I grew up with horses, so no, I wont try it. Same reason I wont eat dog and I just hate cats with a passion so I wont eat that either. I did have goat once in St Lucia. It was like a yucky beef. If i had grown up with pigs or cows as pets, I probably wouldnt eat those either. But since I didnt, bring on the burgers and the…
What is that? Does that mean "TMI" or something? Hahaha.
I like Carrie Fisher's quote. I lost a supermodel!! LOL.
I almost passed out (twice) when they put my Mirena in. I couldnt imagine giving birth through my stomach or my vadge.
Yeah, I love it when people say "What about his REAL mom" regarding my son. Yes, he is adopted and yes, I am his mother. I agree that you didnt owe that woman one word of an explanation....glad you made it through!!!
I brought my baby boy home almost three years ago!! Adoption rocks!
I shat and puked everywhere simultaneously.
Did 20 miles today!!!! Im up to 36 for November. Not too bad. I wont be spinning as much in the next two weeks though. Out of town :(
A bunch of friends and I are running a 5k Thanksgiving Day. Im sure there is one near you even you have to walk it. Helps the homeless and mught motivate you to NOT go back for seconds or load up. :)
I hate adderall and think its dangerous poison. THere are other "alternative" avenues/therapies you could try instead. I only say that because Adderall is currently ripping our family apart because the user is abusing it. Its terrible for your body. Its says Amphetamine right on the bottle.
Idont care if its her real image or her "fake" image. Being a drunken *kitten* is not sexy. Case in point:
16 miles first thing this morning! I blew out my knee running so biking it is!!
that drunk *kitten* Ke$ha. Ugh.
Yes yes yes! Buy a shirt and try it on every few weeks. Measure inches. Scales ARE evil and must be thrown out the window. I started working out at size 16 and now Im an 8 but have only last 20 or so pounds. But Im on my way to being RIPPED! hang in there!
I just went to see Star Anna and The Laughing Dogs at Black Cat Bar last night!!!!. They are from Washington and are pretty damn good.
Best. Post. By. Far.
I have the same problem. I plan on asking the teacher. A rough estimate is fine Im sure. As long as you dont inlfate it a little. Ha Ha! Good luck everyone! IM totally in!!!! Mallorie
I like kourtney anyway. She keeps it real.
What difference does it make what her wedding costs? Her and her husband have jobs. My wedding cost $25,000 and my husband and I paid for it with our money, from the jobs we have, And thats my business.
The New Jersey Housewives are much more entertaining...
you just described what happens when my husband and I go to the gym together. LOL We dont go together anymore or we drive seperate. I do 2 hrs and he likes 1hr or less.
crap. i did 1 thousand of these badboys yesterday, dammit. ok. im in. after cycling.
I second this. Eff him. He deserves no more of your time. And If I may be so frank: have some dignity. Stop internet stalking him. Move on.
Why does Mattel assume that tattooed women would wear that god awful outfit???
I think parents need to step up to the effing plate and parent their children. Stop blaming all of society's problems on outside influences. Its called accountability and very few parents have it anymore. Im so sick of this mentality. And second, whats wrong with tattoos? I have tattoos and my 2 yr old son walks over every…
Yes! 1 in 4 pregnancies usually end in m/c. Ive had two. There are so many options out there if you have problems getting pregnant later in life.
What does your DR think? Have you had basic bloodwork done lately? BMI is such BS these days. I get a check up every six months. Bloodwork and some other stuff. Luckily our GP is also a friend. I have heart disease serious in my family so I like to be checked.
Ummm, I dont wear makeup to the gym but I TOTALLY wear make up to my races. Whats wrong with that? There are photgraphers there! And I was raised a good little Southern girl. We dont leave the house without at least lipstick and mascara!