20 lbs in 20 weeks...... but I have hit a plateau

I know that a pound a week is realistic, but I am really feeling nervous about my goal. I have been using mfp since Jan 1st. The first 5 months on here I lost 25 pounds. I am thrilled about this. I have about 20 more to go to hit my ideal weight. I am not sure however if I will ever get to this weight because of my body type (but it is my ultimate goal). At the beginning of May I hit a plateau and stopped losing weight all together. I tried eating my exercise calories, increasing my exercise, drinking more water, etc. Nothing seemed to work, so I just stopped worrying about it so much to see if my body would just figure it out. I didn't work out at all for the entire month of June. I have stayed at the weight that I quit trying at (fluxuating by 2-3 pounds throughout the week as I always have). I started back at tracking my food last week and working out daily. I have added in free weights to start toning my upper body, but could really use some help with exercises that I can use to tone up my legs (that aren't too hard on my knees - I have torn miniscus). So any advice on how to kick start my metabolism again, and specific exercises I can use to work on my legs would really be helpful.

Oh, I forgot to mention, I am going on a cruise in November, and want to wear a bikini - this is why I have a 20 week goal. :)

Currently I am doing the following:
Eliptical Trainer for 30 minutes per day - 5 days a week
100-200 sit ups everyday
15-20 minutes of upper body free weight exercises - 5 days a week.



  • doodlbug
    doodlbug Posts: 21 Member
    Well hopefully that break helps shock your body out of the plateau. I had the same thing happen to me, the weight was coming off nice and consistently, but then at about 20lbs it would not budge for six months. What ended up working for me was taking up running and the Couch to 5k program, but I don't know if that would be an option for you because of your knee issues.
    With your workouts on the elliptical, what are you doing? I would suggest interval training if you aren't already doing it. You can either crank up the resistance or the speed.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    You should change up your routine every 4-6 weeks. For cardio this could be doing a different machine, or change the intensity to a much higher resistance. For weights you may be doing too much. You should not work each body part more than 3 days per week and you should have 48 hours rest between working the same muscle groups. As an example if you work biceps on Monday you should not work them again until Wednesday at the earliest, and should change up the exercises you are doing evey 4-6 weeks as well. Good luck.
  • Samantharose8akaDebbie
    Samantharose8akaDebbie Posts: 407 Member
    Go online and check out zig zagging your calories. It may help.
  • brittney1211
    brittney1211 Posts: 20 Member
    I know how you feel. I lost 25 lbs over the course of a year and I'm sitting at a plateau as well with about 20 to go. It is extremely frustrating, but keep goin! It's worth it.

    A personal trainer told me to switch up my routine (diet & exercise), lift weights at least three times per week, and really watch my protein intake (increase it if you're lifting). Change the foods you are eating. Try eating spicy foods - they'll kick up your metabolism (example add chiles to your eggs in the morning). Not to mention you'll increase your water as a result. When I increased my protein I saw a jump down on the scale.

    Good Luck!!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    A couple red flags popped up for me:

    - You're training your arms 5 days a week. Each muscle group needs at least a day to rest and recover or all your work will be in vain. If your muscle can't repair itself, it can't grow... thus, you won't get stronger.
    - You stopped eating your exercise calories AND started working out more. This is a sure fire way to get undernourished and stop your weight loss. This is the last thing you want to do at a plateau. Typically, you want to eat MORE while still exercising. A good indicator of this is that you stopped working out and yet you maintained...had you thought about if you kept working out but ate MORE, you would lose?
    - You're not aiming to build muscle anywhere but your abs and arms. You should lift weights to build muscle in every part of your body so you tone up proportionately and when you build that muscle, it will burn fat for you.


    Look up circuit routines for your whole body that incorporate both just your body weight as well as weights or even just resistance bands. Try bodyrock.tv or shape.com or self.com and check their workout/archive sections.

    Incorporate different cardio. Your body is probably used to what you're doing. Instead of the elliptical, walk outside. Start running intervals or ride your bike. Dance. Rollerblade. Ice skate. Play a sport.

    Get a food scale and a heart rate monitor. You could be overestimating or underestimating one or the other or both. When I got these 2 things, within a week, I lost weight after a 2 month period of not losing weight.

    Also, read my blog about my experience with my plateau. I think I covered everything though. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/arielle0489/view/how-to-break-a-plateau-31991