Sexy in Six ***Closed Group*** Week 4



  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Eating is a social thing, but when people try to tempt you to eat something which you know you shouldn't, and (probably) they know you shouldn't, what do you say?/How do you deal with it? eg: When people say, ' Oh just one, it won't hurt.' etc etc Any good tips out there?

    Being a stay at home mom...I dont deal with a lot of this. I do have to avoid the oreo cookies etc that my kiddos and hubby eat. But on a whole hubby keeps me quite accountable and I dont have to do with so much temptation.

    For me the thing is that I just love going out to eat...and I have to just stay home because I have a hard time being good while going out to eat
  • Monday: Question of the Day

    Eating is a social thing, but when people try to tempt you to eat something which you know you shouldn't, and (probably) they know you shouldn't, what do you say?/How do you deal with it? eg: When people say, ' Oh just one, it won't hurt.' etc etc Any good tips out there?

    I kindly say no thank you and walk away. the people that i would with are on a diet so that helps a lot!
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    Eating is a social thing, but when people try to tempt you to eat something which you know you shouldn't, and (probably) they know you shouldn't, what do you say?/How do you deal with it? eg: When people say, ' Oh just one, it won't hurt.' etc etc Any good tips out there?

    I am very honest and to the point. I tell them I am on a diet and I can't. If they have a problem with it, It's their problem, not mine :-)

    Wish I had some tips though!
  • j99li
    j99li Posts: 421 Member
    Monday: Question of the Day

    Eating is a social thing, but when people try to tempt you to eat something which you know you shouldn't, and (probably) they know you shouldn't, what do you say?/How do you deal with it? eg: When people say, ' Oh just one, it won't hurt.' etc etc Any good tips out there?

    I usually just say Im not hungry and I change the topic so that the focus is no longer on me and food. I also just say no if I dont want to eat it. Sometimes though, there have been things that I crave and so I will take a small bite but just to take the edge off before I get derailed.
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    Way to go, Pink Team!! I started this week's challenge with a 10 mile run :D I'm very excited! (And I'm going to bring it this week.) A friend of mine on here suggested 1,000 jumping jacks a day (10x100) because you burn 1 calorie per every two jumping jacks a.k.a. 1,000 jacks x 7 days = 7,000 jacks / 2 calories = 3,500 calories = 1 lb. of fat a week!!! I'd like to mini-challenge as many members of MY team (PINK) that are willing to see if we can't tackle that and get another week in first place!!

    I'm in! Gonna do mine right now...
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Monday QOTD:

    Eating is a social thing, but when people try to tempt you to eat something which you know you shouldn't, and (probably) they know you shouldn't, what do you say?/How do you deal with it? eg: When people say, ' Oh just one, it won't hurt.' etc etc Any good tips out there?

    I worked in an elementary school and currently work in an office, and I know how challenging this can be in those settings!! I always brought my own food when I worked in the school, and I ateprior to first lunch, which in that environment meant I was lucky enough to avoid the staff room at the height of the goodie rush. Currently I'm lucky enough to work with amazing women who know where i am, and they offer (they're sweet, they will say "we have this, can you afford it?") and respect me when I decline. Otherwise, I just say no thanks but it looks great! I haven't been faced with junk food pushers yet! LOL
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    Monday QOTD:

    Eating is a social thing, but when people try to tempt you to eat something which you know you shouldn't, and (probably) they know you shouldn't, what do you say?/How do you deal with it? eg: When people say, ' Oh just one, it won't hurt.' etc etc Any good tips out there?

    I usually say I am so full! If I eat another bite I will explode for sure. Either that or I say well I'll take one for later and then trash it. I try to be as nice as possible. =)
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Eating is a social thing, but when people try to tempt you to eat something which you know you shouldn't, and (probably) they know you shouldn't, what do you say?/How do you deal with it? eg: When people say, ' Oh just one, it won't hurt.' etc etc Any good tips out there?

    Okay, I had a big thing with this back at my 4th of July picnic (less than a month into my MFP life!). My mom went all out with the food, especially the desserts. She ordered Smith Island Cake Pops (for people who don't know, Smith Island Cake is a locally made cake, that alternates 15 thin layers of cake and 15 layers of icing.) These were the small, round cakes on a lollipop stick. They had a coconut, red velvet, and a chocolate. They looked amazing. I mean, slap yo momma good. I wanted the coconut one SO BAD you don't even understand.

    Well, my mom had invited a lot of church people to the party and all the women were scarfing the cake pops down. I mean eating 8-10 of them. They asked me which one I liked most and I said I hadn't tried them. "Well what are you waiting for? Try one of each." I politely declined, I didn't want any. "Oh come on. You NEED to try at least one! They're incredible!" No thanks, again. They didn't relent. One woman (who is a fitness instructor and had chowed down on 10+ at this point) kept insisting that I eat one. Eventually I looked her square in the eye and said I had only been on my diet for a few weeks and I wasn't wasting hundreds (yes, hundreds plural!) on a cake pop!!! The women eventually shut up and clucked at something else.

    It's so annoying to INSIST that you don't want something, only to have people keep hounding at you. Come on, means no! You just gotta stick to your guns. (PS, I saved the calories to eat one the next day...but they were only 'okay' not great.)
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    My problem is telling MYSELF it's not okay to have it! A lot of the time in those situations I'll take something and just have one bite to taste it, then I'll throw out the rest. If I'm at a sit down event or something where it's still sitting on my plate, sometimes I'll liberally salt it so that it's inedible. I prefer to just refuse it in the first place, saying "no thanks, I'm good!".
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    Btw peanut that cake thing sounds AMAZING. Cake is one of my weaknesses!
  • zaiikaa
    zaiikaa Posts: 112

    Ah yes, I've experienced this a lot. I was at the mall w/ a bunch of people and they all got something from Haagan Daaz:

    "Oh come on, just this once."
    "Everyone's getting something!"
    "Live a little."

