Sexy in Six ***Closed Group*** Week 4



  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    When I am with people who know me and know that I have been working to lose weight, I usually say something like, it looks great but I've planned my calorie allotment for the day so not this time thanks. People usually respect that. If they are people that don't know that I'm on MFP, they can be forgiven for being pushy lol but no thanks still means no thanks.
  • kaleighmorgan
    Eating is a social thing, but when people try to tempt you to eat something which you know you shouldn't, and (probably) they know you shouldn't, what do you say?/How do you deal with it? eg: When people say, ' Oh just one, it won't hurt.' etc etc Any good tips out there?

    My mom is pretty bad about being an enabler like that... Used to, I had a bad tendency to just give in a have a little bit... which turned into a lot... which turned into a splurge... which turned into a whole weekend of bad eating. Now I try to focus on my goals, and not in one of those "keep an eye on the prize" kind of ways, but rather in a "You have a ___ mile run tomorrow morning. How will these mozzerella cheese sticks settle?" It keeps me pretty steady, although occasionally I still give in to tempting bad food.

    I read the other day that the oldest woman in the world (121 years, somewhere in the Amazon) attributes her long life to an active lifestyle and only eating fruits, vegetables, and meats that are produced in/around her tribe area. I try to keep this in mind too, like "If I want to live forever, I need to stick to natural foods." It keeps my diet fairly clean.... except for when I crave chocolate! But chocolate occurs in nature, right??? ;)
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    Monday QOTD: Eating is a social thing, but when people try to tempt you to eat something which you know you shouldn't, and (probably) they know you shouldn't, what do you say?/How do you deal with it? eg: When people say, ' Oh just one, it won't hurt.' etc etc Any good tips out there?
    I just politely decline. Most of my friends know I watch what I eat and therefore do not tempt me. However I usually plan ahead and know if I am going to a party to work extra hard at the gym so I can eat a feew chips and salsa or a piece of chocolate guilt free.
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    Eating is a social thing, but when people try to tempt you to eat something which you know you shouldn't, and (probably) they know you shouldn't, what do you say?/How do you deal with it? eg: When people say, ' Oh just one, it won't hurt.' etc etc Any good tips out there?

    I say...

    "No, thanks!"
    "I really can't, but it looks so great!!! You eat an extra one for me!"
    "Can't! I've lost 35+ lbs!!! Got to keep at it!"

    "I can't go out to eat! I'm doing so good and was really looking forward to my fish and veggies!!!! Hey, are you free for a run later this week?"
  • klyvers512
    klyvers512 Posts: 37 Member
    Eating is a social thing, but when people try to tempt you to eat something which you know you shouldn't, and (probably) they know you shouldn't, what do you say?/How do you deal with it? eg: When people say, ' Oh just one, it won't hurt.' etc etc Any good tips out there?

    It doesn't apply just to dieting/calorie counting either...Food pushers try to get my hubby to eat peanuts or baked goods with nuts in them all the time and that's AFTER he declines saying he is allergic. He's not really allergic, he just doesn't like them, but they don't know that. He's over 30 and people still try their hardest to get him to try something...and will even go as far as asking HOW allergic he is?! WTH people...don't kill my husband.

    I've gotten pretty good with saying "no thanks" but I also haven't had to deal with many food pushers other than my 2 year old....and nothing is more inviting than a soggy cracker she's trying to share with me....I find it easy to tell her no or that I'm full. On Sundays when we eat at the in-law's I just allow myself to have a tiny slice of dessert and watch my portions on the rest.

    And I'm in on the Pink Team Jumping Jacks :D Just getting around to reading it so I'll start tomorrow and try to squeeze in more each day to make up for Monday.
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    Alrighty folks, it's my turn today! :)

    For alot of us, it's not just about the numbers that are shown on the scale. Often it's the hope that we'll finally be able to get into a particular dress that's hidden away from slimmer days of yore, and BREATHE, or to run a marathon for the whole length.

    So, for your Tuesday QOTD: What is your top NSV target?

    For me, the highest NSV is to be able to run the Standard Chartered marathon, AND have my photo plastered on their photo site. :P
  • persanta
    persanta Posts: 57 Member

    Eating is a social thing, but when people try to tempt you to eat something which you know you shouldn't, and (probably) they know you shouldn't, what do you say?/How do you deal with it? eg: When people say, ' Oh just one, it won't hurt.' etc etc Any good tips out there?

