Sexy in Six Round 2 ***closed group*** Week 3



  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Impromptu Wednesday QOTD: Is there a person in your life who has inspired you to lose weight? Either someone who has lost weight themself, or someone who has developed weight related health issues?

    No not really I have tons of skinny friends but I find I'm going down this road for my own reason and choices.
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    I have a couple of friends who have lost weight and that's inspirational. I also have a long history of family members who have health issues primarily bc of weight and/or bad lifestyle choices. When my bp started creeping up and my knee injury started leaking vascular fluid bc of my weight, I decided it was time to save myself
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    Impromptu Wednesday QOTD: Is there a person in your life who has inspired you to lose weight? Either someone who has lost weight themself, or someone who has developed weight related health issues?

    Not really. I'm just doing this for me. My mom, dad and sister have always been thin. I was too until I was diagnosed hypothyroid (there were some other things going on in my life as well).

    There were some people in my life that were having success with MFP so they gave me the idea to use this site specifically. One was a FB friend who I have never met in person, but she is a sorority sister from another university and the other is my cousin.
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    Tuesday: I don't really cheat much. Sometimes I really fancy chocolate but I'll only eat a tiny peace or two. I don't really have a relationship with food that most people seem to have! I don't really care about it much. I think I'm odd that way!

    Wednesday: I don't really have a specific person as inspiration. My entire family is obese. Heart disease, diabetes, we have it all. I'm done being fat just because every one else is! One of my friends lost weight and I was really jealous, lol but only because she talked about her weight CONSTANTLY. I'm going to lose in silence just to spite her! No I love her, honestly.
  • MaManeenCal
    MaManeenCal Posts: 142 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: Is there a person in your life who has inspired you to lose weight? Either someone who has lost weight themself, or someone who has developed weight related health issues?

    No... Just me- I guess it starts with - I can't look at my wedding pictures- they make me sick with how HUGE I was/look.
    My husband is deploying in a few months, and I know by the time he gets back in September, he'll be super fit and muscular - out of boredum. We're planning to go on a cruise when he gets back so I'd like to be the sexy wife he deserves. I also have a ton of clothes I'd love to wear that don't fit me. AND- especially- when he gets back, we're going to get my wedding dress altered and take some pictures in NYC and then take pictures with our son trashing my dress with paint :-)
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    I have a couple of friends who have lost weight and that's inspirational. I also have a long history of family members who have health issues primarily bc of weight and/or bad lifestyle choices. When my bp started creeping up and my knee injury started leaking vascular fluid bc of my weight, I decided it was time to save myself
    My blood pressure has been slowly climbing for years. Still normal but the very highest normal. It was scary! I wonder of its gone down any?
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 233 Member
    Impromptu Wednesday QOTD: Is there a person in your life who has inspired you to lose weight? Either someone who has lost weight themself, or someone who has developed weight related health issues?

    No one inspired me. At 260+ pounds I hurt and I was just tired of being tired and hurting all the time. Now, I can say the inspiration to keep the weight off and be healthy is my 18 month granddaughter. Her mom is overweight, just like I was. It has to be one of my biggest regrets - teaching my children to be unhealthy.
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    Impromptu Wednesday QOTD: Is there a person in your life who has inspired you to lose weight? Either someone who has lost weight themself, or someone who has developed weight related health issues?

    The majority of my family is overweight. I have watched my mother, who has always been overweight and has many weight-related health issues, struggle with diet after diet while growing up.

    I have watched my sister suffer with anorexia (2x) and bulimia...and how the effects of that never really go away. She still has to walk a fine line between being overweight and being obsessive about losing weight. My balance isn't that good.

    Watching them, I have seen the paths I don't want to take. I want to do this right. I don't just want to lose weight, because to me, that's just temporary. I want to learn new habits...a complete health makeover.

    Sometimes I think quitting smoking was the easier job.
  • Impromptu Wednesday QOTD: Is there a person in your life who has inspired you to lose weight? Either someone who has lost weight themself, or someone who has developed weight related health issues?

    Most of my family is overweight and/or obese, and seeing the problems they go through and how our main family events either involve eating or watching TV has made me want to lose weight. If I ever have kids, I want them and their cousins to have fun, active family traditions during the holidays rather than my family's face-stuffing and nap-in-front-of-the-TV traditions. Also, I've always wanted to be athletic.
  • Tuesday QOTD:
    I don't really "plan" a cheat day or days or even "allow" for them, technically.
    Do I have days that are just off the chart bad? I sure do!!
    The thing for me is not allowing myself those days because for myself it's too easy for days to turn into weeks and months.
    I eat just plain awful some days but I just try to account for it and try and do better the next day, or even the next meal.

    I'm the same way. One cheat day can turn into a cheat week :grumble:
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: Is there a person in your life who has inspired you to lose weight? Either someone who has lost weight themself, or someone who has developed weight related health issues?

