Tired of the 30 Day Shred... Suggestions for Something New?

00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
I've done the 30 Day Shred for about 2 months now (3-4 days a week) and made it thru level 3. It's starting to get a little old but I have seen great results with it so far.

I'm hoping you all can suggest some new workout DVDs that are similar but are circuit training (ideally cardio with light weights). I have the Chalean Extreme dvd set that I borrowed from my coworker but it looked like more weight training than I want. Does it have workouts in it that are more cardio with light weights? I'd be happy with doing some workouts in between my gym days. Or if there are other DVDs like Jillian Michaels or something you can suggest. I get bored of a workout after a month or two.

My only requirements is that it will get my heartrate up so I can burn away some of this fat. I'm 30 pounds from my goal, so I'm more looking to burn fat than tone.


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    P90X, Insanity or Chalean extreme are all good programs that are a step up from 30 Day Shred.

    Insanity is mostly cardio, although very high intensity.
  • bettpboopfit
    bettpboopfit Posts: 13 Member
    I love Turbo Jam! It's music is great!
  • toddgaines
    toddgaines Posts: 130
    If you are seriously looking to step it up a notch but want something that is more cardio based I would suggest Shaun T's Insanity. I am doing P90X and it has a large cardio component, but I've heard in reviews that insanity has a more of a cardio component, but is essentially the most insane cardio you will ever do. I am thinking of trying it out and incorporating it into what I am already doing, I love a little variety in my workouts. Here is a link comparing the two:

  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    I would actually suggest Turbo Jam. It's also a Beachbody product and the same trainer, Chalene Johnson.
    it's MOSTLY cardio with Turbo Sculpt as an additional workout option.
    i LOVE it.
  • naturalShar
    I guess I'm just old school cause I was going to suggest Tae bo. The Tae bo Amped has a weighted bar so it is cardio with light weights. It definitely gets your heart rate up,especially the Fat Burn Accelerator DVD.
  • unknownndoll
    unknownndoll Posts: 161 Member
    she has banish fat boost metabolism and no more trouble zones (60 minute videos) but i honestly love the beachbody programs beacuse they have more structure and variety everyday. Im doing chalean and love it, and i add turbo jam or p90x cardio too sometimes. Turbo jam would be excellent if you dont want all the weight training, also heard good things about slim in 6 not being too much either.

    i guess if you like seriously intense you could do insanity or tubo fire witch loooks CRAZY insane!!
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member

    I have the Chalean Extreme dvd set that I borrowed from my coworker but it looked like more weight training than I want. Does it have workouts in it that are more cardio with light weights?

    My only requirements is that it will get my heartrate up so I can burn away some of this fat. I'm 30 pounds from my goal, so I'm more looking to burn fat than tone.

    I have to say, ChaLean Extreme is a ROCKIN' workout program. I have lost more weight and clothing sizes doing more strength training and less cardio. I assure you, if you've got CLX, give it 90 days! It is 3 days/week of strength training, 1 true cardio day, and a cardio/light weight interval day. It's only a 5 day/week program (on one of your rest days you do a 20 minute yogaish recovery workout), so you can add an extra cardio day in if you like.

    Muscle burns fat! Increasing your lean muscle mass through strength training will boost your metabolism.
  • doodlbug
    doodlbug Posts: 21 Member
    Jillian has a couple other workouts on dvd that might work for you: "Banish Fat Boost Metabolism" and "No More Trouble Zones."
    I have tried them both. "Banish Fat" is mainly cardio, she does the circuit idea similar to 30 Day shred. It's about 40 min long and really gets your heart rate up. "No More Trouble Zones" is more about weight training, with the same format as "BFBM."
    Anywhoo, I would recommend them both.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    What about the Biggest loser DVD's? - I have the boot camp and the sculpt - both have three levels and you add on a level or jsut go up a level. I know there are several ..

    I would also suggest considering the original power 90. I am on day 38. There is a cardio day and a strenght day. There is level 1/2 and then 3/4 and you can also order the master series level 5/6 . I have done the shred twice - I did it every day. I didn't think I was quite ready for P90X so I did a little research and decided to do Power 90 and glad I did. I also got the bonus dvd which is the fat burn express. So I have a varity of DVD's to keep me in shape.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Here is a link to the Turbo Jam program. Let me know if you have any questions.

