Meals and calories

Maybe a stupid question but I hope someone will answer me anyway. :blushing:

Yesterday morning I woke up extremely late and I had a hard time getting all of my calories in through the day since I pretty much missed breakfast. I had an egg and peice of toast when I woke up to get me going. Then, I couldn't decide if I should have a bigger "lunch" or a bigger supper. If I have to eat a 700-800 calorie meal (healthy) would it have been better to have it for lunch or dinner? I ended up eating a pb&j sandwich and then a big supper. I am thinking that I should have had a big lunch and more normal supper.


  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    Maybe a stupid question but I hope someone will answer me anyway. :blushing:

    Yesterday morning I woke up extremely late and I had a hard time getting all of my calories in through the day since I pretty much missed breakfast. I had an egg and peice of toast when I woke up to get me going. Then, I couldn't decide if I should have a bigger "lunch" or a bigger supper. If I have to eat a 700-800 calorie meal (healthy) would it have been better to have it for lunch or dinner? I ended up eating a pb&j sandwich and then a big supper. I am thinking that I should have had a big lunch and more normal supper.
  • mickie
    mickie Posts: 183
    Yup, you're right. If you can't get in 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day, it is definitely better to eat a large breakfast, medium lunch and small dinner.:happy:
  • mdimarco929
    you should split your meals up into 4-6 smaller meals throughout the day from when you wake to when you sleep. Eat every 2-3 hours. This will increase your metabolism and get you your body into fat buring mode. You also wont have to worry about eating 7-800 cals in one sitting b/c all of you other meals will be much smaller.
  • HipsLipsMama
    I dont have anything at my fingertips to back this up, but from research ive done in the past, its better to eat a bigger breaskfast and lunch and then a small dinner. Your digestive system starts to "shut down" or "go to sleep" at night, so food is more quickly and effectively digested during the day before 3pm. I wish I had a link so you could read about this, but I dont right now :sad:

    Also the goal of sleep is for your body to rejuvenate itself, repair damaged cells, repair muscles from working out, etc. If it has to spend that time digesting food, over time it will take a toll on your body. One day though is no big deal :)
  • Kirsten2577
    Kirsten2577 Posts: 23 Member
    I find it really hard to keep on schedule on weekends. I keep a list of snacks and meals on my fridge that I have already enjoyed and know the cals for. It helps me make better choices. I have a range of different meals with higher and lower cals. I also found that if I didn't eat enough Breakfast that is was better for me to eat a healthier larger lunch or I would tend to cave at supper. Hopes this helps K
  • forestdancers
    forestdancers Posts: 146 Member
    Hi dimplzz

    From anything that I haver read about weight loss (and I've read a lot) says that the larger meals should be earlier in the day so that the calories can be burned off during the day's activities. However if your still below your calorie goal for the day even eating a larger healthy supper shouldn't set you back at all since in the weightloss game the calorie is king. Staying under the goal calories will still result in weight loss.
    Hope that helps.

    Best of luck
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    Ok thanks so much guys! It is so crazy because since I have started eating better and exercising. I don't find myself snacking as much as I used to... I always used to eat a lot of smaller, unhealthy meals and still never got close to 1380 calories. Now, I am getting those calories with one snack and 3 meals. I guess I need to make my meals less and more snacks. I soooo appreciate the feedback. Thanks sooo much!
    On a normal day, does this look good?

  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Also - depending on what your calorie goals are a day - you may need to eat less on the days that you sleep in. Your metabolism slows while you are sleeping and just sitting around. I would not go under the 1000-1200 minimum but I dont know what your daily intake goals are, but just take into account that the more you sleep (generally speaking, I imagine at some point you sleep TOO little it messes with your metabolism also, but the more you sleep than USUAL) the less calories you will burn that day. Especially if your general metabolic rate in your profile is based on being active and not stationary!
  • mdimarco929
    dont think of the inbetween meals as snack think of them as just another meal, most of your carbs(starches) should be eaten withing the first 2-3 meals of the day and the rest of the meals should consist of protein and veggies and some good fats like EVOO or fish oil or raw nuts... hope that helps!
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    such great advice! Thanks everyone. I will try and remember all of this. I usually sleep in a little longer one day on the weekend. I work full time, part-time and have a 15 month old so I take what I can get that ONE day per week. :laugh: I will eat a little less that day.

    mdimarco929-GREAT advice! It makes so much sense!

    You are all so wonderful!