

  • It certainly is, good luck :-)
  • People say and do things for their own reasons so it's best not to get upset when their reasons don't fall in line with what you are up to. However, the scales and the tape measure don't lie, and don't have motives, so you can trust them! Of course you could tell your colleagues what you are doing and you might just get an…
  • Pity it doesn't go further in to the effect of WHAT you eat in your calorie allowance... that article isn't really going to help anyone
  • Welcome! All the best. Feel free to add me as a friend and I'll give you regular motivational pokes.
  • Well done, fantastic result! Enjoy!
  • I travel with protein bars, beef jerky and dried edamame beans, all low cal snacks, taste good. And I keep away from the beer so as to prevent minibar raids!
  • Good luck, as long as you have some measure of success, and it sounds like you do, you'll do great!
  • I write down the things I have an urge for and then make sure I have them on my cheat day. Thats usually enough for the urge to go away. Psychological hunger / craving is the toughest one to crack in my book.
  • welcome! The first time someone's caused me a loser and it sounded good!
  • Hey well done that's some great weight loss! I guess if you are looking to put on muscle you need to start thinking about nutrition rather than calories; how much protein, carbs etc., and when you are eating, to fuel your body right. Lots of guidance and people more knowledgable than I on here. I'd also recommend magazines…
  • If I don't feel like doing the gym thing or have an injury (sprained ankle at the moment), I do some pilates to a DVD with my wife. Which is funny (she gets to laugh at me rolling like a ball) and I can make it as difficult as I want.
  • Man alive, get some protein down you!!
  • 20 minutes :-) in all seriousness I wait until I feel like exercise would be fun again
  • Thanks for the inspiration!
  • Main thing I've noticed is that I'm not alone in my efforts and that other people celebrate my successes with me which spurs me on to do better. And I'm inspired by other people's success so those times when I'm tempted to fall off the wagon don't need much willpower to overcome. It's all good!
  • Wow that's such an achievement! You've done incredibly well I find it hard to understand how you can think you might lose your way when the end goal is in sight! A plateau in weight doesn't mean that there aren't changes going on in your body composition, perhaps you should measure something else for a few weeks to confirm…
  • Good luck! I recommend using the diary function, and adding some friends so you can share in their success and get encouragement, I'm finding it really motivating!
  • Well done! Keep it up!
  • I've been using this stuff for a week or so now. At first it did give me gutache but that seems to have passed. I do really like the tea, which is a very gentle drink by some green tea standards. It's hard to say whether this specifically is impacting on my weight loss but I continue to lose a kg a week, so it's not…
  • Hi there, Thought I'd report back and say that since I signed in and said hello, I've lost 5kgs, I'm feeling good and a lot of that is the constant encouragement from seeing people logging on, losing weight and generally succeeding. Associating with success is so motivating so this place is having a huge impact on me. And…
  • Hi there, Wow congrats on your commitment, I'm sure you'll get to where you want to be with this much enthusiasm! Re your stalled weight, what are you eating for your 1200 a day? Not all calories are created equal? Also if you are doing a lot of exercise then maybe you are putting on muscle. It's worth measuring arm /…
  • So are you saying that if you take two people of identical age and weight, where one is a bodybuilder with very low bmi and the other is obese with a very high bmi, that their base metabolic rate is roughly equal? I would have thought that the age aspect is only really because most people (I say most) lost lean muscle mass…
  • Hi there best of luck with your journey!
  • Isn't your metabolism mor likely to be high because of your lean muscle content, rather than your eating regime? I understood that basal metabolic rate is related to your muscle levels, which need extra energy to be maintained?
  • The fasting mode stuff is taken from Zinczenko's Abs Diet and Tim Ferris' 4HB, and both reference research to support that view. the GI thing comes from a recent paper in The Journal of Nutrition. I've not come across intermittent fasting, which sounds thoroughly unpleasant. It seems to me that grazing on healthy foods and…
  • My pleasure guys, glad I could help. Have researched this a lot in recent years and now of all my routines, getting breakfast down me as quickly as I can after waking is now number 1. It really gets me going and I find it incredibly motivational thinking that I've kicked my metabolism in to overdrive! I can point you at…
  • I got a sample from Holland and Barrett today. Very nice tea. Bloody expensive cuppa though. On the wrapper it says "if you lose more than one pound weight in a day, cease drinking" If it makes me lose more than a pound a day I'll drink it by the pint! Holland and Barrett have the bags in their "buy one, get another for a…
  • It's pretty well proven that your body doesn't burn fat when in fasting mode. Fasting mode starts a few hours after you go to bed and lasts until you start feeding again. And recent studies suggest that people who eat a low GI breakfast within an hour of waking generally have 5% less bodyfat than those that eat high GI…
  • Cheat days for me are good for 2 reasons:- 1. It let's me put in to the future that which I shouldn't eat for the other 6 days. Without a cheat day I'm more likely to give in to temptation and lose focus 2. If you are working all week on a calorie defecit, your metabolism will reduce (habituate) to compensate. A cheat day…