doodlbug Member


  • You are making good progress, but I really don't think 155 (11lb loss) in 14-ish days is a achiveable goal. You should make your goals a little more realistic, sticking to about 1-2 lbs a week. However, it does look like you have a good exercise program in place, with a lot of various types of exercising. You may want to…
  • I'm about 10lbs heavier, but I did the whole video with my monitor and I burned about 830 calories. My max heart rate was in the 180s and for most of it I was in the high 150s.
  • Sometimes working out hard actually creates a gain. Are you experiencing any muscle soreness? When your muscles are worked harder than normal they retain water to repair themselves. I worked out really hard and it showed an increase of about 2 lbs, but then a few days later, it was gone plus another pound.
  • Monday Weigh In- Down 2 pounds, 8 more to go!
  • I like this idea. I leave for a trip on the 30th, so it's a good deadline for me. I would like to lose 10 pounds by then. :)
  • It's funny that you should post this, because I was just thinking about how coffee drinks are my biggest problem. I can't drink it black and I dislike sugar free syrups. However my compromise has been to get nonfat milk and instead of getting a medium or large, I get the smaller sizes. That helps!
  • It's like you said, it's okay every now and then as are most things that are otherwise "bad" for you. Maybe cut it down to once a week instead of every other day if you are concerned.
  • Ditto to all the Bettie Page girls...and on a similar note, I would really like to have a boudoir photo shoot done for my husband after I hit my goal. :love:
  • My teacher quotes about 400-500 per hour. So the estimate might not be that far off. My hrm has said up to 1000 calories in a single spin class though, which I'm afraid was possibly a mistake.
    in Spinning Comment by doodlbug July 2010
  • I've been on here for a long time, but I've been doing it alone, I think it's time for some buds! Add me!
  • It looks like it might be a good choice for a recovery drink, not necessarily to burn more calories, but help repair muscles.
  • I know I do. I have seen an increase of almost ten pounds before!
    in TOM Comment by doodlbug July 2010
  • Well hopefully that break helps shock your body out of the plateau. I had the same thing happen to me, the weight was coming off nice and consistently, but then at about 20lbs it would not budge for six months. What ended up working for me was taking up running and the Couch to 5k program, but I don't know if that would be…
  • I did it for about a week and gave up. :) I know that it is a good workout and that it would change my body it I let it, but I felt bored by the music and repetitiveness and Tony just didn't click with me. I'd rather do Turbo Jam or a Jillian Michaels video even thought they may not be as much of a challenge, I enjoy them…
  • That is a big part of why I am trying to lose weight. I want to have fit pregnancy, and I want to be in prime shape for TTC. When I run on the treadmill I often think of it as "running towards my future baby." Cheesy, but it can be pretty motivating.
  • Thanks for asking this question. I've gotten some good tips. Since I started tracking sodium in my food diary I have been astonished at how much salt I've been eating every day. Both my husband and I are at risk for High Blood Pressure so we are definitely mindful of how much we take in.
  • That's awesome! Keep up the good work. Also, I can't wait for the day when my weight matches the one on my driver's license!
  • Jillian has a couple other workouts on dvd that might work for you: "Banish Fat Boost Metabolism" and "No More Trouble Zones." I have tried them both. "Banish Fat" is mainly cardio, she does the circuit idea similar to 30 Day shred. It's about 40 min long and really gets your heart rate up. "No More Trouble Zones" is more…
  • This is one time where paying a little extra is really worth it. I got a Timex that retails for about $90 for about $66 on Amazon and it is definitely worth the money.
  • I lost over 20lbs at 5'6 and although some of my clothes were loose in certain areas (namely the waist) in others they were still tight enough I couldn't go down a size. It was very annoying.
  • I know exactly how you feel. I did the same thing when I finally stepped on a scale after several months of denying that I gained the weight back. And, oh yes, there it was in big bold numbers! The important thing is we lost the weight before and we can do it again!