Cho-yung tea

Please can anyone tell me if they have tried the above teabags and if they work?

I went into Holland & Barrett and was recommended these. They gave me a sample, but not really keen on the taste...

Would be interested to hear if anyone has tried them.



  • darbyxx
    darbyxx Posts: 5
    They're amazing, they do make you lose weight.
    However, there are side effects like tummy cramping and they have a laxative effect.
  • nickiw68
    nickiw68 Posts: 71
    Great thanks, will give it a try and see how I get on!:smile:
  • nickiw68
    nickiw68 Posts: 71

    Anyone else tried this yet please?
  • onevision
    I got a sample from Holland and Barrett today. Very nice tea. Bloody expensive cuppa though.

    On the wrapper it says "if you lose more than one pound weight in a day, cease drinking"

    If it makes me lose more than a pound a day I'll drink it by the pint!

    Holland and Barrett have the bags in their "buy one, get another for a penny" deal. Worth a try for that price.
  • onevision
    I've been using this stuff for a week or so now. At first it did give me gutache but that seems to have passed. I do really like the tea, which is a very gentle drink by some green tea standards. It's hard to say whether this specifically is impacting on my weight loss but I continue to lose a kg a week, so it's not hindering.

    The main difference is that when I get that "call to stool" message, I have to go, and immediately! Graphic I know but fyi.