Thanks, a great way to start my day!
Best of luck! It really is a great tool
Thanks for the awesome tip. Just visited and purchased one for my tabata class. Will also come in Handy for Boot camp too! Thanks You
So sorry to hear that... My dad my comments after both my pregnancies.... It is hurtful. If you need an ear or suggestions along the way just ask. This is the perfect tool for you! Best of luck!!!
I love the above advice, it is great. I find when I take my Children to either granparents house I get the same results. I now, actually pack my own food and take it with me. Most of the time I stick with it and sometimes I have my food and a taste of theirs..... It is hard to be strong because my parents are farmers and…
pre work out I like 1% cottage chees and a pear after work out I talk 1 scoop whey powder & water ... there are some great ones out there I like bananas, 1/4 cup of almonds or any nuts or seeds blueberries pomgrants lara bars.. in natural food section jocolate bars mint reallly yummy Quinoa (ceral heated with cinamon)…
just be consistant in the time you weigh yourself. I weigh in wed or fridays after I get out of bed @ 7. Best of luck with your journey...
Kitchener, ON
I was stuck at my last 20lbs for a long time. What worked for me was a clean eating lifestyle change. It sounds crazy but I cut out refined sugars processed food and alcohol. I lost 10lbs in the first 2 weeks and hardly ever have watched my calories since. It sounds like theres not a lot of choice for food but there is.…
Great work! Keep it up!
Happy Thursday to you too!
Glad to hear everyone is Okay! Congrats at the weight loss! Awesome job !
Thanks everyone for the great ideas
Congrats on reaching your goal! You must be so proud of yourself. Hope the time passes fast till your hubby get home
I love a 1/4 cup of wild blueberries....... Best ever MMmmm
I weigh myself daily in the morning. It works best for me and motivates me for the week to come. I am lucky that my weight seems to stay the same or go down..... So I am usually not upset aftera weigh in. It is just those long times where the scale doesn't move at all that frustrates me :-) You need to find what works best…
Good Morning and Welcome! Best of luck in your Journey
I find it really hard to keep on schedule on weekends. I keep a list of snacks and meals on my fridge that I have already enjoyed and know the cals for. It helps me make better choices. I have a range of different meals with higher and lower cals. I also found that if I didn't eat enough Breakfast that is was better for me…
Monday's are always full of surprises :-) This morning it was headcolds for my daughter and I ... Hoping like crazy that my son and husband don't catch them from us ! Hope the rest of your day stays on track
I agree with the lady above. Lots of squats and lunges are good too. Best of luck
Beautiful Picture! I am a mother of 2 with in the last 5 yrs. I founf the weight loss very different each time. My first was easier to loose weight after. My 2nd was another story. I found it hard to find commitment times for exercise and keeping a clean diet was harder to because I was making a lot of convenience meals.…
Hello Just started here and Love the site already! I would love to join this Challenge. Great idea! Start Weight 165 Goal weight 135 Have yet to do measurements Thanks for helping to motivate me :-)