Are you SERIOUS?!?!?! Beging Rant... ( Ladies)



  • So I was at the hair salon and this lady I haven't seem since I was pregnant (baby is 6 months now) said to me " So you gave birth huh, how's the baby, did you do it naturally?" I told her I had an emergency c-section. She look at me straight in my eyes and said "Oh you don't know what being a mother is then. You need to feel the pain"

    ARE YOU ****ING KIDDING ME?!?!?!

    Well I didn't want to be rude because my mommy was there, so I just explained to her what happened. That I wanted to give birth naturally and while I was in labor I started bleeding too much and the doctors needed to get the baby out before it was "too late" . My baby was born at 6:17am and I was in the OR until 12:35PM because the doctors couldn't stop my bleeding and I had ten doctors debating whether or not they were going to remove my uterus. I needed a blood transfusion (4 pints). Thank God I'm alive and well taking care of my baby and husband.

    All she said was, " well maybe next time you'll know"

    I really wanted to choke her...

    **Sorry for the length of the story**

    END RANT..

    Wow, just wow. This just goes to show that there are some real dumbasses in this world. You have to overlook nonsense like this... some people are just too ignorant for words.
  • JoJo_fat2fab
    JoJo_fat2fab Posts: 297 Member

    Anyway, enough of this chit-chat, I'm off to sweep the cave while my husband goes out hunting for Woolly Mammoths.

  • regions02
    regions02 Posts: 154 Member
    As my husband always says "You just can't fix stupid"! I had my child naturally but I've known women who had to have C-sections and always thought that would be a LOT harder.
  • erinserin
    erinserin Posts: 79 Member
    I have a 1 year old and I dont think it matters if you have a drug free birth, book your c section in two months in advance or have a baby you love and nurture and are a mum!

    Some people are rude and ignorant.
  • julslea
    julslea Posts: 436 Member
    Well Said!

    I have a 1 year old and I dont think it matters if you have a drug free birth, book your c section in two months in advance or have a baby you love and nurture and are a mum!

    Some people are rude and ignorant.
  • JoJo_fat2fab
    JoJo_fat2fab Posts: 297 Member
    I have a 1 year old and I dont think it matters if you have a drug free birth, book your c section in two months in advance or have a baby you love and nurture and are a mum!

    Some people are rude and ignorant.

  • Goofy076
    Goofy076 Posts: 287 Member
    OMG what a jerk!!!! I am so sorry you have to deal with such morons!!! you are one of the most beautiful , amazing mommies i ever met so tell those jerks to go scratch it!!!!!!

    Thank you Kimmie :flowerforyou:

    love ya toots <3
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    I actually wanted to kill people who said caesareans were the easy option after having one. How being cut open, membranes ripped, STAPLED not stitched back together, all the while being able to feel it all, a couple of hours after having major abdominal surgery that if it were a hysterectomy (which is incidentally pretty much the same operation), you would be restricted to bed for at least a couple of days, having to get up, with the catheter still attached, wash yourself and all the blood off you, change nappies at regular intervals, lift a 9 1/2 lb baby (FUN when your abdominal muscles have just been severed), breastfeed which causes contractions in the very place you have just been cut open (the pain of that is actually indescribable), have to get up and walk to find a midwife to ask them for pain relief, even simple paracetamol, and then being stuck in there, in mid July, with no air-conditioning, in a ward with 15 other mothers and their new babies, all screaming every hour of the night for 5 days........How exactly is THAT the easy option??????? Oh, and I forgot to add, All that was after 21 hours of full on labour, throughout which I was throwing up, and after 3 nights of no sleep.
    Then there's a 12 weeks of scar infections, and feeling like you are going to split open every time you lift something.

    I have done it the natural way too, and I know which I'd choose 100 times over. The pain of a natural birth is NOTHING in comparison.

    This is one subject I get properly furious about.

    Rightly so! I'd be furious too! Being a parent no matter how it happened is hard as hell! I don't even have children & even I know that. Stupid people...
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    WOW! Some people truly amaze me. Sounds like you went through a very scary ordeal and are very lucky! I've had 1 completely natural birth, no drugs before, during or after then 2 c-sections, like you not by choice. I'd go through natural before a c-section ever again if it had been up to me. They don't even compare pain wise!! Besides as others said the birthing method has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not you're a mother!
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Giving birth does NOT make you a mommy!

