Are you SERIOUS?!?!?! Beging Rant... ( Ladies)



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Never had a C-section, but from what I understand, it's much more painful than the "regular" way. In fact, the pushing the baby out part didn't hurt at all (for me). All the pain was the contractions leading up to that.

    And, seriously? You're not a real mother if you don't have a natural labor and delivery? What is wrong with people?
  • First off Congratulations on the Baby!! You are most indeed a real mom.

    Second shes a real As@hole :) and didnt even deserve to be strangled by you!! Though i'm sure the temptation was unmeasurable. Kudos for keeping I would have flipped out mom present or not.

    some people are a waste of good Oxygen!
  • madameduffay
    madameduffay Posts: 166 Member

    I'm not a mother, but I have lots of friends who have had babies. It amazes me the stigma that comes with have c-sections. I don't get it.

    It seems to me that any danger to your babies' life, not to mention yours, qualifies as a painful enough delivery.

    More importantly, who cares? There is lots of pain to come from the sounds of it. lol

    Anyway, congratulations on the new baby.

  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    So she did her childbirth naturaly? No epidural or anything huh? She's a loser, and i am glad you and your baby are alive. :)
  • If I had been there I wouldn't have been able to control myself. I would've unleashed a verbal fury of unholy rage upon her.

    So congrats on your high level of self control. Haha.
  • I almost passed out (twice) when they put my Mirena in. I couldnt imagine giving birth through my stomach or my vadge.
  • JoJo_fat2fab
    JoJo_fat2fab Posts: 297 Member
    I almost passed out (twice) when they put my Mirena in. I couldnt imagine giving birth through my stomach or my vadge.

    lololol that was a piece of tres leches cake for me lol
  • I almost passed out (twice) when they put my Mirena in. I couldnt imagine giving birth through my stomach or my vadge.

    lololol that was a piece of tres leches cake for me lol

    What is that? Does that mean "TMI" or something? Hahaha.
  • JoJo_fat2fab
    JoJo_fat2fab Posts: 297 Member
    I almost passed out (twice) when they put my Mirena in. I couldnt imagine giving birth through my stomach or my vadge.

    lololol that was a piece of tres leches cake for me lol

    What is that? Does that mean "TMI" or something? Hahaha.

    What tres leches??? Its the most wonderful you'll ever taste..
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    So I was at the hair salon and this lady I haven't seem since I was pregnant (baby is 6 months now) said to me " So you gave birth huh, how's the baby, did you do it naturally?" I told her I had an emergency c-section. She look at me straight in my eyes and said "Oh you don't know what being a mother is then. You need to feel the pain"

    ARE YOU ****ING KIDDING ME?!?!?!

    Well I didn't want to be rude because my mommy was there, so I just explained to her what happened. That I wanted to give birth naturally and while I was in labor I started bleeding too much and the doctors needed to get the baby out before it was "too late" . My baby was born at 6:17am and I was in the OR until 12:35PM because the doctors couldn't stop my bleeding and I had ten doctors debating whether or not they were going to remove my uterus. I needed a blood transfusion (4 pints). Thank God I'm alive and well taking care of my baby and husband.

    All she said was, " well maybe next time you'll know"

    I really wanted to choke her...

    **Sorry for the length of the story**

    END RANT..

    Ok - whoever that is - she's a douche. Seriously.

    Congrats new Momma!!
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Ohh that story made me :angry: I would so love to have been there :noway: I am adopted and I've had my mum since I was 6 days old love her to bits!

    Who was she to say what is considered a "mum" isn't it someone who is there to nurture and care for a child, to be there if they cut their knee or break up with their first boyfriend etc. ...

    IMHO I have the best parents in the world and wouldn't change a single thing ... to me they are my mum & dad :heart: :heart:

    Glad you got thru the birth and congrats on your new baby :drinker: mummy! :bigsmile:

    PS I am mum to 3 gorgeous Bichons and 2 kitties bet that would really upset her seeing as they are furkids :wink: :laugh:
  • EnufAlready
    EnufAlready Posts: 77 Member
    Here's the good news - when you reach 60 like me, you finally start to express how you really feel and tell *****es like that to **** off and die.

    Here's the bad news, you can't then go back and slap all the people you wish you had slapped in the past when they were so cruel to you.

    I really wish I could go back to the hospital where I gave birth to my son 40 years ago and slap all those nurses that were so cruel to me. I was a single parent - not so common then - and I was all alone in the hospital. They were so horrible to me, they kept yelling at me when I was writhing in pain because I was moving the bed, they made me walk to delivery and climb on the table myself and then left me there alone because they didn't think the baby was coming (it was). And then!!!! I apologized for being bad!!!! After I had my son the doctor leaned over, put my glasses on me and said, "Can you see me now? I'm dr eisen. I'm the one you pay."

    It took me quite a few years to become more assertive and now I DARE anyone to treat me like trash because they'll be the one climbing out of the nearest dumpster. I might be little and old but I am FIERCE.

    Do I sound bitter? Oops!

  • JoJo_fat2fab
    JoJo_fat2fab Posts: 297 Member
    Here's the good news - when you reach 60 like me, you finally start to express how you really feel and tell *****es like that to **** off and die.

    Here's the bad news, you can't then go back and slap all the people you wish you had slapped in the past when they were so cruel to you.

    I really wish I could go back to the hospital where I gave birth to my son 40 years ago and slap all those nurses that were so cruel to me. I was a single parent - not so common then - and I was all alone in the hospital. They were so horrible to me, they kept yelling at me when I was writhing in pain because I was moving the bed, they made me walk to delivery and climb on the table myself and then left me there alone because they didn't think the baby was coming (it was). And then!!!! I apologized for being bad!!!! After I had my son the doctor leaned over, put my glasses on me and said, "Can you see me now? I'm dr eisen. I'm the one you pay."

    It took me quite a few years to become more assertive and now I DARE anyone to treat me like trash because they'll be the one climbing out of the nearest dumpster. I might be little and old but I am FIERCE.

    Do I sound bitter? Oops!


    WOW that is just horrible and nope, not bitter just like you said FIERCE lol
  • Excuse my language but that lady was a ignorant b***h!! In this crazy world their are drug addicts and abusive women that give birth and they are not mothers!! Being a mother is loving,cherishing and protecting your children not giving birth or carrying a child doesn't make you or any one else less then a mother or women! I'm so glad you and your baby are healthy, take care hun!!
  • I know how you feel. I didn't have to have a c-section, but I did have the excessive bleeding and also needed 4 pints of blood. I know how hard it is to not be able to hold your baby or even get out of bed for days. I did use an epidural, but it wore off before I was ready to deliver. I have had a lot of people have criticize me for that.

    I am sorry that she said those things to you. I am glad you kept your cool though. I don't think I could have done that. :flowerforyou: