hubs and am back on it today. As for Thanksgiving, last night I decided it is 22 days before we get on a plane to head home for the long weekend. I made a goal of staying on track until Turkey day - I want to be able to relax on Thankgiving and enjoy - I learned this past weekend I CAN do that without going way overboard and one day is not going to ruin my lifestyle change AND I have a 5k on the 19th. - after Thanksgiving I have 4 weeks before I leave for my honeymoon - so another reason to stay on track!!!

    Honeymoon! Congrats!!
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    Tuesday QOTD:

    It's November already, which begins a challenging time of year for many of us whether it is holidays or the need for comfort food in the midst of cold weather and lack of good produce. What challenges are you facing with this time of year in relation to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and/or weight loss? What steps are you or will you be taking to not fall off track?

    I didn't do Halloween this year (I don't have any kids) so no leftover candy for me to worry about. I plan on continuing to workout regularly and log all of my food. Thanksgiving shouldn't be too bad as I don't like that type of food too much. I do love my sister's sausage stuffing and my mom's apple pie, so I will focus on saving my calories for my favorites. I am going to NYC in December for four days, and I'm actually more concerned about that than the actual holidays. But I will just enjoy those days and get back on track when I return. My girlfriends and I usually do a cookie and ornament exchange. This year I suggested that we just do an ornament exchange. So I will indulge the one night that we get together, but I won't be going home with four dozen cookies at the end of it so that's a good thing. At the end of the day, this is a lifestyle change so I plan on enjoying the holidays and making some smarter choices so that I can truly enjoy my favorites and pass on the food that I know I can do without.
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    Tuesday QOTD:

    Ammmm, November and December.......there are several challenges that go along with the holidays but none that I think will make it super extra hard (remind me later that I said that! LOL)

    If anything as life gets even more hectic than usual it will be easier to make poor choices. Not because of what is available just because of distractions and exhaustion and rushing around.

    The holiday meals themselves are ok, even the sweets to a point. Sweets for me are where I have to be really careful, they can be my total downfall. If I allow myself at least small servings/tastes that usually helps.

    Another hard part of the holidays/holiday parties are the calories consumed in adult beverages. Not to make myself sound like an addict LOL but the drinks do flow more freely during the holidays!
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    First thing. Peanut that is a ton of cookies I think I gained a pound just looking at them.

    Tuesday QOTD:

    It's November already, which begins a challenging time of year for many of us whether it is holidays or the need for comfort food in the midst of cold weather and lack of good produce. What challenges are you facing with this time of year in relation to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and/or weight loss? What steps are you or will you be taking to not fall off track?

    November will not be a problem for me, we have our Thankgiving in October. December on the other hand will be tough. I'm hoping to revamp a few favorites into lower calorie options. I know will have some yummy ideas. Going to try using smaller plates and portion control. And I know that if I gain a few pounds back it isn't the end of the world cause this isn't a race and I will survive the holidays.
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    Tuesday QOTD:

    It's November already, which begins a challenging time of year for many of us whether it is holidays or the need for comfort food in the midst of cold weather and lack of good produce. What challenges are you facing with this time of year in relation to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and/or weight loss? What steps are you or will you be taking to not fall off track?

    This is a bad time of year for me too! I think some of the biggest obstacles I will faced will be "friendly" peer pressure and also trying to find time to exercise.

    I think the key for me is to be to stay grounded and be sure to make time for myself to fit these things in. With exercise, something is better than nothing. I've been able to eat more than usual without gaining in the past when I've been able to fit in daily exercise. Also, I can involve others by suggesting walks, etc.

    The other thing is to try and eat half portions if I've been served...this way I can help keep some of the caloric intake down!
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    ok Ladies! GREAT job Last week!!! I have the monday QOTD -

    In Regards to a healthier lifestyle (diet and fitness) What is something new that you have tried since you started your journey that worked for you (i.e. planning meals, a new type of exercise, a reward system)? AND what is something new that you would LIKE to try moving forward that you maybe have not had the time or opportunity to try yet?

