Weight loss and clothing sizes

I was just wondering if anyone feels the same as I do.........I was watching that VH1 show about the celebrities with highest weight loss and one of the celebrities featured had went from like a size 20-something to like an 8..............I have lost almost 60 lbs and have gone from an 18/20 to a 14. I feel like maybe I should be in a smaller size considering how much weight I have lost. I understand that people are built differently and I have a large frame, so even if I lost a lot of weight, I would probably never be smaller than a 10 or 8................I just find it amazing how one person who loses 60 lbs, can drop 2 sizes and another person who loses 60 lbs can drop 4 or more sizes..........what do you guys think?


  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    Well, a lot of it depends on your body size and weight.
    For example, some who is 5 feet tall gains 10 pounds. Well, there's not a lot of room for those 10 pounds to distribute. Whereas if someone who is 6 ft gains 10 pounds, you probably wouldn't even notice, just because there's a lot of space for it to distribute.

    Personally, I lost 35 pounds before and I went down one pant size. That was it. It can be totally frustrating. :( And I'm 5'6"
    Right now, I've lost about 22 pounds. My shirts are now normal-fitting instead of tight, but I'm not even close to dropping a size.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    I have read many an article on this. Larger people tend to lose more weight per size than smaller folks. For larger you have to lose alot of weight to get into one smaller size. When you have less to lose, you will have to lose less to get into that next size down. Also - you are right - every body is different!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I think it has a lot to do with where the clothes are being bought, height/weight ratio, body shape and all that. I have lost 45 lbs gone from a 18/20 to a 14/12. Everyone looses weight in different ways.
  • enromero
    enromero Posts: 104
    I know what you mean! I am 5'7" and have lost close to 40 lbs...I was in an 18/20 now im in a 16/18! On the other hand my good friend has lost 20 lbs and went from a tight 14 to a loose 10!! However she is more pear shaped where Im more apple! So it all has to do with ur shape, height, & weight!! I have friends that weigh 50lbs more than I do and they were smaller size jeans!!?!?! Also its the way u wear ur jeans I tend to wear mine really loose cause I HATE "muffin tops" lol so that might have to do with why I havent went down any more sizes!

  • doodlbug
    doodlbug Posts: 21 Member
    I lost over 20lbs at 5'6 and although some of my clothes were loose in certain areas (namely the waist) in others they were still tight enough I couldn't go down a size. It was very annoying.
  • Mookz0r
    Mookz0r Posts: 143
    I've lost 10lbs and my clothes fit properly now - no drop in size, no bagginess... makes me wonder how badly I was squeezing in to them! I'm 5'6 with a curvy build and honestly can't imagine myself as a size 10... maybe a 12, but I haven't been a size 12 since my late teens!
  • abricklin
    abricklin Posts: 156 Member
    I went from 235 and a 18 to 208 and 14 to 190 and 12/14. I think 185 and I would be a true 12 but I do have 3 pairs of 12s now. Suit jackets sizr 14 are snug :(

    I am 5'3 and have an hourglass figure.
  • Sarandipity
    Sarandipity Posts: 1,560
    I have lost 104lbs and gone from a 22/24 on the bottom to a 12/14. I am currently 196lbs and 5'6". A coworker of mine who is 5'8" when she was this weight was still in a 18. It annoys her. I am still bigger on top in anywhere from a 12 to an 18 :grumble: so I think where you lose it from is playing a roll too, and it is a shame we can't control that part of it :laugh:
  • Mookz0r
    Mookz0r Posts: 143
    I have lost 104lbs and gone from a 22/24 on the bottom to a 12/14. I am currently 196lbs and 5'6".