    THIS! Definately a rude thing to say...I know plenty of women who have had kids naturally and don't have a clue about being a good "mommy".
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    Giving birth does NOT make you a mommy! Neither does 'feeling the pain' Holy crikey YOu went thru a hell of a lot more pain than me!

    ^^ This!!
    Bless you for going through what you did. You and your child are blessed to be here today. I think that you went through more than most of us do when giving birth.
  • Wow. She's dumb.
  • JoJo_fat2fab
    JoJo_fat2fab Posts: 297 Member
    Thank you Everyone!
  • MartyMullen
    MartyMullen Posts: 10 Member
    Women who have had Cesarian birth's are my hero's. I had a hysterectomy this year, after 4 (now grown) children. I couldn't imagine recuperating from major abdominal trauma, which I thought was hell, AND looking after a newborn. You and all mother's like you, have my unguarded esteem.
  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,438 Member
    the ignorance of some people. I gave birth naturally and believe me, it was less painful and less stressful then what you went through. Don't dwell on her negativity, celebrate that you and your baby both made it through the ordeal.
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    So I was at the hair salon and this lady I haven't seem since I was pregnant (baby is 6 months now) said to me " So you gave birth huh, how's the baby, did you do it naturally?" I told her I had an emergency c-section. She look at me straight in my eyes and said "Oh you don't know what being a mother is then. You need to feel the pain"

    ARE YOU ****ING KIDDING ME?!?!?!

    Well I didn't want to be rude because my mommy was there, so I just explained to her what happened. That I wanted to give birth naturally and while I was in labor I started bleeding too much and the doctors needed to get the baby out before it was "too late" . My baby was born at 6:17am and I was in the OR until 12:35PM because the doctors couldn't stop my bleeding and I had ten doctors debating whether or not they were going to remove my uterus. I needed a blood transfusion (4 pints). Thank God I'm alive and well taking care of my baby and husband.

    All she said was, " well maybe next time you'll know"

    I really wanted to choke her...

    **Sorry for the length of the story**

    END RANT..

    As my blood boils....You should've choked her. I had a c-section due to a breach baby. That's a very traumatic experience you had, thank goodness you and the baby are ok. What a total b*tch. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Grrrrr. That was a well deserved rant you posted.
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    Someone who says something that ignorant.. doesn't deserve an explanation or a response. I would ignore her "words of wisdom" as much as I would take medical advice from a crack dealer.

    very happy to hear that you and the baby are okay. That must have been very, very scary.
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    I actually wanted to kill people who said caesareans were the easy option after having one. How being cut open, membranes ripped, STAPLED not stitched back together, all the while being able to feel it all, a couple of hours after having major abdominal surgery that if it were a hysterectomy (which is incidentally pretty much the same operation), you would be restricted to bed for at least a couple of days, having to get up, with the catheter still attached, wash yourself and all the blood off you, change nappies at regular intervals, lift a 9 1/2 lb baby (FUN when your abdominal muscles have just been severed), breastfeed which causes contractions in the very place you have just been cut open (the pain of that is actually indescribable), have to get up and walk to find a midwife to ask them for pain relief, even simple paracetamol, and then being stuck in there, in mid July, with no air-conditioning, in a ward with 15 other mothers and their new babies, all screaming every hour of the night for 5 days........How exactly is THAT the easy option??????? Oh, and I forgot to add, All that was after 21 hours of full on labour, throughout which I was throwing up, and after 3 nights of no sleep.
    Then there's a 12 weeks of scar infections, and feeling like you are going to split open every time you lift something.

    I have done it the natural way too, and I know which I'd choose 100 times over. The pain of a natural birth is NOTHING in comparison.

    This is one subject I get properly furious about.

    Yeah ^. Let her feel this pain! There is no shortage of stupid a-holes in this world...*shakes head*
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I'm sorry you dealt with that. Nobody should ever judge another woman for having an emergency c-section. The important thing is that you ended up with a healthy baby, and you're healthy too. That woman is nuts. I hope you don't take her rudeness to heart. You have NOTHING to be ashamed of. *hugs*
  • Yeah, I love it when people say "What about his REAL mom" regarding my son. Yes, he is adopted and yes, I am his mother. I agree that you didnt owe that woman one word of an explanation....glad you made it through!!!