    Luckily, I am absolutely fine just saying "no" repeatedly. In fact, once you've said it like five times in two minutes, I think your resolve gets stronger. I also like to say things, "I'm saving my calories for X."
  • zaiikaa
    zaiikaa Posts: 112
    re: cake pops
    Cake pops are my favorite treat. They sell some at my Sam's Club with only 110 calories each! Nom!
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    It does seem like alot of socializing revolve around food. The office birthday cakes, dinners with friends, it's a struggle trying to make a decision. So, if I know I'm going out, I plan my calories for the whole day first, so that I have enough for later. Unfortunately, you've got the food pushers, who sometimes make you feel bad. I would just laugh and joke about it, depending on who I'm with or whine. I actually have this boy in my office who loves teasing me about food and how I'll never lose weight. He'll put chocolates on my table or tease me with potato chips. It's annoying really. Imagine having Kinder Bueno in all its glory and only wrapped in see thru plastic staring at's sheer torture. Luckily, in walks my fiancé, who'd promptly eat it up.

    Anyway, it's tough at home too. Eating is a favorite Singaporean past time, and we've got 24 hour food outlets everywhere, which don't serve healthy foods really. Gosh, McDonald's is 24 hours here too! And you can even get it delivered. So, thing is, my family loves going out for supper, and this would be at any hour of the night, from 9-11pm usually. I feel like if I don't go, I'd be anti-social, so when I do, I just have unsweetened tea or water. If I run the risk of overshooting my calories with temptations at some restaurants, I'll hide in bed and " induce" sleep mode.
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    if it's something like sweets i will usually take a little bite. if it's something i'm not interested in, nope.

  • I agree, it is such a challenge for me. I work in an office of people who love to bake and cook.... bringing their goodies in for all to share (I'm a former guilty party as well). I've found saying no repeatedly is exhausting and a losing battle for me. So I stay out of the kitchenette completely and keep healthy snacks in my office to keep me from using the vending machine or taking a slice/piece of whatever is being offered that day.
    Ok! Monday: Question of the Day

    Eating is a social thing, but when people try to tempt you to eat something which you know you shouldn't, and (probably) they know you shouldn't, what do you say?/How do you deal with it? eg: When people say, ' Oh just one, it won't hurt.' etc etc Any good tips out there?
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Eating is a social thing, but when people try to tempt you to eat something which you know you shouldn't, and (probably) they know you shouldn't, what do you say?/How do you deal with it? eg: When people say, ' Oh just one, it won't hurt.' etc etc Any good tips out there?

    I usually smile and thank whoever is offering me the offending food. In my office, it was a daily assault of Mr. Sticky's (incredible huge and delicious home baked sticky buns) or Panera bagels and sweatbreads, or Dunkin Donuts, or cakes from a local bakery. EVERYDAY. This is no exaggeration. I never commented that I wouldn't partake and if anyone asked if I had any yet, I would just say no and go on about my work. After a while, it became so common for me not to eat those foods that no one even noticed or asked me if I wanted any. Now, the brussel sprouts I would bring to work . . . . . thats another story.
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101

    She ordered Smith Island Cake Pops (for people who don't know, Smith Island Cake is a locally made cake, that alternates 15 thin layers of cake and 15 layers of icing.) These were the small, round cakes on a lollipop stick. They had a coconut, red velvet, and a chocolate. They looked amazing. I mean, slap yo momma good. I wanted the coconut one SO BAD you don't even understand.

    I usually order a Smith Island Cake once a summer to have as some sort of special treat when we are on the ESVA. I actually attempted to make one for my daughter's birthday cake one summer, didn't work out for me. They are absolutely delicious. Red Velvet is my favorite. Never had coconut. I feel your pain.
  • Usually I can say no and no one minds unless I'm in a country southern kind of situation where I would be highly offending some one if I did not eat. If that's the case I will usually plan my calories before hand to allow for it, or I will take some have a few bites and make my husband eat the rest when no one's looking:)~
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Eating is a social thing, but when people try to tempt you to eat something which you know you shouldn't, and (probably) they know you shouldn't, what do you say?/How do you deal with it? eg: When people say, ' Oh just one, it won't hurt.' etc etc Any good tips out there?

    My colleagues and closest friends and family pretty much know what I'm up to, so they kinda leave me alone. I do get annoyed when my mom says something like, "oh, I forgot, you can't have that." I feel like, 'no, Mom, I can have that. I can have anything I want to if I plan for it. I don't want it, that's the difference." One tip I've heard is to say, "Thanks, but I just ate." That works sometimes. I've had to use that one a couple of times. Sometimes I just take a bite of whatever it is. That usually shuts people up. And, sometimes I am just plain honest. The other day a colleague came in munching on a cookie and told me there were cookies in the lounge. I told her, "Sorry, I don't know the calorie count in those." Haha, we both laughed about that one, but she didn't ask again.
  • codonnell13
    codonnell13 Posts: 52 Member
    I usually just go for the no thank you and get away from the food. If people are really insistent, I'll have a small bite, but I try very hard to not eat those extra snacks people try to force on me. I try to avoid the situation all together so I don't feel the urge to give in.