Success stories from increasing fat intake



  • _Amy_Budd
    _Amy_Budd Posts: 378 Member
    I apologize for not knowing this if it's obvious--but what is the difference between paleo and primal?


    No apology necessary! Paleo and Primal are very similar. The main difference is that Primal allows for occasional dairy (preferably full-fat and made from raw milk) - if you tolerate it with no problems.

    Paleo used to frown a bit on higher saturated fat intake, but that position has apparently mellowed in recent years, with an agreed focus on the quality of the saturated fat source. For instance, not all red meat is good - if you want to eat a fattier cut, it should be grass fed beef. If you can't get grass fed, stick with the leanest cuts, and add fat from cleaner sources, like grass fed butter or coconut oil.

  • _Amy_Budd
    _Amy_Budd Posts: 378 Member
    what is ur carb, fat, protein ratio? just curious

    My macro targets are 15% carbs, 30% protein, and 55% fat. I'm usually under on carbs, and over on the others. I also try to hit at least 1g of protein per pound of lean body mass, or ideally 1 g of protein per total pounds of weight. It's a lot of protein, but it keeps me building muscle while the inches go down. Scale weight isn't dropping like it used to, but measurements and body fat percentage are, and those are the really important numbers, in my opinion.

  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    How does one calculate what percentage carbs, fat and protein are? I mean, I know that I can look at them on my food diary but what about foods that are both fat AND protein? I'm also tracking sugar -- it's most important for me right now to cut out sugar and as a side benefit my carbs have dropped way down. In about a week I'll be modifying more to follow the Primal Blueprint and I'd like to get a head start on planning.

    I'm sure there's a very simple answer that I'm missing but I was looking at my diary and it's kind of driving me crazy. I'm aiming for a 50:30:20 fat: protein: carb. does that make sense?
  • channel11
    channel11 Posts: 38 Member
  • _Amy_Budd
    _Amy_Budd Posts: 378 Member
    How does one calculate what percentage carbs, fat and protein are? I mean, I know that I can look at them on my food diary but what about foods that are both fat AND protein? I'm also tracking sugar -- it's most important for me right now to cut out sugar and as a side benefit my carbs have dropped way down. In about a week I'll be modifying more to follow the Primal Blueprint and I'd like to get a head start on planning.

    I'm sure there's a very simple answer that I'm missing but I was looking at my diary and it's kind of driving me crazy. I'm aiming for a 50:30:20 fat: protein: carb. does that make sense?

    Yes, your target macros make sense. I also watch my sugar intake very carefully, as well as sodium.

    Do you use google chrome as a browser? If so, there is a plug-in that you can use that will total the macro percentages by meal and also the total for the day. It's awesome. Go here to install it (only for Google Chrome browser users): and click the "Install" button on the top-right of the page.

    Alternatively, the smartphone app of MFP (both iPhone and Android) have a pie chart under "Daily" that shows the percentages of the 3 macros (it also shows it weekly).

    Hope that helps...

  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    4miles...I just installed that little doohickey and I LOVE it!! Thank you. That will make life so much easier until I get the hang of keeping my ratios in check.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
  • reyopo
    reyopo Posts: 210 Member
    Just changed my macros to 40/30/30% fat/carb/protein, because that's about what I've been hitting anyway. My carbs go up and down, but generally stay low, I will try to get a little more I think this is going to be awesome! Thanks, high healthy fats thread!
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    That sounds good, reasonable reyopo. Mine were 31/36/33% fat/carb/protein last week. Felt great! Lost wt. & inches.

    An aside here, the virgin coconut oil has improved my hypothyroidism to such a degree, that the Dr suggested I try to go off my meds! Yippee! :drinker:
  • Cmandy67
    Cmandy67 Posts: 108 Member
    wow amazing. i think i am just going to eat a TBSP of coconut oil, when i don't reach my calorie count for the day and to up my fat. its a start anyway.
  • SpydrMnky27
    SpydrMnky27 Posts: 381 Member
    My macros are set for 50% fat 30% protein 20% carbs. My body loves good fat. Coconut oil is a staple in my house.
  • jching29
    jching29 Posts: 163
    I have a big problem with watching the calories go up from naturally fatty foods too...but I always feel so much better when I eat them :) especially walnuts, or avocado drizzled with a little agave syrup.

    I lost a majority of my weight while on a low-carb, high-fat diet. It was lovely. I'm gearing up for another turn at it! And good luck to you!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Im a carb fat machine. I've tried more fat more protein more carbs. Do you know what I've found? When I eat what my body craves, I feel a lot better. Sometimes its fat, sometimes protein, sometimes carbs. Since I started playing with macros its like my body knows and craves different things. I well say that my skin gets greasy with to muvh fat (love avacado nuts and eggs), my nails grow longer with more protein, and my mind doesnt feel right when I cut carbs (cloudy?)

    Balance people. Listen to your body and it starts to know things websites dont tell you.
  • ployjoy
    ployjoy Posts: 45

    I lost all of my weight counting calories and doing a low carb diet. I went from <100g to now <20g. I'm on my final cut to get that last 5%BF. I love eating high-fat low-carb. I make a ton of delicious food, and my SO (who isn't dieting per se) has lost a good 30lbs just by eating as I eat.
  • chasingpavements24
    chasingpavements24 Posts: 107 Member
    You should check out She lost over a 100 lbs and she very much recommends a high fat/low sugar diet. I think her diet is about 50% fats and she eats tons of nut butter, avocado, chia seeds, and coconut oil. I'm still a "during", but I have lost 30 lbs from switching from all the diet low-fat foods out there to real, full-fat food. Like other people have mentioned, it just takes a lot less food to get full if you add a bit of fat. Also, I think food just tastes yummier and you need a lot less to get satisfied.
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    This is all such great news to me!!

    Congratulations girls! You look great!

    Those of you who have lost all your weight this way... how do you do when you go out? What do you eat?
    When you travel? That's one of my biggest concerns, we do a fair amount of traveling on motorcycle, eating out, and eating in other people's homes. Can't carry much food on the bike. I was planning to mostly eat from grocery stores...

    What would you eat, under those circumstances??
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    OH my God I'm up 3lbs since last week. I'm freaking out.

    For the first three weeks since I cut out sugar, flour and upped my fats I was losing steadily. Now I stepped on the scale and I gained 3lbs in one week eating the exact same thing. My ratio is about 50:30:20 fats: protein: carbs.

    I'm so bummed :(
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    I would consider myself a success story when it comes to upping fat and lowering carbs... :)

    And yes, tapering waist, healthy skin, nails and hair, I don't get sick or have any aches and pains. Here's some photographic evidence (taken a couple of weeks ago, and I've lost another 5 or so since then - the before photo was when I stopped eating grains and upping fat, not my ultimate before photo):

    Wow!! Amazing results!! Looking great!!
  • dzinergrl18
    dzinergrl18 Posts: 105 Member
    bump for later!
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    OH my God I'm up 3lbs since last week. I'm freaking out.

    For the first three weeks since I cut out sugar, flour and upped my fats I was losing steadily. Now I stepped on the scale and I gained 3lbs in one week eating the exact same thing. My ratio is about 50:30:20 fats: protein: carbs.

    I'm so bummed :(

    Could it be that time of month? or something salty recently? Even constipation can do 3 lbs...
    Hope things even out for you !