    Logging calorie intake is new to me altogether. I have counted mentally before though. I would like to do more weight training.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Tuesday QOTD:

    It's November already, which begins a challenging time of year for many of us whether it is holidays or the need for comfort food in the midst of cold weather and lack of good produce. What challenges are you facing with this time of year in relation to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and/or weight loss? What steps are you or will you be taking to not fall off track?

    I am really having a hard time with all the junk food. I knew I would though, so I started doing 30DS every day in anticipation.
  • missinmybiscuits
    missinmybiscuits Posts: 100 Member
    Tuesday QOTD:

    It's November already, which begins a challenging time of year for many of us whether it is holidays or the need for comfort food in the midst of cold weather and lack of good produce. What challenges are you facing with this time of year in relation to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and/or weight loss? What steps are you or will you be taking to not fall off track?

    This question honestly would have been WAY harder for me to answer 4 weeks ago, but since finding out about my gluten allergy, a lot of things that tempt me are completely out of the question! Cakes, pies, bread ... even stuffing and most gravies and glazes for the turkey are all off limits. This is sad for me as it will be my first Thanksgiving of "oh, sorry, no I can't have that" and "could you please not put that serving spoon you just dipped in that stuffing anywhere near the vegetables?", but I'm sure I'll get used to it.

    I think now that I can't have a lot of the sweet treats I used to gorge myself on, I'll focus on avoiding the alcohol too. I LOVE wine (in fact, I write a wine blog if anyone is looking for inexpensive recommendations:, and often feel like I should be having some when celebrating -- so, it's hard to remind myself that there are several hundred calories in even just a tiny glass of it! Everything in moderation is a great rule, so hopefully I can just tattoo it backwards on my forehead for the holidays and see it every time I look in the mirror! ;)
  • MaManeenCal
    MaManeenCal Posts: 142 Member
    QOTD: In Regards to a healthier lifestyle (diet and fitness) What is something new that you have tried since you started your journey that worked for you (i.e. planning meals, a new type of exercise, a reward system)? AND what is something new that you would LIKE to try moving forward that you maybe have not had the time or opportunity to try yet?

    I've been doing insanity... I haven't lost any weight, but i've been losing inches which I'm pretty excited about. I've also been eating more often during the day which is supposed to help with my metabolism so I'm hoping to drop weight this week.
    And something i would like to do is run a 5k but I can never really get myself to want to run once my husband gets home from work, and my son hates sitting in the stroller... but I think I'm going to try to train for it again starting this week.
  • MaManeenCal
    MaManeenCal Posts: 142 Member
    Tuesday QOTD:

    It's November already, which begins a challenging time of year for many of us whether it is holidays or the need for comfort food in the midst of cold weather and lack of good produce. What challenges are you facing with this time of year in relation to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and/or weight loss? What steps are you or will you be taking to not fall off track?

    My goal this month is to hit 190 by Thanksgiving.... I really need this! And as far as this time of year- It's going to start snowing here in the next two weeks and if it's anything like last year, I saw snow on the ground until March.... and it was the most bitter cold I've ever experienced. I'm worried about wanting to leave the house when it's so cold so I'm going to order some more workout videos online tonight so I don't have to worry about getting bored. I'm also going to order Shakeology from one of my friends- I heard it really makes you feel better... guess we'll see.
  • drgirl1023
    drgirl1023 Posts: 112 Member
    Tuesday QOTD:

    It's November already, which begins a challenging time of year for many of us whether it is holidays or the need for comfort food in the midst of cold weather and lack of good produce. What challenges are you facing with this time of year in relation to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and/or weight loss? What steps are you or will you be taking to not fall off track?

