What to do with the WEEKENDS!!!!!!!!!

So I had a complete breakdown last week, not focused on my eating and I wasn't even login into MFP. I was doing better at the end of last week, but when the weekend got here.........total drop, I went to Ale house for chicken wings, I had beer, I wen to a bbq, had about 7 glasses of wine and bread and yesterday for the Super Bowl I had one burger, one burger patty by itself (no buns) then later we had steak with rice and bean!!! ohh and beer!

Also, last week I was stressed out because of a test I had and when I got home (at 8:00 pm) I had a bowl of bean and rice!!!!

So, I have identified that weekend are horrible and my stress is bad. I have not told my friends that I am on a diet because since I have been on one forever they tend to be like 'Nathalie on a diet!, whatever' and I hate it, it completly brings me down. So my conclusion is that I cannot go out and have fun on weekends because I pig out, I can seem to control my self!!!

Any suggestions on how to deaql with these issues?


  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    First off don't let a bad spot get you down. Refocus and come back stronger. You only fail if you stay down.

    Second, tell your friends that you are changing your lifestyle so that food no longer controls you. If they are truely friends they will try to help, not pooh-pooh you and offer you more wings or beer.

    Third, if you feel that you get out of control when you go out then try to eat something healthy and filling before you leave. Be the designated driver and drink TONS of water. If you still can't control it, then just avoid those places and suggest other things to do with your friends.

    Lastly, see if you can't get someone else to help you and join you. Friends and family are best, but ask for help here and you can normally find encouragement. Best of luck. Rock On!
  • Kirsten2577
    Kirsten2577 Posts: 23 Member
    I love the above advice, it is great. I find when I take my Children to either granparents house I get the same results. I now, actually pack my own food and take it with me. Most of the time I stick with it and sometimes I have my food and a taste of theirs..... It is hard to be strong because my parents are farmers and it is the food I grew up with but with support from my husband and now that my parents and in laws are used to it, it is much easier. I do also do this from time to time at restraunts. As long as I order a drink or a light salad they don't bother me. Hope this helps and best of luck on your journey!
  • sdirks
    sdirks Posts: 223 Member
    Eating something healthy at home before I go out always helps me. Also, I try to go online and read the menu for wherever I'm going so that I can choose the best option and log my calories before I leave the house. If you already know what you're eating, it's easier to just order it and stick to it.

    Just remember: it's now or later. Do you want to feel good by eating junk food now, only to feel bad about yourself and your body later? Or can you ignore the whim right now and be healthy and happier later?
  • hilthealth
    hilthealth Posts: 3 Member

    Anyone who loves beer and wings has these same issues....weekends are brutally tough. I can't say that this is great advice, but I can tell you what works for me.

    First off, I allow myself 1 cheat day a week, and 1 semi-cheat day. What I mean by that is say on Saturday, I will let myself go if I want to. Wings, beer, pizza...it's on. Sunday may be a semi-cheat day. I won't go completely off the wagon, but I will allow myself a few beers and maybe have a steak, but nothing fried like on my cheat day.

    One thing that I've found is that I used to go out an have a couple dozen wings. Not too long into the diet, I found I can't eat as much anymore. I am stuffed on one dozen wings.

    Generally after the weekend, I don't feel very well and am disgusted with myself, so it is easy to get back on the diet for me.

    The most important thing that I found is to track everything, every day. Even cheat days. It's amazing when you look back at a day of falling off the wagon and see how many calories and fat you really can jam into your body.

    One other main thing is don't get discouraged. If your friends are really true friends, they will try to help you. I let as many people know as possible that I am trying to lose a few pounds. They may not know it, but subconciously I've found that the people around me will help when they know what I am trying to do. They don't offer the sweets and snacks as often as they would if I was shoveling them down my gullet every time they saw me.

    Again, I don' t know if this is good advice or not, but I have been allowing myself these cheats since January and have lost 13 pounds. Sure, I could have probably lost more if I hadn't cheated each week, but realistically if I restrict myself too much, I won't be able to stick to the diet anyway.

    Hope this helps..

    Best of luck!!!!
  • nrojas
    Your third point is great. I usually don't eat much in the day to 'save' calories for the night. You are absilutley right..of course by the time I go out it is late and I am starving and I eat like a pig. I am completly doing it wrong!

    Thank you!