    I turn the tables on people who try to tempt me and say "please don`t be mean - I am trying my best to lose weight" - They usually dont push again out of guilt!

    So, for your Tuesday QOTD: What is your top NSV target?

    When my daughter returns from Spain at Christmas I want her to say "WOW Mum - you look great!!!!"
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    So, for your Tuesday QOTD: What is your top NSV target?

    I want to feel somewhat pretty again.. I havent in a very long time!
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    meet my college roommate somewhere in the middle of the country for a 5k in 2012 - but be ready for a 10k by then (almost up to 5k now), be comfortable in a bikini, be a single digit size ( I might be there now, need to go shopping!!)
  • klyvers512
    klyvers512 Posts: 37 Member
    So, for your Tuesday QOTD: What is your top NSV target?

    To be more self confident is the top one.

    Others include: to be under my pre-pregnancy weight, need a new wardrobe
  • megamoo04
    Tuesday QOTD: What is your top NSV target?

    To be more self confident and to lose my double chin lol
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    Eating is a social thing, but when people try to tempt you to eat something which you know you shouldn't, and (probably) they know you shouldn't, what do you say?/How do you deal with it? eg: When people say, ' Oh just one, it won't hurt.' etc etc Any good tips out there?

    My family is very supportive and so are my friends so thankfully I don't have to deal with this.
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Monday QOTD:

    Eating is a social thing, but when people try to tempt you to eat something which you know you shouldn't, and (probably) they know you shouldn't, what do you say?/How do you deal with it? eg: When people say, ' Oh just one, it won't hurt.' etc etc Any good tips out there?

    Sometimes I just give in. We need to do that sometimes. But when it is my husband, I actually get quite angry because he knows that he is sabotaging me. After I get angry he usually doesn't do it for a while... but he is usually the little devil on my shoulder saying "just have one!"
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: What is your top NSV target?

    I wan't to see my abs... and look smoking in a bikini!
  • Magic_Girl
    Ok! Monday: Question of the Day

    Eating is a social thing, but when people try to tempt you to eat something which you know you shouldn't, and (probably) they know you shouldn't, what do you say?/How do you deal with it? eg: When people say, ' Oh just one, it won't hurt.' etc etc Any good tips out there?

    OMG! Usually I can just say no and everybody knows I'm on a diet...BUT before MFP I have a friend who loves to make brownies and even though I told her I couldn't eat them she persisted and persisted until I caved in and it completely threw me off my diet. After MFP I know I can eat what I want. I just have to not indulge too much in the bad foods and eat more healthy stuff. So if I do want to eat something and I have the calories for it then I would usually say yes. HOWEVER, the other day my boyfriend wanted to go to Dunkin' Donuts after we had just worked out at the gym. I said "HELL NO! I'm not going to waste all my exercise calories in one donut!!!" I won of course, but in my head I had that little voice saying, DONUT DONUT DONUT. :grumble:
  • Magic_Girl
    Tuesday QOTD: What is your top NSV target?

    Confidence and to be stronger....aaaannnd to look hot in my bikini :wink:
  • zaiikaa
    zaiikaa Posts: 112
    Tuesday QOTD: What is your top NSV target?

    Size 25 jeans (i.e. being able to fit into all my old jeans!)
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Tuesday QOTD: What is your top NSV target?

    To be the hot mom . . . . LMAO
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: What is your top NSV target?

    My first thought was to say "I want to fit into size whatever jeans..." but I don't have old jeans laying around to aim for, nor do I have any clue what size is attainable since my hips spread post-baby. Then I thought bikini, but I know I never have and likely never will be a bikini type person.

    I guess the one thing I want most is to like what I see in the mirror.
  • almille
    Monday: My primary strategy against temptation is to have the healthy alternative RIGHT THERE and easy, and to eat healthy snacks to avoid being hungry. (like I am riiiight now.... :( I didn't pack enough today because I'm out of my go-to lunch materials)
    Then if I really want whatever they're offering, I can have a little. I usually find I'm better off tasting it and being done and working around the cals than working it up to be this magically awesome thing I can't have- thats when I binge.

    Tuesday: Next summer, I want to be able to walk around sweaty in a skirt and not chafe so bad I cry. I really want to get my thighs under control so I don't have to wear these compression shorts under EVERYthing. But if it takes away my excuse for walking, compression shorts it is. For now.