    It is very hard around the holidays to stay away from all the goodies! For me this time is different - everything will be in portion. My mind is made up to lose this weight. There is nothing that is going to get the scale up then down I will enjoy the holidays but with control. It has been such a great feeling to see the difference of how I look and how my husband, friends tell me I am looking great. It has been such hard work that I don't plan to stop now.
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    At my work , at this time of year, a mountain of goodies appears in the staff room. Today was no exception: a total of five cakes graced the table. I see them when I am feeling the most nibbly.If anyone is around I say out loud that I won't have anyone because I have to be good. People seem to accept that now, so that is good. But today I discovered if no one else is in the room and I go in, I somehow think - I'll just have a little sliver....! So today I did cut a sliver, and then I cut off all the cake and just ate the frosting part and put the rest in the bin. But afterwards I felt guilty. Here's an area need to improve upon big time!
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member

    logging in general. u don't REALLY know how much is going in your mouth til u log it....

    something i'd like to try: actually eating cleaner....hate throwing personal life in, but with a bf that shows no support and brings in all junk food, can eat anything he wants and not gain an ounce really discourages me from eating clean lol


    i'm gonna say it: NOT MAKING ANY PROMISES!!!!! thanksgiving is a time for FOOD and FAMILY and SPORTS (on one side of my family) and i CANNOT escape the fantastic meal that is provided. but on the sad side with my aunt passing away there might not be the same spirit as there as been in the past :( i have no idea what to expect. half the family on this side is sensitive about everything (myself included, my mom, and grandfather). the other half is sensitive but they keep their tears until they're by themselves. so it may be a bittersweet holiday with a little happiness gone :'(

    but i will challenge myself to stay within goals until the feasting weekends and in between. it seems when i have a work schedule, i do better with eating. when i'm by myself with nothing to do, i seem to wander into the kitchen.... :|
  • klyvers512
    klyvers512 Posts: 37 Member
    It's November already, which begins a challenging time of year for many of us whether it is holidays or the need for comfort food in the midst of cold weather and lack of good produce. What challenges are you facing with this time of year in relation to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and/or weight loss? What steps are you or will you be taking to not fall off track?

    Traveling is going to be a big challenge. We're driving 9hrs so healthy snacks and fresh fruits are a must. We'll be walking and out more doing busy touristy things too, so I'm not too worried about exercise.
  • emilytgs24
    emilytgs24 Posts: 90 Member
    Tuesday QOTD:

    It's November already, which begins a challenging time of year for many of us whether it is holidays or the need for comfort food in the midst of cold weather and lack of good produce. What challenges are you facing with this time of year in relation to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and/or weight loss? What steps are you or will you be taking to not fall off track?

    All of the good holiday food! This is the time of endless work potlucks, parties and dinners with friends and family, and the treat baskets from people. That never happened when I was younger but I must have reached the age where people give you baked goods during the holidays! LOL

    My plan of attack:

    Last year we got to a point that we would eat a couple of the baked good and then I would take them into work. Once we even tossed them. Terrible I know. But my hips thanked me.

    Other than that-control what you can most of the time and enjoy the splurges some of the time! Just get up every morning and realize that you are still on the program! No matter how good that pumpkin pie was!! That's my must not miss during the holidays! That and my grandma's butterhorn rolls!

    At work we do a "halt the holiday heft" where we weigh in just before Thanksgiving and then again right after New Years. They give out a cash prize for whoever lost the most weight.
  • TanyaPearce
    My challenges at this time is the sweets. I plan to be conscious of calorie content as well as nutritional content before putting it in my mouth. Thinking of my long term goal. Another thing that will keep me going is I have a nephew that 15 years old and weighs about 270 and want to be a good example for him. He is moving I with me so I can help him.
  • anettabon
    anettabon Posts: 30 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: It's November already, which begins a challenging time of year for many of us whether it is holidays or the need for comfort food in the midst of cold weather and lack of good produce. What challenges are you facing with this time of year in relation to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and/or weight loss? What steps are you or will you be taking to not fall off track?

    I'm making Thanksgiving dinner this year! So, there will be so so many vegetables. Squash, asparagus, roasted broccoli and tomatoes.... yum. But mostly, advanced planning is my goal. If I'm going to a holiday party, it's a bad idea to go hungry.
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    What challenges are you facing with this time of year in relation to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and/or weight loss? What steps are you or will you be taking to not fall off track?

    My biggest challenge for this time of year actually comes from seasonal depression rather than food. I can practice portion control for the food, or at least try to. But when the depression kicks in, it's hard for me to find the motivation to work out, which makes the depression twice as bad.

    I'm going to try to stay consistent with vitamin D supplements to see if that helps. And I'll also rely on all the MFPals to kick me into gear when I need it :)