How long after being unwell do you wait to exercise.

Hi Guys,

Just wondering how long people wait after being sick to begin exercise again. Also how intense/what type of exercise do people begin with. It would be great to hear what has worked for people in the past, and also if you went to hard/too soon those stories could be helpful as well.

For the record I'm specifically thinking about post flu/infection/virus type of illness. More serious conditions/surgery etc. are different.



  • Broken_
    Broken_ Posts: 172 Member
    I walk and if I end up down and out I will wait a day or two at most before I resume walking.

    Anything more intense than that I will wait a bit longer. (When I'm doing rounds of p90x, I will wait up to 4 or 5 days)
  • 20 minutes :-) in all seriousness I wait until I feel like exercise would be fun again
  • The times I've gotten sick , I would wait till I felt 100% to start back up. So, it would usually take 3-4 weeks. I know that sounds like a really long time, because it is.

    But I'm kind of a baby when I get sick.

    But with that kind of down time, I would usually just start with small walks to get the ankles and joints back in shape. Its just a matter of gauging your physical well being.

    There has been times where after a week of being sick, I would try to Man up, power through and exercise, and I would get my *kitten* kicked after 10 minutes.
    Thats when I discovered and justified sitting on my *kitten* until I was 100% to start back up.