Please Help!!! I gained 2.5 pounds!!??

Good Morning All,

I'm reaching out to those of you in the know. I've worked my butt off this past week with my exercise and I've managed to stay under calories for 6 out of the past 7 days, I get on the scale today for my Friday weigh in and BAM.....not only did I NOT lose but i'm up almost 3 pounds!! What is going on?? I would have accepted a week of not losing anything, but to take such a large step in reverse for no apparent reason is completely discouraging. I am one of those people who hates to exercise, and to push myself to do it the way I have been and then to get these results....I couldn't help but to shed a tear.

My boyfriend tried to make me feel better by suggesting that perhaps I'm gaining muscle, but I doubt this is the case as all I've been doing is cardio. I've been doing the Leslie Sansone 5 mile walks religiously, and have added in some Zumba the past couple of weights at his conclusion is hard for me to believe. I even get in my full 64 ounces of water ever day. Should I try something else? Should I go low-carb? Is something wrong with me? Please help. I'm not my happy self today. =(


  • lisalynn35
    lisalynn35 Posts: 250 Member
    He is most likely correct, believe it or not.

    This will sound crazy but when I have this problem I don't work out for a few days and watch what I eat very carefully, then workout really hard when I start up again and it sort of shocks my body back into submission. Also, are you drinking enough water? Getting enough is the key for me.
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    There is nothing wrong.. sometimes it happens if you overtrain/ overstress your body.. Instead of seeing the results you want, your body goes into resistance mode.
    make sure that you do meet your caloric intake as well.. Many people try to cut too much and they just put their bodies into starvation mode and "sabotage" their weight loss and drink enough water.. Normally, if you are not exercising, you need between 8 to 9 glasses and if you are exercising (especially hard) you need to increase your water intake.

    I wouldn't worry about it too much [stress messes up your hormones which messes up your weight loss], try to rest and then weight yourself again..
    to your health
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I agree with what the others have said but in addition to that.... what does your sodium intake look like? I weigh in every night eventhough I only count one weigh in a week. I just like to see where I am at. Days that I go over my sodium I seem up on the scale vs days that I do not. I drink about 14-18 glasses of water a day so it gets flushed out and I'm back on track. If you are not already tracking your sodium I think you should
  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    One word: PATIENCE! One week is hardly enough time for your body to take in the changes of exercise and diet. Just keep at it, let time pass, and you will see results if you keep doing what you're doing! Think of all the hard work you are doing as a benefit to your LONG TERM health, not just a quick fix (although that would be nice, huh?). Great work so far!
  • swerdygnome
    swerdygnome Posts: 88 Member
    Thank you so much to all of you. I was totally overwhelmed and depressed this morning, but feeling a little better after reading your advice. I'm sure that pms is playing a big factor as well. I will take your advice and start tracking sodium, drink even more than my 64 ounces of water, and maybe take a couple of days of rest from my exercise.

    Thank you so much for your support. The old me might have given up after an episode like that, but not now, no way. You guys are great. =)
  • doodlbug
    doodlbug Posts: 21 Member
    Sometimes working out hard actually creates a gain. Are you experiencing any muscle soreness? When your muscles are worked harder than normal they retain water to repair themselves. I worked out really hard and it showed an increase of about 2 lbs, but then a few days later, it was gone plus another pound.
  • cspinney
    cspinney Posts: 81 Member
    It is most likely not a real gain. Your weight can fluctuate by several pounds from day to day, and there are many factors than can cause the number to go up.

    For one thing, a hard workout can cause your muscles to hold onto water. That would look like a gain on the scale, but within a day or two it will be gone.

    There are lots of other things that can cause your weight to fluctuate. It's disappointing when you look forward to your weigh in all week, but hang in there, next week will very likely show a more positive result.
  • swerdygnome
    swerdygnome Posts: 88 Member
    Sometimes working out hard actually creates a gain. Are you experiencing any muscle soreness? When your muscles are worked harder than normal they retain water to repair themselves. I worked out really hard and it showed an increase of about 2 lbs, but then a few days later, it was gone plus another pound.

    Yes actually.....i'm super sore today from adding in the Zumba videos along with my regular Leslie Sansone walks. Good to know...thank u so much.