looking for low carb buddies :)

Ash6772 Posts: 18 Member
Soooo.... Im going low carb.. right now Im at about 50 carbs per day...aiming for 120g protein. Trying to keep fat in moderation as well. Im looking for some like minded friends for support :)


  • Ash6772
    Ash6772 Posts: 18 Member
    BUMP :)
  • Mindywv2003
    Mindywv2003 Posts: 62 Member
    On low carb also.... have fell off the wagon in last week or so...back on track starting today
    was on low carb years ..many years ago and lost 67 lbs. in less than 4 months..was too much too fast so gained it all back and then some :mad: now on it more sensible and trying to keep it less than 35 a day

    add me if you like ..need all the encouragement I can get :happy:
  • getyourbeans
    getyourbeans Posts: 80 Member
    Hi! I'm also looking at giving low carb a proper go (have tried it off and on, never really stuck to it properly before). Grains etc aren't such a problem for me (as in I can avoid them) my biggest demon is SUGAR! Would be great to follow along with your progress :-)
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    If you are interested, I help to moderate a forum called "Low Carber Daily Forum" in the groups section with MFP. We welcome Atkins, South Beach, medically advised low-carb intakes, Primal, Paleo, and it can also be a place to avoid the typical grumbles of MFP members who get on a high horse on those of us who follow a low-carb intake..

    Grab us, join us and come on in!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I have been doing low carb since January 2012. I keep it under 100 and most days it's waaaaaaaay under 100 but I give me that much just in case there is something else I want to eat. Not to mention fruits and veggies have carbs but they are good carbs so thats a plus to keep it a bit higher based on those foods. If you cut the bad carbs completely out of your diet then your good. Don't try to limit the good carbs to much they are the ones that you can use to your advantage. I'm not a big fan of veggies and will only eat fresh no canned or frozen stuff except asparagus. My fruits are limited to small green apples and grapefruit, but that's by choice. We all know the bad carbs, potatoes, pasta, rice, white bread those types basically if it's white stay away from it. Do not use my food diary as a guide because it's not going to stay this way for much longer. If your craving chips, then try pork rinds ( I like the BBQ) they are carb free and you get the crunch that we crave.
  • LowcarbNY
    LowcarbNY Posts: 546 Member
    Did Atkins Low Carb starting in 1997 and lost 30 lbs over 1.5 years. Got slack and gained it all back over the next 2.5 years. Since then, several failed attempts to restart and slowly put on even more.
    Now I'm doing a combo of LCHF and Fast-5, much less restrictive, feeling better, not hungry and losing faster than I though possible.
  • Ash6772
    Ash6772 Posts: 18 Member
  • ployjoy
    ployjoy Posts: 45
    Howdy! I'm doing low-carb as well. Looking to lose those pesky last few lbs. I have a recipe blog I have just started (http://ployjoybura.tumblr.com/) should you ever feel the need to browse. I am eating <30gs of carbs a day, aiming for <20gs.
  • Crystal0827
    Crystal0827 Posts: 244 Member
    I am interested in doing low carb as well but I am really not sure where to start. A friend suggested Paleo but I am not sure I can mentally do that right now...So I was thinking of lowering my carb intake. How do I determine was is considered a good place to start?
  • jac1967123
    jac1967123 Posts: 32 Member
    I have started to follow a low carb plan hoping to get a boost to my weight loss just eating more protein staying away from potatoes and pasta but still eating fruit and veg will see how it goes feel free to add me anyone :-)
  • Anonymou5
    Anonymou5 Posts: 92
    I've been following an almost strict (getting stricter) Paleo diet for the past couple of weeks.

    Seems to be working a treat! Only difficuilty is my endurance based training and recovery with regards to that.
  • GenBB
    GenBB Posts: 23 Member
    I'm looking for low carb buddies as well. I started low carb a few weeks ago...lost about 8lbs the first 2 weeks then my stress (of my recent separation) & fact i sprain my ankle got the best of me & i've been off the wagon for a 1/1.5 weeks now. I'm struggling trying to keep my fat intake at a healthy level. Looking for buddies,support, & suggestions =)
  • Bealach_Bug
    I've just started doing low carb, loving my food and really enjoying the new found energy (and my nails have finally grown....so pleased) - Add me if you like, I could do with some like-minded friends.

    Wanders off to explore the low carb group and ployjoy's recipe blog
  • miracle4me
    miracle4me Posts: 522 Member
    Hi You can add me I have been doing low carb to moderate carb. I did Atkins induction phase for 3 weeks in Feb. I dropped weight but did not have a scale at that time but I know at least 10 lbs. I found out I do not handle the 20 carb or under very well,emotionally I crack, short tempered, get very depressed,exhausted beyond belief,my husband said at times he was tempted to kick me to the curb, :laugh: during that time I felt like doing the same thing. I also found out I am glutton intolerant so now I only eat glutton free.

    People have claimed they got a ketosis high emotionally but for me it is not like that I suffer ketosis lows. Kicking sugar was a nightmare I never want to relive. I do owe kicking sugar to the ketosis phase. Everyone is different, you have to find the number of carbs that works for you mentally and physically. The lowest my body can handle without cracking is 35 carbs i try to stay around that number but mainly fail at that number. Usually I am 50-72 but I always I stay under 100. I do eat fruit but count it in my carb count. If I have a potato it is the baked potato jacket only with sour cream,butter and leave just a tiny taste of potato.

    I love vegetables and my body needs them for digestion sake. I never eat bread,rice the only pasta I eat is dream field pasta, it works for me and never took me out of ketosis when I was in ketosis. You have to make sure you follow directions exactly so the carb blocker works in it. I do not use this daily but as a treat when I want spaghetti or mac and cheese. I am told dream field pasta does not work for everyone but for me it is heaven sent LC pasta. Now my newest pasta alternative is miracle noodles aka shirtaki noodles. You can check it on line at miraclenoodle.com also recipes are here at MFP.

    I count calories and do low to moderate low carb. Berries are my main fruit and low in carbs. I have many health issues as you can see in my profile and for me my life's journey seems to be counting carbs it really helps with the severe hypoglycemia I have less spikes, I never eat sugar. My favorite artificial sweetener for me that works is NuNaturals Stevia, only one I use that does not have a bitter taste. If I can be of any help just let me know. Other Low to moderate carbers feel free to add me as friend if you want just send me a message why your adding me as friend. Us low to medium carbers need to stick together. We have it extra tough counting calories and carbs is not always easy but it is worth it.
  • AKBD10
    AKBD10 Posts: 5
    I started low carbing on April 2nd and by May 30th I had lost 20lbs. I never thought I could do LC. I like my breads and other grains too much, but after some research, I discovered that LCing would greatly reduce my acid reflux, so I gave it a shot. It worked! When I'm being good and sticking to a LC diet (under 60 a day), I have no acid reflux problems. I've been "bad" the past 2 days and have had to pop an acid reducer to keep the acid away. Back on track today. :)
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    Hi, Feel free to add me if you have open diary...I like to compare to other low carbers...I generally stick to well under 50 nett a day, but usually end up in the 20`s
  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member
    I try to keep under 50 g a day, but I don't limit my fats (though I try to make them better fats, lots of nuts/avocado). Feel free to add me.
  • tyoung8
    tyoung8 Posts: 115 Member
    Hello! Everyone! I am a low carber as well! I eat 50g or less per day!!! Add me!!! NOW!!!
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I'm low carb in the sense I don't eat bread or grain (no gluten for me).

    Feel free to add me!

  • Lainnee
    Lainnee Posts: 61 Member