

  • I just turned 21, so there is no way I'm completely giving up drinking yet! I am a featherweight though, it takes me only one or two beers to get tipsy. I have been drinking all summer, a few beers here or there, and still have lost weight, so I don't see why it should effect reaching your goals too much as long as you…
  • I play hooker/flank for my university (DIV I) club team. I focus on lots and lots of HIIT involving sprints and burpees. I'm also a powerlifter so I do focus on strength as well, doing my big 3 lifts as well as some accessory ones (mostly shoulder-related), as well as a variety of things for my back and core. Exercise-wise…
  • This is my kitten, I found him abandoned by his mother when he was 2/3 days old. He is now 11 days.
  • ^ I really like the thing just listed above. I'm a hook/flank so I'm unsure of how much it'd behoove you, but I do a lot of core and back work so see if any of this info helps you! I use an exercise body ball (Swiss ball) to do crunches and a weighted 11lb medicine ball to do russian twists and crazy ivans. I have a very…
  • My back fat was the first to go. I have kept a lot of my bust and butt though, thank goodness!
  • Fit and Healthy > Six Pack on anyone.
  • Weekly Goal: Mon: 951 (yoga + biking + calisthenics + walking) Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur: calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat: calories burned (how they were burned) Sun: calories burned (how they were…
  • Yum! I really need to buy some pork shoulder, that way I wouldn't have to cook for a while! That keto "cake" looks great, too. What a great gesture from your girlfriend! And a keto staple: STEAK! I shoved garlic into the fat of this and it was delicious!
  • I'll try this out! Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: calories burned (how they were burned) Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur: calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat: calories burned (how they were burned) Sun: calories burned…
  • Thanks everybody! It has taken me almost a year. I began August 2011.
  • Name: Ploy Reddit Username: thessalee Female - 21 Where ya from?: Thailand, but I live in the wonderful Austin, Texas!
  • I think something people lose sight of in weight loss is that it is truly a JOURNEY. It is one where you will fall, it is not a matter of IF but rather WHEN. Because in those moments -- those 10 PB cookies @ 10 PM, those 1 bag of Doritos post-workout, and those days where you just don't feel like getting up to work out --…
  • Good on ya, you look great!
  • My SO isn't dieting either. Sometimes it's rather difficult when he comes home with dinner and it's stuff I can't eat. I've just started to cook more. He has lost 20+lbs eating with me. I eat a low-carb diet, so this means he gets to eat a lot of delicious things like bacon and steak. So far so good - no complaints! lol
  • Yep, I feel ya. There are days were I wish I could go and spend a few bucks on a couple of cruddy beers, eat fish and chips, and drown away the world. But I remember that there will always be days that I feel that way, and the only way I can ever get over those days and simply by bettering myself. Sure, there are days…
  • 21 year old here. It's tough juggling weight loss with college / work / general personal growth and life stuff. Add me if you'd like! I'm on a low-carb diet, just so ya know.
  • Haha yeah. Sad part is I'm only 18 in that first picture. But I'm Asian so it's hard to tell what age I am most of the time (Haha).
  • I had been discontent with my weight for a while. But my turning point was when I joined my friend for an impromptu "photoshoot" she was putting on with two other friends of mine. She wanted us to dress "sexy". So I wore one of my favorite shirts (it is still one of my favorite shirts).These two other friends are naturally…
  • 140 on the left, 120 on the right. I'm 117 now. 5'1.
  • Haha, good! That happened to me once. Two guys asked if I needed help deloading some 25lbs from a squat rack, because "that's probably too heavy for you." I said, "Sure, and could you put the 45's on there also?" I did my sets. I added 10 extra pounds. Don't make assumptions, especially regarding the strength of women.
  • God forbid I open my own pickle jar.
  • more recipes to be posted here: BLUE JACK BURGERS! Burger: 1/3 lb ground beef 1/3 cup onion 3 big cloves garlic 1/4 cup Blue Jack Cheese (I found it on sale @ HEB) salt & pepper to taste (I would even add just a tiny bit of fresh parsley, but my brother hates it so I went without for this…
  • Howdy! I'm doing low-carb as well. Looking to lose those pesky last few lbs. I have a recipe blog I have just started ( should you ever feel the need to browse. I am eating <30gs of carbs a day, aiming for <20gs.
  • Tonight I made blue jack burgers! recipes:
  • 30 mi (2 hour) bike ride, 30 min walk with the furry bear, and 20 min calisthenics routine. Whoo hoo!
  • They intermittently last, I suppose. There are traits I can associate with a person on a first impression, however they are capable of being dismissed through subsequent interaction. Such as being overly talkative, that is something that can be glaringly prevalent during a first impression. I'm an introvert so something…
  • Some days I'll eat half and avocado (or a whole one) as a snack. Yes, it is high in carbs, but half of it is dietary fiber (which you subtract from total carbs). And it's delicious and a great way to meet my fat macro.
  • Howdy! I've lived in Lubbock, Dallas, Houston and Austin. I'm currently in Houston. Working out in this heat is atrocious. I don't have access to a gym currently so I'm focused on doing outdoor workouts. I wake up at 6:30 just so I can beat the heat (and even then the heat still tends to whoop my butt in the end). It's…
  • I lost all of my weight counting calories and doing a low carb diet. I went from <100g to now <20g. I'm on my final cut to get that last 5%BF. I love eating high-fat low-carb. I make a ton of delicious food, and my SO (who isn't dieting per se) has lost a good 30lbs just by eating as I eat.
  • Either shave or not shave. The stages in between are the worst, when the hair is short-ish or almost-long. I would tend toward unshaven on arms and legs.