    My uncle started MFP and after he tried WW and various diet trends this has by far worked out the best for him and he hasn't even begun working out. Granted I have a lot less weight to lose and definitely need to work out. I'm the smallest one in my family which isn't saying much. A lot of people can tell when I have been working out and staying true to MFP. I get instant results and there is nothing sweeter than having your friends ask you what you did to lose the weight. :0)
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    Impromptu Wednesday QOTD: Is there a person in your life who has inspired you to lose weight? Either someone who has lost weight themself, or someone who has developed weight related health issues?

    Kind of. My good college friend decided that we were going to be weight loss buddies at the New Year. We had talked about it in the past, but that random statement was exactly what I needed. Now, my sister who has been the overweight one in the family has also lost a ton of weight and that motivates me to keep going.
  • Impromptu Wednesday QOTD: Is there a person in your life who has inspired you to lose weight? Either someone who has lost weight themself, or someone who has developed weight related health issues?

    Not really. Both sets of grandmas, and one grandpa, are overweight and I guess seeing how they are living is a little inspiring, but not directly. the thing that, besides starting to have to shop in the plus sizes, was when a customer at work stopped me and asked if I had just had a baby...
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: How many cheat days/rest days do you allow your bodies and how would you describe your cheat days?

    I don't do a cheat day if I can help it...but I usually try to take one day off from physical activity per week. In a perfect world!
    When I'm working, however, it's nearly impossible to get a workout in. I get up at 6am and don't get home until 8pm or later, and so I tend to just go into survival mode!!
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Wednesday QOTD

    EmilyTgs24 - it all started with her (my college roomie) - :-) we went on a free fun trip to Vegas and were both LARGE - I'm going to post that picture - I was always big, we started then, that was 2007ish? I got the majority off by 2008 and she turned ethiopian on me before her wedding last year in 2010 - a fitness QUEEN she and her beau were - I never got into fitness just by default my lifestyle as a horse trainer is very physically demanding.

    After MY wedding this summer my husband's father had a heart attack, thats when I decided it was time to get HEALTHY - not just thinner. So here I am :-)

  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    Wed 10/19/11 12:57 PM
    Impromptu Wednesday QOTD: Is there a person in your life who has inspired you to lose weight? Either someone who has lost weight themself, or someone who has developed weight related health issues?

    Not really for me either...I think I just hate the fact that the scale was slowly creeping upwards with no sign of stopping. Drove me nuts cause I didn't know where it would level off!
  • anettabon
    anettabon Posts: 30 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: Is there a person in your life who has inspired you to lose weight? Either someone who has lost weight themself, or someone who has developed weight related health issues?

    My uncle has had several serious health issues, like strokes and heart attacks all due to his weight. Now, he can't even go to football games because the stairs are too hard for him, he looks a lot older than my dad. My dad on the other hand is 73, works out every day, and is in great shape. He and his girlfriend go dancing, bike riding, and he still runs a company. I've seen a big difference with quality of life between these two. I hope that taking care of my body allows me to get the most out of life.
  • Impromptu Wednesday QOTD: Is there a person in your life who has inspired you to lose weight? Either someone who has lost weight themself, or someone who has developed weight related health issues?

    My jealousy over my skinny friends and skinny cousins and basically every skinny girl...:grumble:
    My brother lost weight...gained weight...lost it.... then gained again...:frown:
    My boyfriend is muscular and aspires to be a bodybuilder... he works real hard to reach his goal and he looks big so far, but he doesn't think so...:noway:
    And of course since he looks so good I got to step up my game and look better than him!!! :laugh:
    My parents, my brother, and my grandparents are overweight.
    My dad and my grandpa have diabetes.
    Oh and my childhood bullies gained weight and I look better than that gives me inspiration too..:devil:
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    *** YES to childhood girls who thought they were so much better than me and slept with every guy in school. Now they fat and guys are embarrassed to admit they got with them. I have my dignity and my future skinny body for high school reunion. Can’t wait.

    Impromptu Wednesday QOTD: Is there a person in your life who has inspired you to lose weight? Either someone who has lost weight themself, or someone who has developed weight related health issues?

    My jealousy over my skinny friends and skinny cousins and basically every skinny girl...:grumble:
    My brother lost weight...gained weight...lost it.... then gained again...:frown:
    My boyfriend is muscular and aspires to be a bodybuilder... he works real hard to reach his goal and he looks big so far, but he doesn't think so...:noway:
    And of course since he looks so good I got to step up my game and look better than him!!! :laugh:
    My parents, my brother, and my grandparents are overweight.
    My dad and my grandpa have diabetes.
    Oh and my childhood bullies gained weight and I look better than that gives me inspiration too..:devil:
  • codonnell13
    codonnell13 Posts: 52 Member
    Impromptu Wednesday QOTD: Is there a person in your life who has inspired you to lose weight? Either someone who has lost weight themself, or someone who has developed weight related health issues?

    To be honest, there really isn't some one I am modeling myself after. I am losing this weight for me!