  • msciccone1
    msciccone1 Posts: 288 Member
    Insanity all the way. On round 3 and I love the results. Its tough but its the biggest transformation in 60 days. Whatever you do I know you will commit cause you do awesome every day :drinker:
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I would agree to try ChaLean Extreme. I did the program and I really liked it! It has a dvd (Burn Intervals) where you work all your mucles with 5 pound weights and cardio in between each exercise. It really gets my HR up and helps tone. Plus, like someone else said you can always add cardio after the lifting workouts. Most aren't too long anyway.

    I also like Jari Love's Get Extremely Ripped 1000, and Get Ripped 1000. (I burn a TON of calories with the extreme one!). It's high rep, lighter weight with cardio between each exercise.

    Jillian's No More Trouble Zones uses weights also. It's basically just a longer version of her 30DS. Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism is also awesome for getting your heart rate up! But it doesn't incorporate weights in it..
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    So many choices! Turbo Jam sounds like it might be what I'm looking for, although I'll definitely watch the video when I get home from work. My gym days are all cardio (running intervals, elliptical, stationary bike) so some weight training wouldn't hurt. I quickly skimming thru the first workout and it seemed like all weights. I only have up to 5 pounds weight so I might need to get heavier ones to do this program... I don't want to spend a lot on hand weights. The No More Trouble Zones/BFBM sounds cool, and I think I have the two biggest loser DVDs (at least I have one, my mom has the other). I think I just need to sample them and see what would work best for me. I'm up for a challenge (altho Insanity and P90X look a bit much at the moment...)
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Weights aren't too pricey. I got my 8 lbers for like $7/each. Joe had some 10 lbs hiding in the office too so I work out with my 5s, 8s, and his 10s every time I lift and I can tell I'm already getting stronger!
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    I like Jackie Warner, I burn a tad more than 30day shred, but build more muscle. She focuses on buliding muscle. It's a nice warm up to P90 (and cheaper :wink: ) I do this on my off days of running, and still work in some Jillian too. GOOD job you are SO close to your goal! It feel so good huh?
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    It does feel good to be so close! That's my first major goal, I'm gonna change it to my next major goal of getting down to 150 once I hit 170 (and bask in my success for a few days). A new workout program will hopefully get me to lose that next 20 pounds, I don't want my body to get comfortable... hehe

    I've started to look at Turbo Jam and it looks cool. I'm gonna experiment with workouts next week and stick to what I like to do. This weekend I have a friend staying with me so I don't have much time for working out, sadly. At least we'll be walking around DC a lot, that'll burn calories :D
  • SuzanneRogers
    SuzanneRogers Posts: 250 Member
    I just started TurboJam and once you start you will beg hooked.
  • etarre
    etarre Posts: 147 Member
    Dizzieferg-- which Jackie Warner workout do you have? I love the older DVD (one on one workout, I think it's called) and am thinking about getting the new circuit DVD. If you've tried it, I'd be interested in your thoughts...
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    Dizzieferg-- which Jackie Warner workout do you have? I love the older DVD (one on one workout, I think it's called) and am thinking about getting the new circuit DVD. If you've tried it, I'd be interested in your thoughts...

    I have the power circuit training. I like that it has options for a 40min total body workout, 15 min total body, 15min upper, 15min abs, and a 15min lower body. So on days that I run I can do the 15min abs and 15min upper :smile: I really love the whole workout it's a good one to have!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I think I've decided to given chalean extreme a go. I browsed thru the workouts today and there is cardio in some of them. And the way the schedule works, I can still go to the gym on my usual days and keep to the schedule. I'm gonna try it on Monday with burn 1. I'll start with my 2 and 5 pound weights and go from there. I can pick up 8 if I find the 5 too light. I have resistance bands too as a backup.

    I'm also gonna look at turbo jam. Altho the burn intervals and other workouts for chalean extreme do have decent cardio. And that ab workout looks HARD! I don't think I can do it.