    that's really interesting you should say that, because we're the same height and I'm a size 14 and 155lbs
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    I think everyone is going to be different.
    One of my girlfriends is 5'6" and 120lbs and I'm 5'2.5" (on a good day) and weight 125.5 and we wear the same dress size. I think people carry weight in different places and will be different sizes at all different weights.
    As far as # of pounds = 1 dress size...while i was losing weight, that also varied too. When I was 193, I wore a 14/16 and didn't fit into a 12 until 170. I wore an 8 from 150-135 and almost skipped over a size 6. So again, I feel like it's just going to be different for everyone.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I was just wondering if anyone feels the same as I do.........I was watching that VH1 show about the celebrities with highest weight loss and one of the celebrities featured had went from like a size 20-something to like an 8..............I have lost almost 60 lbs and have gone from an 18/20 to a 14. I feel like maybe I should be in a smaller size considering how much weight I have lost. I understand that people are built differently and I have a large frame, so even if I lost a lot of weight, I would probably never be smaller than a 10 or 8................I just find it amazing how one person who loses 60 lbs, can drop 2 sizes and another person who loses 60 lbs can drop 4 or more sizes..........what do you guys think?

    Totally with you on this one, I too, find it confusing to say the least!

    However, if they have a lot of muscle and are really, really toned up, although their weight may say one thing, their measurements will be smaller than somebody who weighs the same but is not as toned. Muscle weighs a fair bit but pulls the body in sort of thing, so that it appears smaller. Really hard to explain, but that is the only explanation I can think of.
  • sheresamae
    sheresamae Posts: 71 Member
    For me the higher sizes take a lot longer to lose out of. I started out in a 24 and lost 50 pounds to be in a 20 but then was in a size 18 and even some 16's with the last 10. So I am thinking the smaller sizes wont take quite as long. Regardless what size you are wearing you are going the right direction and should celebrate the weight loss and healthy eating and lifestyle!!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I definitely agree that at larger sizes, it takes more weight lost to go down a size. I started out at a somewhat snug size 16 in pants and 215 pounds,sometimes wearing the occasional 18. By 200 pounds the size 16 fit decent. It wasn't until 180 pounds that I needed a size 14. And now I've lost another 8 pounds and I'm a size 12. So it took over 30 pounds to go from a 16 to a 14, but less than 10 to go from a 14 to a 12. It all depends on how weight is distributed (my lower half has lost a lot of weight in the past month so that's probably the main reason I went down a size). Also, when you are smaller, losing 10 pounds is a more dramatic loss than when you are larger, since it's a higher percentage of your weight. It is a slow process, but once you're closer to your goal, you won't be able to keep up with buying clothes the right size... lol
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I started in a tight 14 and am just now fitting perfectly into a 12 and I've lost 18 lbs. It took until at least 15 lbs. to notice a difference in how my clothing fit. Don't lose heart. I have a medium frame and probably won't get much smaller than 10 if I even make it there because my hips are so wide. I could probably easily fit into a smaller dress size once I'm done losing weight and can get to my goal body fat % but not in jeans or pants just because of my big bony hips.

    Don't be so concerned with the size. Just know you're getting smaller and focus on the diminished amount of fat rolls! Woo hoo!! This is what I have to do.
  • joannasaurusrex
    Definitely depends on the person. I am 5"1 and about 6lbs can be the difference of a dress size to me.
  • Mom2Emery_Liam
    I agree, it depends all on your height and body type/build. It's frustrating for me b/c I'm short, but very curvy on the bottom. So at 155lbs I was in a size 12. It's disheartening to me when I see people at 155lbs in an 8! Now that I've lost 15lbs, most size 10's fit.

    Even at my smallest weight (113lbs) I was still in a 5/6. My hips are far too wide to fit in anything smaller. My goal now is fit nicely in an 8 again. Muscle tone is more important to me now than what size I'm in.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    It really seems to depend on how your weight is distributed and how the clothes are cut and sized. I'm 5"8 and currently 162lbs. I started out at 225 to 240lbs. and was wearing a size 18 and at my current weight am wearing a size 12 womens and 13/15 in the junior's section (which I actually prefer because of how it fits my hips). I really figured with 60+lbs. lost I would be in a size 10 by now but *shrugs* it's not that big of a deal. I think a lot of clothes out that aren't cut to accommodate curvy figures anyhow, so I'll be a size bigger if that's the case. :wink: