saintspoon Member


  • I have found that since losing 50 lbs & becoming way more physically active my preferences have changed to.... JUST WANTING IT ALL THE DAMN TIME!! And i think about men constantly :love:
  • Aw pictures are such an evil evil truth! You can tell yourself you look good but a photo will crush that quickly :( I'm happy you're here! Please add me as a friend if you like :drinker:
  • Ok no sarcasm... but I HAVE to bring this to EVERYONE's attention: OMG people.... have you heard about water?? This beverage also known as H2O is found in such toxic substances such as antifreeze, windex, bleach, battery acid, paint thinner & the list goes on & on!! Shame on the FDA for not making whoever put warning…
  • Wisdom teeth when I was about 20.. & an "eye-ectomy'? --- just before my 3rd birthday due to retinal cancer, but I'm still hot & sexy with my plastic eye :love: Never thought I would be typing this but if you've got a prosthetic eye too please fling over an FR :flowerforyou:
  • OMG OMG OMG!!! America is CRAZY!! In Canada... as long as you have worked a certain amount of hours prior to the leave you are given 12 months maternity leave which can be split/shared with you partner (perternity leave). Duiring this time you are gaurenteed (I believe) up to 70 % of your wage up to $50,000. Your position…
  • I'm 5'6!! Currently I am 208.5 lbs ..... my highest weight was 260, I joined MFP @ 232. My goal is to be in the 150's :drinker:
  • OMEGA 3 FISH OIL PILLS!!! <- help with all sorts of inflamation including the kinds that make you *****y, hungry & crampy! If I take these regularly & daily leading up to TOM it is a really good one... still bleed of course but no cramps, no cravings & very little grumpyness. This month I slacked on my fish oils & am…
  • Some days I'm wayyyyyyyy over but i still try to count it as a bit of a history record. Times when I get lazy are like chinese buffet or all you can eat sushi.... i just log those as1200-1500 general cals. Like someone said... to be at a social event with apps & stuff like that, it really does ruin it to be on your phone…
  • omg.... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: That made my day! :)
    in Who am I? Comment by saintspoon May 2012
  • WOW! That is an awesome great job :) & I think you look great :flowerforyou:
  • Cliff Bars! Tried my first one today.... everybody says they are soooooo awesome. I had the chocolate chip version.... it tastes like nature chew! What chocolate chips? Maybe literally a single chocolate chip? 10g of protein per bar but 250 calories. I like pure protein bars.... they don't taste great but not horrible &…
  • hey some have been a little snooty here but you were still given tons of very good information & people DID answer your question in a few different ways. Like real life people are sarcastic & jerks.... but also like real life people are helpfull & kind. Once again.... your idea was discussed & insight was given despite the…
  • spunk is not a significant source of protein..... but is an awesome source of iron! Honest... they had nutritional breakdown in Maxim magazine years ago :drinker: drink up!
  • 149 & 5'6 I'M 5'6!!!!! You're smack dab in the middle of your healthy weight range :) My goal is at about 155 but I'm very top heavy... so thank you so very much for that! Such awesome motivation :drinker:
  • Maybe try & zig zag your days? Eat at maintenance 1 day & defecit the next... if defecit is to lose 1 lb per week then it's pretty much the same as setting to half pound loss but with a zag LOL.
  • Meh! Too little too late! Guess he shoulda tried to hang around for that :ohwell: he's a DUMBA$$!!
  • Wow.... my happy weight is set at the very bottom of my healthy weight range!! NO THANKS!
  • AMAZING!! You did what you had to do to lose that weight & save your life! Doesn't matter about the surgery you still did so much damn work & I am very proud of you. & I wanted to add that honestly you're actually a very good looking guy :flowerforyou:
  • LOL nice reminder :) Even though there have been times in my life when I rather have had my mom eat me over having to listen to her... she's still a very awesome mom :heart:
  • ... I totally agree... but especially in YOUR shape, colour & size :smooched:
    in Sexy Comment by saintspoon May 2012
  • Can you set MFP to "gain 10 lbs/day" ? Then you wouldn't be over!! & actually her update everyday would be like "fattest_lady_ever complete her food diary & was under her calorie goal!" & as her friends we would be like "woohoo good job!!"
  • You can use your own bodyweight as resistance & build up nice muscles this way! Lunges, squats, push-ups, sit ups ... these are all great examples! If you're just starting out just doing this ... you will be hella sore & you WILL see results :drinker:
  • I dunno... if it's totally unexpected I can understand wanting to know why. I once knew a chic on here who deleted me.. I had no idea why as I commented on her posts frequently. But she had lost almost 200 lbs very quickly & made blogs about it so since the time we became friends she had grown to like 400+ friends. I…
  • LOL 1st world problems: ARG my thighs are too muscley! :laugh: I'm sorry you didn't get the results you wanted but thanks for posting.. you give me hope 'cause I'm trying to amp up my bum :flowerforyou: I also wanted to say... KEEP AT IT!! Beyonce is a total pear but she has super muscley thighs & it looks amazing on…
  • :laugh: I was totally thinking that too!!!! but about me being single not you since i was not aware of your existance or relationship status till now.... but WTF!!! :explode:
  • oh I :heart: :heart: :heart: my coffee!! Yes i have had to watch & modify how I take it to fit it in with my calories & such.... but if i could not spare a single cal on milk/sugar I would drink it black ... not as tasty but still lovely :love:
  • :flowerforyou: YOU've got the idea! :wink:
  • You should maybe consider growing your own tuna at home in a pool in your backyard or basement. They're friendly as far as fish go! + you'll have a much better idea of what you're really putting in your body & where it came from... probably something you SHOULD be doing anyway for you :heart: AND NO CANS!! :wink: